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Lucky Charms: Horseshoe, Moon, Figa, Buddha, Goat’s Eye and more!

Amulets are part of different cultures and have been used since antiquity to protect, bring luck and attract financial prosperity. In addition, many of the amulets appeared in times of plagues and diseases that had no cure. Soon, these objectives were attributed as magical and would give protection against all evil.

In this article, we will show you the main lucky charms and how to use them to extract their full effect. For example, there is Figa, which should not be bought, much less be exposed, so that all negative energy is absorbed. There is also the horseshoe, being an amulet that, depending on its position, has a different purpose.

Therefore, to better understand how to use lucky charms in your favor, read on!

The clove of garlic as an amulet is a talisman used since antiquity and is capable of attracting money and prosperity, improving sleep and absorbing negative energies that are hanging around your home and delaying your life. To learn how to make the garlic clove amulet, see below!

If you are having financial difficulties or want to earn more money, garlic can become an excellent amulet. It’s very simple to use: put at least one clove of garlic in your wallet, purse or where your money is kept.

Garlic clove will attract money and prosperity. However, having faith and optimism is very important for you to pursue your goals and dreams. Believe that you are carrying a strong ally, who is helping you to gain wealth and protecting your financial life.

Routine and daily pressure can cause stress and anxiety, causing sleep to be damaged. Therefore, garlic is an excellent amulet to improve sleep, ensuring relaxation and tranquility at bedtime.

To make this amulet, just place three cloves of garlic inside your pillow. Thus, sleep will come almost immediately and you will have a restful night’s sleep. Make this powerful talisman and feel all the benefits.

If, lately, you feel discouraged, sad or too tired, bad energies may be around you. Garlic as an amulet serves to absorb negative energies present in your home.

To make the amulet, you will need a garlic head, a bay leaf, a tablespoon of rock salt and a piece of aluminum foil. On the foil, place the garlic, the bay leaf and, on top, add the thick salt. Then wrap it with the paper, so that it is well protected.

Done that, leave the amulet under your bed for a week. Open the package, and if it is black, then this indicates that there is negative energy. So repeat this process until the garlic is the same the following week, meaning you and your home are free of bad vibes.

The Buddha is one of the most well-known images in the world and, through Buddhist philosophy, many people sympathize with his teachings, even those who do not follow any belief.

Siddhartha Gautama is the best known among the Buddhas and, among several images, the smiling Buddha is the most famous, as it is believed that it has the power to attract love, wealth and happiness. To learn how to use the Buddha as an amulet, follow along!

If you want to attract love into your life, having a smiling Buddha image will help you raise your vibration, making you more attractive to others. However, if your intention is to keep your relationship prosperous and healthy, leave the image only in the bedroom. Therefore, their relationship tends to be harmonious and lasting.

The image of the golden smiling Buddha, or also known as the fat Buddha, will attract wealth and prosperity. For this, you must place the image on a saucer or a plate and, around it, add rice, which is also a symbol of abundance. Also, to enhance its effect, place some coins of the same value on the rice.

Leave this amulet facing the door somewhere in the house, so that all residents receive good energy and thus attract financial abundance. If you want, place the image on your work table and, that way, you will feel more confident to pursue your goals.

In case you are feeling sad and with low self-esteem, have an image of the smiling Buddha nearby, as this will help you to raise your energy and self-confidence. Thus, you will start to feel happier to make your dreams come true and to have good times with the people you love the most.

Widely used by farmers, merchants and at the main entrance of houses, the horseshoe is one of the oldest amulets and its origin comes from ancient Greece. For the Greeks, iron is a material that attracts protection, luck, fertility and prosperity.

In several cultures, the horseshoe is an amulet that also wards off evil spirits and, depending on the position it is in, it will have a purpose. So, see what is the right way to use the horseshoe below!

The horseshoe is a powerful amulet, as it brings protection to your home, your work environment or wherever you want to protect it. So, to ensure the protection of your home, place the horseshoe facing upwards and, preferably, in the center of the entrance door.

According to English legend, the monk and Archbishop Saint Dunstan of Canterbury found the Devil and nailed horseshoes to him. He only took them off when he made him promise not to disturb anyone wearing a horseshoe in their homes. Therefore, nailing this amulet to the front door of your home is a good way to ward off evil spirits.

Due to the similarity of the crescent moon, which is also a symbol of fertility, with the image of the horseshoe, having such an amulet at home will help the woman who wants to get pregnant to have a healthy and protected pregnancy. Therefore, to attract luck and good energies to conquer her dreams, place the horseshoe face down.

In order to attract prosperity and financial abundance, the horseshoe is an amulet that will retain the negative energies of the environment. Thus, all residents of the house will be lucky with finances and business. Therefore, leave the horseshoe in a strategic place in your home or at work, facing upwards, so that you can preserve your luck.

Being a natural satellite, the Moon has a strong power to influence emotions, agriculture, tides and everything that is present on Earth. Also, she represents female power and therefore having her as an amulet increases sensuality, brings luck in love and balances health.

To learn how to use the power of the Moon as an amulet, read on!

To attract luck in love, wear a moon pendant next to your body. This can be in the form of a necklace, earrings, bracelets or whatever you prefer. Thus, your power of attraction will increase and attract a very special person to give you all the love you deserve. Also, perform rituals to raise your self-esteem during full moon periods.

If your emotions are not under control, your health may suffer. Therefore, getting rid of bad thoughts, anger and resentment is very important to have quality of life. Therefore, use Moon objects or accessories as an amulet to realign your feelings and for your life to gain new meaning, attracting health.

The Moon as an amulet increases sensuality and makes you more attractive to attract the person you so desire. In addition, you can use the star’s energy to rekindle the passion between you and your former or current partner. In this case, the Moon can be present as a piece of jewelry or a decorative item, such as pictures or objects placed in your room.

The figa is an amulet represented by a closed hand, with the thumb between the fingers. Its origin is uncertain, but it is believed that its use began during the Roman period, to perform fertility and erotic rituals, as it resembled the female organ. Even in some cultures, only the hand gesture is considered offensive or obscene.

Over time, the figa came to have a different connotation and became an amulet to ward off envy, protect against the evil eye and attract prosperity. However, it is necessary to know how to acquire and how to use it, in order to obtain the desired effect. Check it out below!

When it seems that nothing goes right and that plans do not materialize, this can be an indication of envy. The figa is an amulet capable of removing this energy and neutralizing all the evil that is around you. This amulet is made of different materials, but in this case, it is recommended that you use the amulet made of jet, as it has energy properties that absorb bad energy.

Also, according to popular belief, the figa must be earned or found. This means that if you won or found one, this is a response from the Universe, saying that you need to shield yourself from all the envy that may be around you.

The figa is an amulet that is able to bring protection against the evil eye. Therefore, if you are feeling tired and drained energy, having this amulet will give you strength and willingness to complete your plans and goals. You can wear the figa as a necklace, bracelet or other accessory, as long as it stays in contact with your body.

There are several materials with which figs are made, but to attract prosperity, you can use figs made from the bark of the rue plant. This material is one of the most traditional and will help you to open your paths to financial abundance and protect you from the bad energies that affect your relationship with money.

Therefore, it is recommended that you wear the figa close to your body and hidden from other people. You can leave it at your workplace as long as it is in a well-guarded location.

Also, the figurine must be earned or found. However, if it breaks or cracks, it means that it has already absorbed all the negative energy and it is recommended to bury it.

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