Home » Dreams & Meanings » 11 sympathies for him to look for me today, desperate and in love!

11 sympathies for him to look for me today, desperate and in love!

Many people resort to spells in order to attract the loved one. But have you ever wondered: is there some powerful sympathy for him to seek me out? If your answer is yes, then you’ve come to the right place. See how to prepare different types of spells to attract your love.

First of all, it’s important to understand how a spell works. Bear in mind that everything in the universe is energy and that through sympathetic magic you can achieve what you want. Of course, remembering the golden rule: as long as you don’t hurt anyone.

As it is sympathetic magic, it is important that the person you are interested in also vibrates at this frequency. That is, she must also have some kind of feeling for you. Otherwise, it is more complicated to achieve the result only with sympathy.

One option is loving bonding, but it certainly isn’t worth it, as it can bring a lot of damage to you and your loved one. She will be fascinated and not in love and that is an absurd difference. Remembering that every harm or good you cause, returns three times stronger.

With these assumptions in mind, then what you need to do is to intend that goal for the universe and, if the person is also on the same vibration, the answer will come. To facilitate the process, there are many sympathies. Find out about its benefits and what you should do to make it work.

One of the main benefits of performing the famous “sympathy for him to look for me” is obviously the company of the person you want so much in your life. Also, she tends to sweeten relationships and make moments more intimate than before.

Some coincidences will start to happen, like you running into each other in random places, mutual friends starting to mention you to each other, and similar things. The looks exchanged will also be different, with more intensity and exchange energy.

Eventually, if everything is vibrating in tune, you will find each other and awaken the love that is meant for your relationship. For this, it is necessary to have the correct focus and strengthened intention, without ever forgetting to give love and respect to the most important person in your life – you.

For the “sympathy for him to look for me” to work, it may be necessary to persist for a while, until it comes to work. After all, the person can be on a totally different vibration than you and not work on the first try.

Also, you need to have faith that the energies really go towards the goal. Of course, in the midst of all this, dedication comes in. You dedicate yourself to sympathy, taking care of your own energy and keeping the vibrational standard high.

For this, every day look in the mirror in the morning, comb your hair admiring yourself, get ready, put on makeup – if that’s your habit and feel beautiful. This is key.

Do activities that make your heart happy and find loved ones to make your days lighter. Take time each day to develop self-love, as it attracts other forms of love.

To do the famous “sympathy for him to look for me”, focus on the essentials first, you. For 14 days, do a self-love ritual, to emanate this vibration and attract your great love – besides, of course, being great for you. To do this, follow some important steps:

• As soon as you wake up, give thanks for life and vibrate positively to the universe;
• Get up immediately, get ready and do some activity for you. It could be meditation, exercise, reading, or just sipping tea in silence;
• Look in the mirror and look for something you love about your body and praise yourself, with love and sincerity;
• Throughout the day, say positive things to yourself, treat yourself and celebrate small victories.

After the 14 days, you can reserve a quiet time to do the spell to attract love. It’s easier to get good results like this, because, emanating self-love, you’re on the right frequency to be loved by someone else. See then the most powerful sympathies for you to do.

Hermes is the God of communication, luck and magic, being able to be his support in the requested “sympathy for him to look for me”. See what you will need.

The materials needed to carry out this spell are:
• 1 feather (any feather will do);
• 1 myrrh incense stick;
• 1 white candle;
• 1 saucer;
• 3 bay leaves.

• Light the incense and make 3 clockwise circles around the saucer;
• Take a new candle and heat the base to attach it to the saucer;
• Place the 3 bay leaves, and for each one, repeat one of your qualities that makes you deserve all the love in the universe;
• Now, make 3 turns with the feather, around the candle and place it in front, visualizing yourself happy and accomplished;
• Light the candle and repeat: “Great God Hermes, bring me the love I need, as fast as your steps”;
• When the candle finishes burning, throw everything away and wash the pyrex;
• Continue the daily self-love ritual.

The mirror is a powerful magical tool and must be new to perform the spell. It is important to clean the energies with water and salt before using it.

The materials needed to carry out this spell are:

• 1 small mirror;
• 1 lavender incense stick;
• 1 white rose.

• Take the clean mirror and make 3 circles with the incense;
• Place it in front of you and, while placing the white rose, say that you deserve all the love in the universe and that it will be yours;
• Repeat this for 3 days and then throw the mirror away.

The sole of the foot is an energy connection point with the rest of your body, being especially powerful for sympathies.

The materials needed to carry out this spell are:

• 2 pairs of socks;
• 1 sticky note and pen;
• 5 drops of rose essential oil;
• 1 basin with warm water;
• Moisturizer to taste.

• Before going to bed, make a foot bath with rose oil and warm water until it cools down;
• Remove your feet, dry well and pass the moisturizer on all the energetic points of the feet, massaging and visualizing self-love expanding in you;
• Put on a pair of loose socks;
• On paper, write a reason that makes you the right person for anyone to fall in love with – write a different one each day;
• Place it right in the center of the foot, over the sock and add the other sock, preferably a thinner and looser one;
• Do this for 7 days.

Saint Cyprian was a powerful witch who converted and went on to fight evil on earth. So if there’s something stopping your love from getting to you, it’s him you ask for protection.

The materials needed to carry out this spell are:

• 1 clove of garlic;
• 3 lavender leaves;
• 9 white rose petals;
• 1 sachet.

• Put all the materials inside the bag and tie 3 knots, asking for protection against anything that is taking you away from your love;
• Let it sleep in the window for 3 days and then keep it in the drawer until you find the love you need so much.

Archangels are beings of light sent by God to care for people on earth. They are divine spokespersons and help in communication between men and the Sacred.

The materials needed to carry out this spell are:

• 1 white candle;
• 1 sticky note and pen;
• 1 pyrex.

• Light the candle for your favorite archangel over the pyrex;
• Write on paper the reasons why you deserve to be loved, so he will take that energy to the universe;
• Burn the paper carefully and extinguish the candle;
• Do this for several days until the candle burns out. Each day, write a different reason on paper.

The glass of water spell is very powerful, but it requires more discipline than the others. Its results, however, are much more effective.

The materials needed to carry out this spell are:

• Filtered or mineral water;
• Some app or alarm clock to help you remember to drink water.

• Download the app to remind you to drink water and configure 2 liters a day;
• Every time he reminds you, fill a 250ml glass with plain water and hold it in your left hand;
• Drink slowly, imagining a pink light expanding from your heart into your entire aura;
• Take the glass in your right hand, thank your angel for the grace received and put it to wash;
• Do this for 15 days.

The yellow candle represents prosperity, which obviously encompasses love. Make your love life more prosperous with this sympathy.

The materials needed to carry out this spell are:

• 1 yellow candle;
• 1 pink satin ribbon;
• 1 photo of you.

• Place the yellow candle in a candlestick, in a safe and visible place;
• On its base, facing you and where it does not catch fire, place your photo;
• Tie the pink ribbon to the candlestick and every day, light the candle and pray for yourself, asking for love and prosperity in your life. In no time, he will look for you.

Practical and perfect to do at the weekend, this charm will help you attract your love.

The materials needed to carry out this spell are:

• 1 can of beer;
• 1 pencil;
• 1 potted plant.

• Wash the beer can very well and “write” the word love on it – of course it won’t be scratched, it’s just for the intention;
• Drink half of the can and pour the rest into a plant or garden vase, wishing to attract love into your life;
• Crush the can, throw it away and forget about it.

Be very careful when doing this spell, as you could burn yourself or lose a pot. But if you can get it right, it works out pretty well.

The materials needed to carry out this spell are:

• 3 spoons of sugar;
• 1 spoonful of water;
• 1 red rose.

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