Home » Life Advice » Are you a runner? Why you should bet on the isometric plank –

Are you a runner? Why you should bet on the isometric plank –

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You run and often feel back pain? Attention: perhaps it is a case of strengthening the muscles of your abdomen. The alert comes from a new study by Ohio State University, in the United States, recently published in the scientific journal Journal of Biomechanics.

According to American scientists, it is common for runners to present discomfort in the back. That’s why they decided to investigate the role of the musculature of the color – region that encompasses the abdomen, lower back and hips – in people who practice the modality. “We measured the athletes’ body dimensions and evaluated how they moved, in order to create a specific avatar of each one on the computer”, reports Ajit Chaudhari, leader of the investigation. “This allowed us to examine how the bones move and how much pressure is placed on each joint.”

Researchers have found that a weak core stimulates the superficial muscles in the abdomen to work harder and quickly reach a state of fatigue. And when these muscle groups work alone, the risk of pain is greater. “That puts more load on the spine, especially the lower back,” notes Ajit.

the right exercises

You must be thinking “gone to do sit-ups”, right? Easy there. Contrary to appearances, these exercises are not the best way to prevent back pain. It is best to invest in those who work the core as a whole. According to American scholars, it is in the isometric board that one should bet, especially when made on unstable surfaces, such as the ball or the bosu.

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“Looking for a flat stomach and improving performance in race they are different goals. If you look at it, professional runners don’t have six packs,” observes Ajit Chaudhari. “Static movements that demand a lot from the core are the ones that will make you run better,” he guarantees.

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But before you go out doing a plank, talk to a physical education professional to find out how to include this and other similar exercises in your training. Thus, you improve your performance and your health.

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