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Prayer to San Roque for the healing of a sick dog

Today we will see one Prayer to San Roque to ask for a sick dog (And Any Other Animal)

If you are a dog owner and you like it very much, as a member of your family, I am sure you are quite worried when it gets sick.

What you should do is go to a veterinarian as quickly as possible so that he can see the situation of your animal and can make a complete diagnosis.

As I know that it is not always possible to go quickly to the vet, what you can do in the meantime to make him more rested and feel less pain is the sick dog prayer.

An animal is a living being and a creature of God like us humans, so he also protects animals with the intercession of his prayers.

The prayer often used in these cases is the prayer of San Roque. Ready to see what the sentence is? We will see that.

Prayer to Saint Roque for a sick dog

“Glorious San Roque, my beloved pet and companion has become ill. I am interceding on your behalf, to implore your assistance for us in this time of need.

I humbly pray that you may be as good a guide to my pet as you have been to all of us.

May your blessing heal my lovely partner and give him many more wonderful days to spend together. May we be blessed and healed as part of his loving creation.

I trust and believe in his great love!

Amen! “

After completing the prayer you can light a candle in honor of San Roque, with a dog or a picture toy.

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Learn more prayers for dogs and other sick animals

Animals that live in the middle of cities, both big and small, end up having some health problems. They can be caused by too much pollution, or even the lack of their natural habitat.

Thus, although well cared for, sometimes they do not have a way to escape from some diseases. To avoid this, you can learn the prayer for sick animals ? In this way, you can pray for their improvement and ask for protection to avoid any kind of suffering.

This prayer will help you to have relief in some situations and can be made for your loved animals, or for a friend, or even for those of strangers.

It is important to wish well for all these bugs and hope that the prayer for sick animals help those who are abandoned and alone too.

Prayer for the sick animals of Saint Francis of Assisi

“Glorious Saint Francis, Saint of simplicity, love and joy. In heaven you contemplate the infinite perfections of God

Cast on us your look full of goodness. Help us in our spiritual and physical needs.

Pray to our Father and Creator to grant us the graces we ask for through his intercession, you who were always such a friend of him. And it inflames our hearts with ever greater love for God and for our brothers, especially those most in need.

My Beloved Saint, place your hands on this Angel (name of the animal) who needs you! The wisdom of your love attends to our request. Saint Francis of Assisi, pray for us.

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prayer to saint lazarus patron of dogs

“Lord, that at this moment your blessing reaches (say the name of the animal) and like a miracle help to cure it.

Because Jehovah your wisdom is divine and your healing power is great.

I also know, Lord, that you have put animals in the world to teach us sublime things like unconditional love.

For this love that I ask for that sick four-legged creature to be rehabilitated and healed by you, by your grace.

I am with a tight heart because I can’t do anything, but I trust in your blessed strength!

Lord in you I trust and deliver (again the name of the animal) into your healing and divine hands.

At this moment, Lord, I raise my thoughts to also ask the healing doctors of the greater spirituality to work and help in our battle, eliminating the diseases and suffering of this animal.

Lord that from this prayer the cure is present and that (name of the animal) obtain health today, tomorrow and always.

Amen! “

Powerful prayer to god for sick animals

“Blessed are you, Lord God!

In your infinite wisdom, you filled the universe, blessing us with all living things. In particular, I thank you for my confidence in me, my friend who brings me so much joy and whose presence often helps me to keep going in difficult times.

Please bless my little animal and make me a responsible guardian of your creature. May we continue to give each other joy, reminding each other of your power.

Just as my animal trusts me to take care of it, it makes me trust more in you, that you take care of us, and it helps us to share your love for all your creatures. And especially protect all endangered species and forgive us for our neglect to save them. May we understand the importance of preserving the work of your creation.

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Through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Amen “.

VIDEO San Roque, prayer to ask for pets – Loss, illness, theft, protection

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