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Frozen Cucumber Hack: Frozen Cucumber Skin –

Cucumber in the eyes is refreshment? According to beauty content lovers on TikTok, yes! This made the hashtag #frozencucumberhack added more than 25 million views on this social network. And despite already being a classic homemade trick, now the cucumber has gained an upgrade in the beauty routine and the slices are now frozen before being applied to the eyes.

But does this really work? And for what? “That it is one of the most effective ways to guarantee the instant benefits of the plant in beauty”, comments the dermatologist Dr. Maria Eduarda Piresmember of the Brazilian Society of Dermatology (SBD) and the Brazilian Society of Dermatological Surgery (SBCD).


Cucumber is composed of 96% water and is a vegetable rich in vitamin C, flavonoids and caffeic acid, substances with antioxidant and oxidant properties, which have anti-aging properties, especially when included in the diet, in a balanced way.

However, according to the doctor dermatologist Dr. Geisa Costa, frozen cucumber slices do not have a fast action and the effects are only topical. “Anything that is applied cold to the eyes causes vasoconstriction (minimizes blood vessels), but it is a temporary effect. If you want, you can use it daily or when you feel you need to upgrade your look, especially before makeup, due to the benefits mentioned above”, he completes.

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Despite the numerous benefits of frozen cucumber slices for the skin, dermatologists stress that the effects are topical and momentary, and may it works for some people, while it doesn’t work for others. Applying frozen cucumber slices is considered safe for most people. But, be careful, it is contraindicated for those patients who have dermatitis, as its contact with sensitive skin can cause irritation”, warns Pires.

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If you are a fan of homemade beauty recipes or combining assets, Dr. Maria teaches: “It is possible to make a simple homemade face mask! Cut the vegetable into cubes and blend in a blender, then apply it on the face for 5 to 10 minutes. Cucumber can also be used topically with products indicated for your skin type, which brings results such as hydration and renewal of natural beauty. Also, for those looking for potent hydration for the eye area, I recommend applying an eye gel with hyaluronic acid and spreading the product with the help of cucumber. The indicated frequency of natural/homemade cosmetics or dermocosmetics with the vegetable is 1 to 2 times a week”.


Do not leave the cucumber in direct contact with the skin for a long time. “Leaving the cucumber on the skin for a long time can end up burning and staining the skin. You might get a stain, for example, for wearing something seemingly harmless. By the way, if you want to use something cold on your eyes, I suggest you don’t have direct contact. Use, for example, a very thin cloth between the cucumber and the skin”, says Costa.


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