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Prayer to Request Divine Justice Before Our Enemies

Today we are going to see some Prayers to ask for God’s justice

Have you been wronged by someone? Ask God to do justice for you and pay for evil with good.

Prayer to ask that divine justice act

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for justice, for they they will be sated. -Matthew 5:6

Beloved Father, in the name of the Lord Jesus, I ask your permission to place myself in your most excellent presence to deliver into your just and powerful this cause of mine.

Father, My heart is in trouble. I am very sad because I see my opponents, or the bad guys, laughing and making fun of me.

I am weak I have no power But because of his infinite mercy, I know that I can count on the Lord, who is my high judge.

Due to his great strength and infinite power, he can do anything. There is nothing, and no one, that can resist it.

That’s why father! In your hands I deliver this cause of mine against (Tell the Lord God what is the case, cause, event, fact, injustice, process, person or

people who are afflicting your heart) …………………………

………………… .And I know that the Lord is the only Most High God. The omnipresent god.

The Omniscient God who seeks everything, sees everything, hears everything. The only Sovereign Judge of Judges. The great magistrate of the divine court.

The Lord will judge, like nobody else, my cause.

Loving father! In the name of the Lord Jesus, I thank you from now on, for the Lord is always, and always will be, our Advocate and

Just judge, strong and powerful.

My heart is already leaping with joy and satisfaction because the Lord has taken up my cause, has done me justice and has given me victory.

To the Most High God all honor, glory and praise. The Lord our God always fights and triumphs over all those who put all their faith, trust

only in Him. Amen!

Prayer to the angels to request divine justice

The angels are by our side and are ready to help us defend ourselves even in the seemingly most difficult causes. Remember that there is nothing that Man can do that God cannot undo, and believe that his requests to the Angels will be heard and answered, as long as his motives are good and sincere.

Angels always side with the just and the true. Three Archangels are especially suitable to intervene in our defense in judicial matters and ask them to apply divine justice: Ezekiel, called “the justice of God”, helps to exercise a fair judgment on situations, Raguel leads us to the path of understanding and Miguel protects us even when we are most defenseless.

Raziel sheds light on the darkest situations and Ariel brings us the strength of a lion, standing up for us with courage and love.

Here the sentence:

Three Divine Angels, three Just Archangels, help me and protect me in this situation of injustice that I now face.

May Divine Justice be with me and receive the deserved reward.

Archangel Ezekiel, bring your just judgment,

Archangel Raguel, give me good protection,

Archangel Michael, defend me with your sword.

I know you are with me, and I know that with you I am always safe, and justice will be done.


video Prayer for Divine Justice Psalm 17 and 94

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