Home » Guidance » 20+ Stories of ex-boyfriends who don’t want to be forgotten and make an effort to do so

20+ Stories of ex-boyfriends who don’t want to be forgotten and make an effort to do so

Sometimes former exes just pop into our lives out of nowhere. You’re busy with your stuff and suddenly you get the call, answer it and hear the all-too-familiar “Hello” on the other end of the line. But this situation is quite common, one might even say, normal. It also often happens that a person, with whom the relationship has ended for several years, suddenly appears when you least expect it — on your wedding day.

We, from incredible.club, we read with great interest the stories of people whose ex-boyfriends didn’t want to be just an outdated stage in their life. They are all different, but we can draw one conclusion: if such a person appears, it is very difficult to treat his return without emotion. In the end, you’ll find a bonus, further proof that all ages are appropriate for love. Although the feelings may end sooner or later, you will still have to deal with them.

My ex called me. He said he was bored and asked when I would come (we live in different countries). To my question about what fun he could have to get out of boredom, he replied: “I have a bachelor party here, I’m getting married tomorrow.”” © Ксения Буранова / Facebook

The ex who left me a month before the wedding, two years later he wrote a book about our relationship: the encounters, emotions, what he felt when we broke up, how he wasn’t ready for responsibilities, that he regretted all of this, that I was the only person who loved and supported him, how bored he felt. The book turned out to be very exciting. After reading it, I wanted to call, but he dedicated the book to his new girlfriend. © Подслушано / Ideer

As soon as I found out that my girlfriend had cheated on me, I broke up with her. After that I immediately changed jobs to be as far away as possible and not have any contacts. One day, she shows up at my work, adds a bunch of my colleagues on Facebook (28 people) and writes to them saying they shouldn’t trust me because I cheated on her. © j_liberty / Reddit

We were together for almost a year and broke up when I found out he had another girlfriend. After the breakup, she started sending me pictures of them together. Two months later, I received a very offensive message from my ex, in which he admitted that he regretted spending time with me and that his new crush was the love of his life. Considering I didn’t even try to contact any of them, it was very disappointing. © Alisha Lee / Quora

A few days ago, a friend called me, almost in tears. He has been divorced for a week now, he lives in a rented apartment and suffers. The reason for his suffering is that his ex-wife didn’t want to leave him an aquarium. I said: “Well, why do you need these fish? After all, as a last resort, you can buy new ones.” He got all mad and replied, “I’m the only owner of them, they greeted me like they were dogs. They just eat food out of my hands and ignore my ex wife. I created an ecosystem for them that took a lot of work and was costly…” I advised him to speak directly with his ex. Two days passed, today he called again: “Do you want to buy a wonderful aquarium with fish?” Turns out he didn’t have time to take care of them and buy an aquarium, in fact, it was his ex’s idea. Hmmm, buddy, I’m glad you didn’t get to have kids… © Graycie / Pikabu

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My ex-husband was pathologically greedy. He could argue with me for half an hour about who would buy bread today, me or him. Naturally, all expenses for food fell on me, he constantly went through a “rough period” and never had any money. He tried to cook delicious food, spent all the money from my salary and odds on treats. We got divorced, evidently, because I couldn’t tolerate this state of affairs for long. So, one time I arrive unannounced to pick up the remains of my things and see: a new sofa, a new chandelier, and in the kitchen jars full of cookies, candies, and gingerbread. He became so disgusting and rude that he wouldn’t even offer me tea. © Подслушано / Ideer

It was raining heavily and my ex-husband rolled down the windows in my car doors (he had the key). The books, which I usually leave on one of the benches, got wet. All. Everything in the car was wet, and all I could do was get in the car and drive home. © Betsie Rose / Quora

That relationship lasted nine years. About once every six months, she’d say she didn’t love me anymore and break up, and then a month later, she’d come back. It happened a few times, and I even stopped meeting other girls in those moments of separation, because I knew that eventually she would come back. I loved her and hoped this would all be over soon. And now, nine years and 18 breakups later, I’ve had enough and left her myself. I told him everything I had accumulated. And yes, the first time she said she didn’t love me, I should have just taken it for granted and walked away. © Mike Paoletti / Quora

On my wedding day, my ex-boyfriend (who, by the way, hadn’t appeared in a year) suddenly remembered I existed and wrote to say he was worried. He wanted to know how I was doing and wanted to come visit me so I wouldn’t be so alone. When I told him I needed to ask my husband if he would mind (naturally, it was sarcasm), he said the joke wasn’t funny at all. © Наталия Дудка / Facebook

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I broke up with the girlfriend. She moved out of my house and now I live alone. I started regularly ordering sushi at a restaurant and when I order it, I always order chopsticks for two people. Just because my ex works as a server in this restaurant, and I promised her that I would have many more like her… © Подслушано / Ideer

My ex-boyfriend forbade me to go to the gym, which I signed up for even before I started dating him. He didn’t like it because a guy I was already interested in frequented it. We split up and I went back to training there. One day, unbeknownst to me, he came to the gym because of me and tried to yell at me. Like, he forbade me to come here, and I immediately came as soon as we parted. Fortunately, my friend got up and asked him to leave. It was all so bizarre! © Wonderful_Ad_5991 / Reddit

My ex left notes for me to eventually find in my books. The content is something like “I’ll miss you” and “I will always love you”🇧🇷 It’s been nine years and I’m still meeting them. He was a very cruel person, so that pisses me off, especially with him just going through my stuff. © Maleficent_Mink / Reddit

When I accidentally ran into my friend’s ex with his new girlfriend

My friend’s ex, when he was leaving, couldn’t get a chandelier out, so he cut the wires. He took the iron with him and the next day the son had to go to school with his clothes wrinkled. Everything they got at the wedding he took. When, after a while, she got married again, he got mad and shouted at her: “I thought you would be mad for a while and then come back, but you got married!” © Наталия Балаева / Facebook

My ex told me how bad I am when I started dating another before ending the relationship with him. But that was a year and a half after he just quietly disappeared from my life.​​ © Федосья Ивановна / AdMe

My ex, just before breaking up with me, gave me his great keyboard because he didn’t like mine, and bought himself an even better one. About six months later he tried to get it back through a friend because his stopped working. With the keyboard, he wanted me to return the coat, with a small hole in the chest, which he romantically gave me on a cold night. I would have no problem returning the keyboard, as it was gathering dust in the cupboard anyway. The coat, on the other hand, was given to my grandfather, who loved it. He fixed the hole and is now the most stylish fisherman. © May / AdMe

When a nasty drizzle is falling, my ex always texts me: “These are the tears of the women you have deceived falling on you.” It’s over! © Подслушано / Ideer

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She lied that she was expecting a baby and made my life hell for several months. When everyone realized that she wasn’t pregnant, she just confessed to the lie. So she got a new boyfriend and got pregnant, and even named her son after me. © TheZamasu / Reddit

It’s not exactly an ex, nor were we dating. We met on Tinder, he was 10 years older and had a son. At first, he said that his wife passed away two years ago and he wasn’t looking for anything serious because he would have to focus on his son, but even so, he wanted to stay with me. Everything was going great until his wife called me and asked why he had a bunch of pictures of me on his phone. I didn’t know what to answer so I hung up and blocked them both. A few weeks later he came to apologize and said he was very embarrassed. I didn’t say anything and slammed the door in his face. A few months later he wrote me from a new number and said his wife had left him and he wanted to be with me again. But I didn’t believe it and texted his wife. And, yes, they were still together. © Bailey Lamar / Quora

I have an “eternal” ex. We broke up about 10 years ago, since then we rarely see each other, but he always suggests starting over. The last time we met was when I was walking with my one year old son. He said that he was ready to take me away from my husband, even with children, even if there were three of them. And I said, “Let’s wait until I give birth to two more, then we’ll talk.” He asked for my number and I replied: “Leave yours, I’ll call myself if I decide to divorce”. © Ольга Разумейко / Facebook

An ex of mine came to collect his things with his father and brother: so they could take what they could from my apartment. They took three huge bags: bedding, towels, plates, cutlery and even a plant. However, much of it was acquired before our relationship, or given by my parents. The aquarium could not be taken because it was full of water. He came to get it the other day, also with his brother, but I had changed the lock on the door. He insisted for a long time that I open it, he lied to say something important, but I didn’t believe him. He had another boyfriend who, when saying goodbye, cried like a child. We broke up then I found out he was married. When he realized that I really wasn’t going to be with him, he pointed to my ring and said it was a gift from him. I simply took it off and returned it. It is likely that…

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