You wonder if Archangel Michael is really with you. In this article you will learn the top 5 signs that he is!
Archangel Michael is the powerful Archangel of protection and Divine Will. In addition to Archangel Michael being a powerful leader of the angels, he also directly assists and supports humanity when called upon.
Not sure when to call on Archangel Michael?
Actually, whenever you are dealing with negativity, are struggling to calm your mind, or if you feel like you need protection in any way, Archangel Michael is the Archangel to call on…
Of course he is available for much more, as the full extent of his work and service is truly enormous. He has a whole legion of angels that work directly with him and that support him in his work and mission and, curiously, because Archangel Michael connects with us through the sun and is directly involved with humanity. He was one of the easiest archangels to feel, hear and connect with.
I have written about Archangel Michael before so if you want to know more about him and his role as Archangel click here.
In this article I want to share some key signs to look for to know when he is really with you.
But first, know that if you want to experience Michael’s protection, love, guidance and presence, it’s important to ask! Asking is, of course, the key for him to step up and make himself known to you.
You don’t have to use a special prayer from Archangel Michael, or even formally ask for his protection…
You can just think or say:
“Archangel Michael, please help me, protect me and guide me now.”
And when you ask, he will step up to help you.
So now, let’s talk about the signs so you can tell when he’s with you.
5 Signs of Archangel Michael
1. Feeling a warm tingling sensation
Archangel Michael Feeling The first sign of Michael that I want to share comes through his simple feeling of his light and presence.
When Archangel Michael steps forward, toward me, his energy feels so bright and warm and uplifting. I feel it as a warm tingling sensation throughout my being. Feeling this warm tingling sensation on your body is a sign that he is with you.
You may feel your energy shift, lighten, or you may simply feel as if your cells are glowing and tingling with light as you become aware of its presence with your subtle senses.
You may also feel as if you literally have an orb of light around you protecting you when Michael steps forward to guide or protect you energetically.
Archangel Michael is an Archangel of the Sun, and carries electric blue fire. This is part of why that warm tingling sensation is a sign that he’s with you.
If you don’t resonate with my description of how Archangel Michael feels, and you feel something else, pay attention to that as it may be different for you. Really, describing what angelic energy feels like is beyond words… So pay attention to how you feel, and if you notice a subtle change after calling AA Michael because, that tingling, glow, or just feeling so incredibly light and raised is a clear sign that Archangel Michael is indeed with you, has responded to your request, and is helping you in your life.
2. See flashing or flickering light
The second sign that Miguel is with you is that you begin to see or notice flickers, flashes, flashes of light.
As I mentioned earlier, Archangel Michael is deeply connected to the sun and carries the energy of electrical fire, so anytime you connect with Archangel Michael, the likelihood of seeing flashes of light, sparks of light in water, orbs bluish purples or geometries of light are clear signs of Archangel Michael.
You might see this type of light in your meditations, appearing in your mind’s eye, or you might see physical lights flickering, flashing, or notice a shimmer of light or a halo appearing in your field of vision.
Additionally, Archangel Michael has a way of connecting with humanity through a kind of web of light, this is how he is able to connect with all who call upon him at once. So you may even see flickers or visions of this web of light when you connect with Archangel Michael.
3. See photos of the Archangel Michael, swords or warriors
The third sign that Miguel is helping you is that you start to see images of him appearing in your life.
These images could appear on your social media timeline, in a commercial, or you can simply view them when you’re out and about. In addition to images that are clearly representative of Archangel Michael, you might also see images of swords, warriors, or shields, and actually, seeing any type of protection or warrior imagery can be a sign of Archangel Michael. This is especially true when you view these images and the time you view them is synchronized.
Also, when you keep seeing images of Miguel at different times and places, it is a very clear sign that he is with you and wants to get your attention.
However, this sign does not only come through images and can also be manifested through your sculptures of noticing, or works of art that represent Archangel Michael or other symbols of Archangel Michael such as shields, swords or warriors.
When you start to see the artwork and symbolism of Archangel Michael, after you have called for help, it is a great sign of his presence.
4. You listen and receive angelic guidance
The fourth sign that Archangel Michael is really with you and helps you, guides you, protects you and supports you, is that you start listening to guidance.
This guidance can come through your inner sense of hearing, through your clear-hearing, or through your inner voice.
You can simply receive guidance from Michael in the form of thoughts that empower you, that support you, that remind you that you are safe, that remind you that you are surrounded by light, and that remind you that you are okay. Receiving this type of guidance, however subtle, is a great sign of Archangel Michael’s presence.
Especially when you receive guidance after asking Michael for insight, protection, or support.
Listening to guidance as a sign from Archangel Michael can also come in another way. You can listen to little bits or pieces of other people’s conversations that give you a sense of confirmation or validation.
For example, let’s say you ask Archangel Michael for protection or support when you are walking down the street, and shortly after you pass a small cafeteria, and as you pass, you overhear the conversation of two people sitting outside… And someone says: “Yes Michael , that’s great”.
This is a sign!
When you work with Archangel Michael, you may begin to see, hear, and notice Michael’s name more. This is a beautiful sign and validation.
Also, you can listen to a bit of a conversation that seems to stand out to you as a guide or confirmation.
For example, you may hear someone say “You should eat healthier… start with more vegetables…” and even though they weren’t speaking to you… you heard it for a reason.
When you hear the guidance in this way, and feel that it is for you, trust that and take it as a sign from Archangel Michael.
5. You feel watched and protected
Last but not least, the fifth sign of Archangel Michael’s presence in your life is that you feel protected.
You can feel that someone is taking care of you. You feel like you are being guided, supported, uplifted, and most importantly, protected.
When Archangel Michael connects directly with you, he places light in your energy field that acts as a kind of shield. This naturally feels uplifting, protective, supportive, and therefore empowering.
Of course, you have to be sensitive to be able to feel Archangel Michael’s light and shield, so if you don’t feel it, don’t judge yourself or say you’re not connected to Archangel Michael.
Rather, start paying more attention to your subtle feelings and sensations when you ask Archangel Michael to step forward.
Do you feel like you are being watched?
Do you feel supported?
If you’re walking home at night, and you turn onto the wrong street and it’s dark, and you feel a bit of self-doubt or even fear that your mood will rise and then you think or say “Archangel Michael protects me now” …
And suddenly you feel a little better, trusting that he has stepped up to help you on your way.
Feeling supported and protected is a sign that Archangel Michael is with you.
Invite the presence of help to all your angels
Whether you are experiencing any of these signs or not… Remember to invite into the presence of not only Archangel Michael, but also your personal team of guides and angels of light and love who can serve, support, help and further assist you in your life. .
The angelic realm is always there, ready and willing to help you when you ask and invite angelic help.
I hope these signs of Archangel Michael’s presence have been helpful for you to learn, and helpful for you to recognize that when you ask, you are truly assisted.
Remember to be open to how the angels’ guidance plays out in your life, as it will likely be different than what you expect.
Finally, trust your inner guidance, trust your intuition to know if what you are experiencing is a sign.
For example, if you find a butterfly sticker on the ground, and you feel that it is a sign from Archangel Michael, it probably is!
Listen to your inner guidance, because that is where the angels will start to connect with you.
Listen, trust and act on the guidance you receive, and know that you are so loved and supported by Archangel Michael and all the angels of love and light in the higher realms.
I hope this article has been useful to you again, please comment below if you enjoyed it, or comment with other signs that you recognize as Archangel Michael.
With love and blessings,