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Symbolic Meanings of Hummingbirds | Your guardian angel

Do hummingbirds carry messages from the spirit? There are many legends about the magical and spiritual meaning of the hummingbird.

Hummingbirds are often said to have a way of happily floating in the air out of time.

In Native American cultures, hummingbirds have long been portrayed as healers, light bearers, and helpers of the Spirit who bring luck, joy, and love to those they encounter.

One thing is certain, hummingbirds definitely have a way of opening our hearts and eyes to the wonders of the world.

Hummingbird Symbolism

Hummingbirds are among the smallest of all birds. They are incredible acrobatics and can fly up, down, backwards, they can change direction in an instant and effortlessly go from top speed to practically standing still in the blink of an eye. This is partly due to how light they are, with some hummingbirds not weighing more than a penny.

This reminds us the power of adaptability. Being willing to step back, observe, look at things from a new perspective, and then quickly take action as needed.

Her physical lightness is also a beautiful reminder for us to light up too! If we allow ourselves to release the weight of doubt, fear, and worry… Like the hummingbird, our spirits can begin to soar and soar as we continue on our path of joy.

Hummingbirds are the only bird that has the ability to hover for long periods of time.

The way the hummingbird hovers in the air is very symbolic in itself, because they move their wings in a figure-of-eight pattern, an infinity symbol!

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In this, the hummingbird has a special way of teaching us to move beyond time, to heal what has happened in the past, and to fully center our presence and awareness in the moment that is now.

“Hummingbirds light up our hearts and help us reclaim our power as infinite spiritual beings of light”

Another incredibly symbolic feature of the hummingbird is that it drinks nectar from flowers. As a result, always they seek the sweetness of life and they teach us to do the same through their example.

With their long, narrow bills and even longer tongues, hummingbirds can overcome the harsh, bitter exteriors of plants to fully immerse themselves in the sweetness within.

The nectar of life is, of course, one of the ultimate symbols of joy. Hummingbirds represent just that – living a life full of joy, light and sweetness – as they flutter from flower to flower they are fully present in the moment, completely following the path of joy.

If you’ve ever heard the soft buzz of a hummingbird’s wings, you’ll realize it’s very different, too. This hum is said to carry healing light and magical energy, which hummingbirds have a way of bringing to us on various levels.

Hummingbirds carry messages from angels

In addition to the beautiful guidance that we can receive directly from hummingbirds by looking at their symbolic meaning, or tuning in to their healing light and loving presence…

Very often our Angels and loved ones in Spirit choose hummingbirds to convey their messages.

They can guide hummingbirds to hum to validate their spiritual presence and send us cues and reminders to follow our joy, stay in the light, and be present in the moment.

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Your loved ones in Heaven may choose a hummingbird to enter your space as validation and assurance that they are okay and their soul lives on.

So if you keep seeing hummingbirds singing.

Pay attention!

What does it mean to you to see the hummingbird?

Take a moment to calm your mind, open your heart, and look within to tune in to the sweet wisdom, and incredible gifts of light and presence that hummingbirds bring.

They have a lot to teach us… And they have a way of entering the lives of those who are in need, or just ready for their joy and light.

If you feel that hummingbirds represent something else that is not mentioned… You are right! Let your own heart and intuition reveal exactly what the sweet little hummingbird has to offer you at this very moment.

Has the hummingbird arrived with a message for you?

With gratitude,

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