Home » Dreams & Meanings » Natural yogurt: benefits, what it is for, harms, how to eat it and more!

Natural yogurt: benefits, what it is for, harms, how to eat it and more!

Natural yogurt is a healthy ingredient that helps in any diet. Excellent for preparing vitamins, it can also be used as a salad dressing and has many health benefits, in addition to having a neutral taste, which helps in its use.

Among the benefits of natural yogurt, it is possible to highlight the improvements in the functioning of the intestine, the strengthening of bones, muscles and teeth and also the improvements for the nervous and immune system. Thus, it is a derivative of milk that is worth adding to the routine.

Below, you can see more details about what natural yogurt is, its benefits and how to use it in your daily life. If you are interested in taking advantage of this healthy food, continue reading the article!

Derived from milk and prepared through a fermentation process, natural yogurt is considered a probiotic due to the presence of live bacteria in its composition. Currently, there are several different types of this yogurt, such as Greek and dairy drinks. See more about these and other food details below!

Natural yogurt is a derivative of milk. It is prepared through a lactose fermentation process. Thus, bacteria are responsible for performing this task and making the sugar present in milk gain texture and flavor, two outstanding characteristics of natural yogurt.

It is noteworthy that due to the presence of live bacteria in its composition, this food can be considered a probiotic. Thus, it helps to improve the health of the digestive system as a whole and has a high nutritional value, especially due to the presence of calcium.

According to historical records, fermented milk, responsible for giving rise to natural yogurt, originated in the Balkan regions and in Turkey, especially in the Asian portion of this country. Thus, the Bulgarians, who, in this context, were nomadic peoples, were responsible for bringing natural yogurt to Europe, a fact that happened in the second half of the 7th century.

However, the food trade only started in the first years of the 20th century. Some studies were carried out by a Russian biologist regarding the diet of the inhabitants of the regions where natural yogurt originated, since the longevity of these peoples generated curiosity in the scientific community.

There are several different types of yogurt on the market today, from plain to dairy drinks. Thus, the differences generate a series of doubts in consumers, especially regarding the functionality of each one and the benefits that can be obtained from consumption.

Thus, these issues will be clarified in the next topics of the article, which will highlight the differences between some of the types of yogurt most present in the market and consumed today.

Natural yogurt is prepared through a milk fermentation process. Bacteria act to transform the lactose present in the drink, ensuring the texture and flavor of this food. It can also be considered a probiotic due to the presence of these bacteria.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that natural yogurts can be made at home to ensure that they are even healthier. Products bought in supermarkets, in general, have sugar and preservatives, which may not be so positive for health.

The main difference between traditional natural yogurt and its skimmed version is that the latter has a lower amount of fat. In addition, lactose levels are also lower in the skimmed version, as it degrades during the beverage fermentation process.

In terms of proteins, it is worth mentioning that skimmed yogurt has high nutritional value, as well as the others. Essential amino acids are present in the right proportions to ensure the health of the body. A favorable point for the consumption of this type is the fact that its proteins are easier to digest.

With a creamy texture, Greek yogurt initially stands out due to this characteristic. It has a high protein content and, in its traditional version, goes through a filtration process that results in a product with little fat and a lot of nutritional value.

However, according to some nutritionists, in Brazil, this process is not replicated, so that national manufacturers prefer to invest in texture. So they add ingredients like gelatin and cream to the mixture.

This causes Greek yogurt to lose its main characteristics and add up to a lot of calories, not being suitable for diets focused on weight loss.

Due to its production method, all yogurt can be considered a fermented beverage, but there are some differences in the manufacturing process. This happens due to the presence of the bacteria streptococcus thermophilus and lactobacillus bulgaricus. When associated, they initiate the fermentation process and remain active in the food.

In addition, an interesting point is that the two bacteria have a symbiotic relationship that contributes to bringing nutritional quality and benefits to yogurt. As they are resistant to gastric juices, they manage to reach the intestine to improve its functioning.

It is worth mentioning that fermented yogurts are highly recommended for people with lactose intolerance, because the microorganisms used in this type of drink favor the digestion of the aforementioned carbohydrate.

The dairy drink is not exactly a yogurt. In fact, as the name suggests, it includes other parts of milk in its composition. Therefore, around 50% of your ingredients need to come from this source, but the rest can come from other sources.

Thus, the requirements are that this type of drink has at least 1g of protein per 100g. However, as long as the described specifications are followed, vegetable fats can be added. Thus, on average 30% of the ingredients included in the dairy drink may have origins other than milk.

Natural yogurt, in addition to being a healthy food, is a versatile ingredient. Due to its discreet taste, it can be used to prepare various vitamins, smoothies and also as a salad dressing. In addition, there are other possibilities for savory preparations with food.

Given this, it is a powerful ally to make the routine healthier and lighter. Due to the presence of good bacteria, vitamins and minerals, natural yogurt has interesting properties that improve the functioning of the organism as a whole.

Thanks to the presence of bacteria, the daily consumption of natural yogurt helps to improve the functioning of the intestine. In addition, food is a source of important minerals, such as potassium, calcium and magnesium, which helps strengthen bones, teeth and muscles.

It is also worth noting that natural yogurt is rich in B complex vitamins, in addition to vitamins C and D. This ensures that it acts in the prevention of heart disease and improves the immune system. Finally, it is worth mentioning that this food is a source of protein and therefore helps in strengthening and hormone production.

Natural yogurt is a source of protein and good fats, in addition to having a series of minerals and vitamins that are important for the functioning of the organism. Thus, its benefits are diverse, and this food helps from the immune system to weight loss diets. Below, see more information about it!

Natural yogurt can be considered a great source of protein, so it helps strengthen muscles and bones, and works by improving the body’s defenses. Another feature of the food is to help hormone production, which makes it ideal to consume a portion of natural yogurt daily.

In addition, he also has good fats, which help reduce bad cholesterol levels and the risk of heart disease. They also play an important role in matters such as regulating the intestine.

Calcium is a very important mineral for the mineralization of bones and teeth, in addition to acting in various intracellular events and playing an important role in tissues of the human body. Thus, the consumption of natural yogurt can help with all these issues.

Other fundamental nutrients present in this food are the vitamins, especially those of complex B, which act in metabolic processes. In addition to them, vitamins C and D are also present in yogurt and have the function, respectively, of maintaining collagen levels and regulating bone metabolism.

Daily consumption of natural yogurt is capable of bringing a series of improvements to the functioning of the intestine. This happens because the food improves the bacterial flora, increasing the levels of good bacteria present in this area of ​​the body.

The consequence of this increase is reflected in a strengthening of the immune system. In addition, good bacteria are able to help with the digestive process and eliminate microorganisms capable of causing harm to the body. It is worth mentioning that the good fats in natural yogurt help in the elimination of feces.

Natural yogurt helps fight poor digestion, which can be caused by different factors, such as the consumption of fatty foods and excess fluids during meals. This happens due to the presence of bacteria, which also act to prevent food fermentation.

In this way, the consumption of food helps to reduce the occurrence of gases, which is directly linked to food and can happen due to the consumption of foods present in everyday life, such as beans and cabbage. Finally, it is worth mentioning that natural yogurt also helps to reduce the chances of intestinal infection.

A portion of 100 g of natural yogurt has, on average, 160 mg of calcium, equivalent to, on average, 10% of the daily needs of an adult person. Thus, it is a food very rich in this mineral, something that is common to dairy products.

Therefore, the consumption of natural yogurt is able to improve bone health, since calcium has as its main function the mineralization of bones and teeth. In addition, it also participates in several intracellular events, so that its action takes place in many tissues of the human body.

The presence of vitamin C in natural yogurt makes it great for…

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