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8 “Game of Thrones” Fan Theories That Will Keep You Tuned for the Final Season

Millions of fans of the series game of Thrones around the world are tuned in, following the last season of the series, which has just premiered. It’s time to go back and watch episodes from previous seasons, talk about them with friends and, why not, formulate theories about the end of the plot. And each of these possible versions is more surprising than the last. Production managers have the difficult task of creating something even grander than what viewers can expect. And we have no doubt that they will succeed!

As the final season has already started airing, the awesome.club brings you some of the most outlandish fan theories that may even come to fruition. It’s watching to see!

1. Dead Starks will come back as White Walkers

In the Season 8 trailer, there’s a scene of Arya running scared from something. But what could so frighten Arya, a ruthless assassin, who has seen and experienced it all? We can’t believe that an ordinary person would make her so scared. At the same time, we believe she was prepared to meet the White Walkers.

In Winterfell, there is a crypt where all the dead Starks are buried, and since the White Walkers can bring the dead back to life in that frightening form, there are those who believe that we will see some members of the Stark family again. Fans believe it’s likely that Arya is being pursued by a relative turned White Walker, which would explain why she’s been on the run so desperately.

2. Bran drove the Mad King mad, just like he did Hodor

The series showed that the Mad King was obsessed with fire, and his favorite phrase was “Burn them all!”. But is there not a deeper reason for his madness? Well, fans make reference to a character that reminds us of something similar: Hodor, who used to be called Wylis and ended up becoming a mentally disabled person after Bran intervened with his younger self during a mission.🇧🇷

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What if Bran had something to do with the Mad King’s madness? Many fans are sure that something along these lines really happened.

3. Gendry is the son of Cersei and Robert Baratheon

The series creators still owe explanations about the mystery surrounding Gendry’s birth, and many viewers claim that the boy is much more than a simple bastard. The series showed that Cersei and Robert had a son, who died shortly after birth. But fans consider that there is no reason to believe this. It is also known that Gendry’s mother had blonde hair.

Furthermore, many fans question the fact that Cersei never went to the crypt to visit her dead son, although we know how close she is to her family. Perhaps Cersei knows that her son is not there, but in King’s Landing, living as a blacksmith’s apprentice. Ultimately, fans believe that it was Cersei who sought out Gendry during Joffrey’s pursuit of Robert’s bastards, with the motherly intent of saving him.

If the theory is right, Gendry is the true heir to the Iron Throne.

4. Meera Reed is Jon’s twin sister

Yes, that’s exactly what you read. There is a popular theory that Meera, who accompanied Bran on his adventure beyond the Wall and brought him back safely, is not just Jon’s sister, but his twin. The series showed us, through Bran’s visions, what happened when Jon was born. The interesting thing is that Ned Stark wasn’t the only one there.

Howland Reed, Meera’s father, arrived at the Tower of Joy along with him. Lyanna struggled to give birth, and fans suspect that two children may have been born🇧🇷 As it would be too much for Ned to return with “bastard twins”, some believe that he kept one baby, while Howland took the other.

Another thing that fans of the series can’t put aside is the physical resemblance between Jon and Meera. She looks a lot more like him than her brother, Jojen. Furthermore, the books describe Arya and Lyanna Stark very similarly.

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5. Syrio Forel is Jaqen H’ghar

Fans believe there are too many coincidences for the theory not to be true. Both characters are from Braavos, serve the Many-Faced God, and have sword experience. Both were Arya’s teachers, and refer to her in the third person. The series aired Syrio’s death scene which is game of Thrones has shown us is that if we haven’t seen someone die, we have reason to doubt anything.

Another issue is how Jaqen appeared in the series. He was being transported by The Night’s Watch from King’s Landing, on the first trip out of the area after the attack. Fans doubt that a man as Jaqen could be captured easily and claim it was Syrio Forel who purposely wanted to be captured so that he could accompany Arya and keep her safe on her journey out of King’s Landing.

6. Jon Snow will become the Night King

A lot of people want to see Jon Snow on the Iron Throne, but most likely that will never happen. At least that’s what some fans think. On the other hand, since he is a key character, something important must happen to his destiny.🇧🇷

Given Jon’s enduring obsession with the White Walkers, some viewers suggest that the character will save them all… and may even do more. Swapping it in giblets, he would sacrifice himself and become King of the Night, driving the creatures away from Westeros and keeping them eternally out of contact with the living.

7. Tyrion Lannister will take the Iron Throne

Some fans believe that Tyrion is not Tywin’s son, but his wife Joanna’s and the Mad King’s. We know that the Mad King really had an interest in Joanna, and if Tyrion is her son, that would explain Tywin’s hatred of him and the constant anger turned against the Mad King. Not to mention that would explain the obsession of Tyrion with the dragons as a childas well as the fact that Daenerys’ dragons were kind to him.

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In practice, this would make him the true heir to the Iron Throne. Many fans believe that we will not see Jon Snow or Daenerys occupying the throne, as it would be too obvious. And the obvious doesn’t usually have much space in game of Thrones🇧🇷 Therefore, the creators of the production would need a surprising name, someone who would have the public’s sympathy: according to this current, Tyrion would be the ideal candidate.

And who could be crowned their queen? Many fans think of Sansa for the post. In the end, she remains his lawful wife, and it would be very poetic to see her finally becoming queen, something I’ve always wanted. However, this would not happen with a handsome prince, but with the dwarf she used to reject. It would show how much the character has grown and learned.

8. The series portrays the memories of Sam, who is writing a book about Westeros

There is even a theory according to which everything we saw in the series is being told by a narrator. And that narrator could not be anyone other than Sam Tarly, who is supposedly writing the memoirs of Westeros, representing none other than George R. R. Martin, author of the original book saga.

Fans use as an argument for this thesis a conversation between Samwell and Archmaster Ebrose in the seventh season. In one of the episodes, the Archmaster gives Sam advice on the deed, and suggests as a title “The Chronicles of the Wars after the Death of King Robert”. Sam says he would give it a more poetic name, and his choice seems to have fallen on “Game of Thrones” or “A Song of Ice and Fire”.

In your opinion, do any of the theories above have a chance of becoming reality? Leave a comment with your impressions of this electrifying series!

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