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6 phrases that can reveal if a person experienced emotional neglect in childhood

Words have great power over those who listen to them, and the proof is that many behaviors and perceptions we have in our adult lives are shaped by how we were treated in our childhood. After all, people who grow up listening to good things and positive reinforcement tend to feel more loved and understood than those who grow up under constant criticism or emotional neglect.

We, from awesome.club, we went after some examples of phrases said by parents or main caregivers of children that can reverberate throughout their lives, causing important changes in behavior and in the perception that they have of themselves. Check out what they are and why to avoid them!


Whether it’s dealing with physical pain, whether it’s dealing with emotional or psychological pain: it’s always bad when a person wants to have control over how you should feel about something. If in adult life this type of intrusion is no longer acceptable, imagine when you are still learning to set limits on what you accept or not in your relationships. When you feel bad about something and someone else says “that wasn’t so bad”, in addition to the lack of empathy, they may imply that you are too weak or unable to handle some thingswhich tends to generate a lack of self-compassion and self-understanding in later life.


Sometimes, this phrase can be used in the best of intentions by parents or caregivers, as a strategy to get children to recover after a bad event. They may even stop suffering momentarily, but even if the phrase is said in a supportive or welcoming context, it can cause an inability to deal with feelings of sadness, anger or shame in the future. This happens because she tends to invalidate the child’s questions and emotionswho can grow up thinking that no feeling is important enough to be experienced and welcomed.

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Children have a strong need to be recognized and appreciated by their parents and close caregivers. To achieve this goal, in a healthy relationship, they tend to cooperate and behave quite appropriately, as they expect this recognition. That is why, for a self-esteem in formation, we must avoid this phrase, which take off all merits of the child and his effort and puts them only as something mediocre🇧🇷 This can generate low self-esteem, in addition to causing a feeling that nothing you do is important or has value – which can also lead to the person feeling unmotivated in their adult activities.


Few phrases are as effective for awaken an emotional anxiety trigger how much “later we talk” and its variations. Children who regularly live with “threats” like this can grow up feeling that something bad is going to happen at any moment and may have to deal with anxiety throughout their lives. If you usually get nervous and very upset when other people say they need to talk to you without anticipating what the subject will be, know that one of the possibilities for the origin of this evil could be in these memories.


There’s no way to compete with that claim. The phrase may sound cruel because, supposedly, nothing is as precious as life. Therefore, the child cannot “repay the gift/favor” with absolutely nothing he does, no matter how good it is. Growing up listening to this phrase or variants such as “look at everything I’ve done for you”, among others, can generate a need pathological pleaserin which the person goes over their own wishes and desires and annuls themselves as an individual to live according to the wishes and wishes of their parents — and even so, that is not enough to feel worthy of affection.

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To frequently say that a person is dramatic or sentimental is a not-so-subtle way of saying that, in addition to not thinking straight, since they are so easily overwhelmed by emotions, everything that happens that provokes a more intense emotional reaction is their fault. itself, which is “exaggerated”. Children who grow up being told they are too dramatic can become adults who blame themselves for everything, even in situations where they are not to blame for anything. They also tend to excuse other people for bad behavior and tolerate this type of behavior.

Which of these phrases did you hear the most during your childhood? How do you feel about them these days? If you remember any other phrase that can destroy children’s self-esteem and become a problem in adult life, write in the comments and help us create another article on the topic!

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