Home » Guidance » 20+ Women Who Know Better Than Anyone That Beauty Hurts

20+ Women Who Know Better Than Anyone That Beauty Hurts

Most of us women, at least once in our lives, have spent hours in front of the mirror to adjust the ideal look before going out. In the case of makeup, there is a really annoying situation: the right eye never looks the same as the left eye! There are also those cases where we keep asking everyone if they have lipstick on their teeth. And the false eyelashes then? Always difficult to place.

So dealing with these issues seems like something for professionals only! Because when we do it on our own, disasters are often unavoidable.

O awesome.club has put together a series of images of the funniest beauty disasters that many will surely identify with.

1. An eyelash curler that should be called an “eyelash cutter”

2. When the natural brow tutorial didn’t quite work out

3. This girl wanted to put on false eyelashes but used super glue instead of cosmetic adhesive

4. Charcoal toothpaste makes your teeth white. Now the sink…

5. If it looks like chocolate, it must be chocolate

6. I think she overdid it a bit

7. The price you pay for getting a fake tan is having to buy more sheets.

8. In this family, everyone has fun painting each other’s nails

9. Was the idea to create a zebra effect?

They call it “hair”.

10. When your cat is not a big fan of makeup

11. Bubble face masks are really EFERVESCENT

12. “I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy”

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13. Kylie Jenner’s Lip Challenge Left This Girl With A Small Mustache

14. This dog is totally against makeup

15. These “flying eyelashes…”

My mom sent me a text message saying she was having trouble putting on false eyelashes without her glasses. In fact, she was trying to catch a dead fly. I’m out of the house.

16. When it’s practically impossible to imitate Kim Kardashian’s style

17. Doing nails and hair in a hurry doesn’t work out very well

18. It’s the first time they put on makeup, and they look happy

19. Golden tip: NEVER use eyelash mask if you go to the gym afterwards

20. Is Barbie murdered or are they doing some kind of new paint on the sink

21. Very sorry for this person

22. Image of pain and suffering

24. Some masks are designed to be removed quickly. Otherwise…

The next day, Olivia had to look for a mask on the market that would eliminate the skin spots.

25. When you apply in the dark

26. Another horror

Which of the above situations are most annoying? Do you also have any “painful” images of beauty disasters? Share your photos with us in the comments!

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