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Holiday food: nutritionist teaches how to eat better

After spending the entire month of June enjoying celebrations with typical dishes and drinks, we have another 30 days ahead of us with the julian party foods.

There is no denying that this season’s menus are full of almost irresistible delights. However, we also need to remember that eating only green corn, hot dogs, hominy, cakes and many other options is not very healthy.

With that in mind, we consulted Ramiele Calmon, nutritionist specialist in women’s health and quality of life, and a master in food safety, who listed some important tips for you to make better choices with the food for the summer festivities.

Tips for eating better during the holidays

According to Ramiele, it is important to have healthy habits and a balanced diet during this period, especially for those who are aiming for weight loss.

“People should pay attention to this phase, because the June and July parties take place in winter, the coldest period in which we have a greater tendency to eat”, she explains.

In addition, one of the most common mistakes is to arrive at the event very hungry, which often leads to overeating.

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Finally, typical June and July dishes usually have a higher concentration of fats and carbohydrates.

“The ideal, then, is never to arrive at the party hungry, eat the usual food and go to the events just to try and taste the typical foods”, advises the nutritionist.

Holiday food: best options

The expert explains that, despite being made from good food, the way in which typical dishes are prepared means that they are not as healthy, as is the case with corn.

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“In it, for example, olive oil could be used instead of butter. If the person needs to reduce an inflammatory process, he is the best indication. If she doesn’t have this problem, she can even use butter, but in low quantity”, she points out.

As for broths, the tip is not to use so much saturated fat, that is, pork fat, which increases the inflammatory process. In that case, the corn tip is also worth it: replace it with olive oil.

In the case of hominy, Ramiele advises draining the fat that remains in it, so as not to leave so much oil.

“In addition, instead of adding white sugar, use brown or coconut sugar in smaller quantities. Apple sugar is also a good option, as it has a lower glycemic index”, she concludes, noting that those who are lactose intolerant still need to replace cow’s milk with cashew milk.

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