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20 Dogs Who Still Think They’re Puppies And Give Us Memorable Moments

One day you adopt a very cute and tiny puppy, hold it in your lap and treat it like a baby; a few months pass and that little ball of fur becomes bigger than you can imagine. But some things don’t change, like the pure and genuine love they feel for their owners, leading them to act like eternal puppies.

Today the awesome.club brings a list of photos taken at the right time proving that once a puppy, always a puppy. Come warm your heart!

1. Ah, nothing like a lap to rest…

2. “I was sitting at the table and a big girl decided to be a lap dog”

3. Sitting next to the one we love, especially on the subway, is everything.

4. “Our neighbor sent me this adorable display of pure joy between our dogs. Finally got a stool so he could greet his great friend properly.”

5. “My German Shepherd is very satisfied with the amount of inconvenience he is causing”

6. There will always be a space on daddy’s lap

7. “There was a giant traffic jam in the hallway I was passing, until I finally figured out what was holding everyone back. This giant dog was being petted by thousands of people!”

8. “Barkley, the 86 kg little angel”

9. Not much has changed in two years

10. “Big dogs need a big blanket”

11. I promise it’s just a hug, I won’t put you down!

12. “I think she’s still surprised because she doesn’t fit in small spaces anymore”

Read Also:  20+ Dog Mixes That Look Like They Were Photoshopped

13. “Sam is 1 year old, but he still doesn’t know how his ears work”

14. “Gertie is a very sweet girl, but if she wants you to pet her, you better pet her soon”

15. “Hank, Mister Duff and Matilda make a king size bed look so small”

16. “Once a lap dog, always a lap dog”

17. “My dog ​​is terrified of my sister’s kitten”

18. “I stopped by my old house to help my former roommate with some errands. The neighbor’s dog recognized me and gave the perfect greeting. Believe it or not, this guy is still a puppy.”

19. “My dog ​​turns into a lap dog whenever grandma visits us”

20. “Kodi is 12 and has never liked dog toys. This time, this miracle happened.”

Do you also have a dog that you forgot you grew up with? Share a photo of your sweetie with us!

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