Home » Love Clinic » “My partner rejects me sexually” 11 reasons and how to reverse it

“My partner rejects me sexually” 11 reasons and how to reverse it

“The only thing men are looking for is sex.”

Have you heard this phrase before? I’m wrong?

For years I was convinced that this was true for 99% of men. But luckily I have learned a lot during a great number and variety of relationships with men and I can assure you that it is not true.

If you are reading this article, it is most likely that at some point you have felt that your desires awoke instantly when you saw you, but for some reason you feel that part of that flame has gone out.

Thanks to some important discoveries, expert advice and research resources, today we can know what is happening and improve it.

And that’s why I’m going to explain 12 possible reasons why your boyfriend doesn’t seem interested in you sexually and 11 surefire ways to reignite that flame.

Is he really not attracted to me anymore?

If you’re wondering if your boyfriend will touch you again, it can be a horrible feeling.

You feel anxious, rejected and sad. It has happened to many of us.

This guide will help you understand their behavior.

You’ll learn:

Why it went from hot to cold for no apparent reason; What does it mean when he always says that he is “tired”; Why does he seem bored with your body but he looks at other women 24/7; What you can do to re-up your intimacy by 110%; Why you should never blame yourself or try too hard to attract him.

So if you’re wondering, “My partner rejects me sexually, what do I do?” so i am here to answer that question and bring you some solutions.

It takes a while to figure out, but when you are “fully informed” you will feel comfortable and know what you can do to resolve it.

11 reasons why your partner rejects you sexually

1) Has physical problems

In general, it is not the most likely reason, but it is something that you should make sure of first.

If your boyfriend has physical problems, you might think that he doesn’t like you sexually, because his physical body doesn’t respond normally to stimuli.

Usually this is not a problem unless it is too frequent or he is older.

You may have a drop in your testosterone levels and problems with your blood pressure and other issues that can weaken your sex drive.

In young men, erectile dysfunction is almost always due to psychological causes, but there are exceptions.

If your boyfriend has erection and sexual desire problems, but he doesn’t know why either, the best idea is to visit a urologist and find out what’s wrong.

2) He’s stuck in his head

Performance anxiety is a real thing. Believe me.

It has happened to me on more than one occasion that a man could not get an erection and that it was a point of no return.

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I didn’t hear from them after the “episode”. Such an attitude could make you believe that he rejects you sexually, but in reality, the fear of not being able to satisfy you is a common cause for him to walk away.

Sex is more enjoyable when you manage to be present in that moment and enjoy the sensations and the intimacy.

But if he’s started to feel anxious about when he’ll orgasm, whether you’re having a good time, the size of his dick, other guys you’ve been with, or any number of other things, then he may start to walk away from the room and become more distant. sexually.

The best way to get past this is to start communicating openly about it and letting your guy know that it’s okay to not be okay and that you’re there to help him get all the time or help he needs.

Sexologist Leigh Noren has some great advice on this:

“One of the keys to sexual well-being and true intimacy in a relationship is emotional connection… An important factor in having a happy relationship is strengthening your emotional bond. Another important ingredient is healthy communication, about everything, even about sex.”

3) He’s been on too many dates with Pamela Anderson

If you’re under 25, you may not know who I’m talking about, but take a second to google it and you’ll understand what I mean.

Masturbation can be an erotic and healthy activity.

But some guys overdo it.

Too many dates with Pamela Anderson can deplete your sexual desire in the blink of an eye.

If your guy is indulging himself too much in pornography or engaging in multiple daily hand-to-hand combat.

So it could be the reason why he doesn’t seem interested in you sexually.

You are already receiving your dose. By own hand.

In this case, it is better to mention it a bit as a joke and try to get into the topic.

“Save some action for me and not just your hand, huh?”

or “I’m starting to wonder if I should be jealous of your hand”

are a few ways to approach the subject, as long as you do it with a smile and in a calm manner.

If your boyfriend has an actual addiction to porn or a severe masturbation compulsion, that would be a more serious issue as it can cause erectile dysfunction and all sorts of other problems.

If you are addicted to pornography, you should seek advice and help.

As sex addiction therapist Janie Lacy explains, masturbation can go too far:

“These points are not about whether masturbation itself is healthy or not, but about when it could potentially harm the relationship. Either together or with the help of a therapist, couples should discuss their views on masturbation in their relationship and come to an agreement that both parties are comfortable with.”

4) His hero instinct is absent

Every man wants to be a hero inside.

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Thanks to groundbreaking research from relationship psychologist James Bauer, thousands of women finally understand the workings of the male mind.

The hero instinct is the new concept that explains how men think about their relationships and their sex life.

Basically, men are programmed to care for and provide for the woman in their lives.

Even in our modern age of equality, where you don’t really need anyone to rescue you.

Making a man feel needed, appreciated, and yes, even heroic can do wonders to increase his physical and emotional attraction to you.

If you’re not feeding this very natural male ego, then he can lose interest in sex pretty quickly.

5) You suffer from depression or anxiety

Nothing kills desire like being really depressed or anxious.

Although sex can help ease both, it’s not something you normally feel like doing if you’re depressed or overwhelmed by the future and other concerns.

If you’ve been through a recent traumatic event or something else is bothering you, including family issues, business issues, etc., then your mind could be anywhere other than sex.

Financial problems are one of the main causes of breakups, so it would not be unusual for them to generate a lack of sexual desire.

In this case, it’s not you, it really is him.

Talk to him to see if they consider any treatment and help for his anxiety or depression necessary.

Improving these problems will go a long way in improving your sex life as well.

6) Want to wait

If you haven’t had sex with your guy yet but he still doesn’t seem to want it, it could just be that he wants to wait. Don’t automatically assume that he rejects you sexually for not going straight to bed with you.

Whether for spiritual, religious, or personal reasons, you may have beliefs about sexual intimacy and when to initiate it.

This is especially likely if you come from a traditional culture or have been raised with conservative views on sex.

In this case, it is better to be understanding and start slowly; a massage, for example, can be something very intimate.

If your boyfriend wants to wait and doesn’t seem to like you sexually, he may be very shy about sex or he thinks you should wait until marriage.

It will be important that you raise how you see this matter and that they find their point in common.

7) He is upset with you and the relationship is in a bad place

Sometimes sex can be the thermometer of the entire relationship.

If you’re obsessed that you don’t understand why the hell he’s avoiding you sexually, take a second to think if your partner doesn’t have deeper issues.

As Zahra Barnes writes:

“Feeling that your partner doesn’t appreciate you damages the connection between you, which only makes the problem worse.”

Begin to work on those differences and you will see how the rest adjust.

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It’s hard to have sex and enjoy it when you’re angry, disappointed, or upset with someone.

Intimacy is amazing and the sexual bond between a couple can be the power core of a relationship, but once it dies down or has problems, it’s not always easy to restart.

8) Sexual monotony

Sometimes without realizing it we can fall into a “sex routine” and this can be a problem in the long run.

If all the encounters they have are the same, if they always practice the same positions, if they don’t add a bit of spice to bed. He may have gotten bored and doesn’t feel motivated to be with you.

Boredom can cause a lack of sexual appetite. If this happens, it is important that you have initiative and propose new things to reawaken their interest.

9) He is cheating on you

If your boyfriend is cheating on you, this will be the most classic reason why he doesn’t seem interested in you sexually.

Because he is getting satisfaction elsewhere.

Obviously, this is a high alert situation. Even if he does it “just” for sex and still loves you, it’s emotionally devastating.

Not to mention physically dangerous in terms of sexually transmitted diseases and the potential for an unwanted pregnancy with another woman.

Whoever that other woman is, if she’s cheating on you, you deserve to know.

Do you want to know if he is cheating on you?

Raymond Green has tips, he points out two potential indicators.

One is that “he’s been acting emotionally distant and withdrawn. But when you ask him about it, he doesn’t want to discuss it and becomes very protective of his privacy” and he also “seems disinterested and distracted during sex.”

These are two big potential signs that he may be cheating on you.

10) You worry that you are not doing your “job” well

What do you think men really want from a woman when it comes to sex and intimacy?

A woman with a flat tummy and big breasts?

I’m glad for this spoiler: men don’t really care about these “qualities” at all.

When it comes to sex, what men really want is for their prowess to be validated.

They need to know that they are satisfying the woman they care about. This is how they feel masculine.

In other words, men want to feel like they are doing their “job” as men.

They are programmed to make women happy. Doing this gives them the sense of meaning and purpose they crave.

The problem arises when men feel that they are not doing their “job” in the bedroom and so they may walk away.

It doesn’t matter if the relationship seems to be going well…

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