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Frog Spiritual Meaning Explained [Symbolik und Träume]

The frog’s spiritual meaning is very broad, as it is an animal that is filled with lessons for those who own it. So, let’s learn more about the meaning of a frog in different areas of our life, dream interpretation and much more.

On the one hand, you will learn how to adapt well to changes and see them with a sense of humor, even those that seem negative. When a change comes into your life, it is not without reason: a new cycle begins because of the end of an old cycle.

On the other hand, his song brings rain and cleanses the earth, feeding it and creating life. This is what this animal does in our life as well: it cleanses our body and soul, frees us from all negative feelings that we no longer need, makes us stronger and purer.

Additionally, it also teaches us to be more creative and to face life’s obstacles and changes with joy and optimism.

As it changes with what it attracts, water, it teaches you to transform and improve with what you have on hand. Sometimes external events are not required for you to change, only your own will.

Also, it has been a symbol of fertility for many years due to its ability to lay large numbers of eggs. If you and your partner are having trouble conceiving, it’s a good idea to invoke the frog totem.

Because of all these positive meanings, it is recognized worldwide as a symbol of good luck. Therefore, in different parts of the world it is common to find amulets of frogs.

Frogs in ancient cultures

For the ancient Egyptians, the goddess Heket had the head of this animal and was the patroness of sharing, prosperity and abundance. Recognizable as the Benevolent Goddess.

In China it is a good luck charm, so the link between the living and the dead is returning.

In Japan, ‘kero’ also means ‘return’, making it the perfect amulet for travelers. And apparently, a small jade frog in your wallet will keep you full and protect you from theft.

The Cajun believed that the werewolves (loup-garous) were afraid of these small animals, so it was perfect protection!

In ancient Rome they were sacred to Aphrodite, so the connection to beauty is returning.

Finally, for the ancient Christians, due to its three stages of metamorphosis, it was originally a symbol of the Holy Trinity. Over time, it was believed that they were familiar with witches, therefore purely malicious.

Meaning of frogs in witchcraft

Frogs were considered an indispensable object of witchcraft.

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They were used to make potions and were considered companions of witches.

The glands on the frog’s body secrete a thick, white venom that acts as a natural defense against enemy attacks. This toxin, called bufotenin, is also commonly referred to as “toad milk” and is a hallucinogen. This poison has an unpleasant taste and can also kill a man.

Since the time of Zarathustra, who died around 600 B.C. Toads were associated with several manifestations of evil. In the Middle Ages, toads were believed to be evil. People believed that witches could turn into toads.

“ Zarathustra

They were the witches’ companions in the house of demons who asked to be served by them. The witches probably used toads to poison or cripple their enemies. In many potions, they are a key ingredient.

According to legend, witches beheaded them, stripped off their skin, and combined them with other strange ingredients, which they laced onto a plate.

A salve made with the toad’s saliva was the potion that made witches invisible.

In folk magic, the ashes of burnt frogs mixed with brandy are a potent antidote to drunkenness.

Toads were used d as amulets in necromancy and black magic. Toads were believed to be jewels; Poison can be obtained with the stone toad, the stone is heated near the poison.

A ring with an amulet stone in the form of a toad was considered particularly effective.

In the Middle Ages, it was believed that the participants mutilated the toads and cut them into pieces during gatherings dedicated to worshiping the devil. The unclean witches who beat their feet and send the toads to hell.

Some modern witches believed that toads make excellent companions as these creatures are easy to handle and pick up and take care of them. In addition, toads transmit their mental properties. It is said that witches are able to suckle toad milk without harming it.

We can summarize that the elements and meanings associated with frogs are: happiness, purity, rebirth, renewal, fertility, guidance, transition, dream or dream world, opportunity, mediation and process of metamorphosis.

Frog Symbolic meaning

As it undergoes a major transformation, from egg to frog, the obvious symbol for all the time between water and land is metamorphosis, adaptability, transition and transformation.

In short, it is a good luck charm for all those moments in life where a big change is experienced or needed. Just like puberty, the transition into adulthood, a move from your house, out of your country, a career change, or any other significant change! So when something changes, there is a chance, and frogs come as good mediators.

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To continue with the dual aspect of this slimy animal and its mediator abilities, we come to shamans: for them it is a guiding spirit that can lead the shaman from this ordinary world to other extraordinary worlds, the world above, the world below, the world of dreams and much more.

And consequently it soon becomes a parallel to the world of the dead, with their ability to communicate with them, but also to our most private dream world, our most hidden power and beauty.

All of these connections and communication skills make frogs great for languages, translation, connection, social opportunity (especially when represented with the outside language), knowledge in general (and in a nice loop it brings us back to the shamans, etc.).

Their association with water also leads to another affinity: purification, healing, and rites of passage such as birth, death, and rebirth. Birth and water together signify creativity, prosperity and abundance.

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frog in my house meaning

It is said that when a frog crosses our path or enters our home, it provides the ideal opportunity for a transition. Just like humans, he goes through numerous changes during the phases of his life.

Juveniles can best be identified with this animal. This is because, just like the frog, juveniles go through a transition process from adolescence to adulthood.


For many cultures, it is a symbol of fertility: a fact that may not seem at all surprising given that many animals are associated with fertility, but in the case of the frog, this relationship is much more pronounced.

Due to the large number of eggs it can lay, in many cultures it has always been viewed not only as a fertile animal, but also as a symbol of abundance.

Dead Frog Symbolism

A dead frog could mean we’re not ready to evolve and transform just yet, and it could also be a wake-up call to explore our intentions, plans, and desires. Maybe they aren’t the best for us at this moment and we need to take some time to think about it and come up with some brand new and fresh plans again.

Dream Green Frog meaning

Often those who dream of green frogs tend to use sarcasm in a profane manner in interpersonal relationships. So if you were insensitive and disdainful towards someone who didn’t deserve it, the unconscious guilt could turn you into a small and insignificant frog in your dreams.

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It represents the psychological, affective and spiritual development that every human being goes through in their lifetime. It’s a slow and difficult process like the one he performs in his many metamorphoses: egg, tadpole, batrachian and finally adult frog!

It can teach you to jump quickly from one level of consciousness to the next. It can also help find the courage to embrace new ideas and embrace change, teaching you to flow through your existence.

It is therefore a symbol of evolution, happiness and change. Since it is also associated with the symbol of fertility, it indicates a change that leads to success.

As already mentioned, when trying to draw attention to the background in the dream, there is also a need to observe the emotions that are provoked in the dreamer, since it is generally favorable… even to see it in real life.

What does it mean when a frog jumps on you?

Even if it seems like a scary experience, there is no need to worry! On the contrary, if a frog jumps on you, it’s a very good sign! It means that a change you were hoping for is just around the corner or that a transformation is about to happen.

It can even mean that if you are planning to make a massive change in your life, this is the right moment to do it as the energy and stars are in your favor!

A frog is all about transformation and change. So when he jumps on you, it’s like it’s sending a bit of energy and magical properties to you as well. After something like this happened to you, try to think of what you want to change and if there is an opportunity that makes you want to get it, go for it!

The power to change your life is within you and is stronger than ever and ready to make it happen! If two frogs jump on you, it’s even better! Maybe the change is related to a relationship you want to change, or it means that a special collaboration is the perfect way to achieve what you want in your life.

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