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Research Reveals Whether Your Partner Is Telling the Truth When They Claim They Only Have Eyes for You

You certainly love to hear your partner say they don’t have eyes for other people. But do you really think it’s possible that someone, no matter how much in love they are, is not attracted to another individual?

Incrível.club decided to investigate the matter and discovered a research that revealed how true the phrase “I only have eyes for you” can be, or if it is just a bunch of empty words.

The importance of appearance

Based on assumptions obtained in previous research, that, by instinct, physical appearance is the main stimulus for two people to start a relationship, the renowned psychologist Jon Maner carried out a series of 5 studies for the University of Florida, USA. The objective was to investigate this characteristic in human beings and the role it plays in attracting the attention of others, that is, how much very handsome men and women attract looks, and how much they remain in the minds of admirers. The results demonstrated that it only takes 4 seconds for a man to have his attention focused to a woman who is considered attractive.

Engaged men don’t care as much about other women

One of the points addressed by the study was the time it takes a pretty face to attract attention among a group of “ordinary” faces, and even how long it takes for someone to remember it. On a screen, the psychologists displayed pictures of men and women for a certain amount of time in front of a group of heterosexual people.

The research results suggested that, in a relationship, Commitment significantly influences attraction that a man can feel for a beautiful woman, but it doesn’t cancel her out completely. Single men found more women attractive within the displayed face group. Among those committed, this number was lower.

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Committed women look to other women

Another point analyzed led to an intriguing result: beautiful women draw more attention than handsome men. This became clear when it was observed that committed women had more attention paid to female faces than the males. Jon Maner explains that this can be explained by the fact that when they are in a relationship, some women feel constantly threatened by beautiful females. “When we feel jealous and worry about being cheated on, our attention automatically turns to attractive people of the same sex, as they are our competition.”

No, it’s not that our partner doesn’t have eyes for other people. However, we are your favorite option

During the research, Jon Maner also verified what happens after someone calls a person’s attention in a 3-step process: fixing attention on the objective, decoding the information (paying attention to details, keeping them in mind) and “ pull” that data from memory. With this process, the research revealed that men, committed or single, feel attracted and, in addition, are able to memorize the information they received when they were in front of a beautiful woman. However, women are only attracted, but that information is not valued to the point of being memorized, which means that they show less interest than men when they are attracted to a person of the opposite sex.

But does not stop there. Another conclusion of the study was the fact that committed men also paid great attention to attractive males, probably for the same reason as committed women. However, according to Maner, men are aware of the beauty of their partner, and they value this characteristic: “Men are very attentive in relation to attractive men, since, possibly, their wives or girlfriends can feel the same”, he explained.

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Even if we are not the only attractive person in the eyes of our partner, we need to be sure that we are the best option for him, since it was with us that he decided to stay.

What did you think of the survey results? Do you agree with them? Leave a comment with your impressions on the subject!

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