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20+ Parents Who Always Have Something To Be Proud Of Their Kids

Loving mothers and fathers always have a reason to be proud of their children. Did the little one use the potty for the first time? Very good. Did he learn to tie his shoelaces? What a smart girl. Do you know the table by heart and sautéed? A child prodigy! Unfortunately, it happens that we forget some of these joyful moments over time. But little ones sometimes do things that later become the most treasured memories of parents, kept in their hearts for many years.

We, from incredible.club, we truly believe that every child deserves to be praised, and we are happy to share stories of mothers and fathers who had a special reason to be proud of their children. Check out!

Every morning and every night, my 4-year-old son and I walk our dog. I said that every owner should clean up their pet’s feces, arguing that, for example, we don’t do number 2 on the bathroom floor of our house. This morning, in the park, he saw a woman who left her dog’s feces on the sidewalk and shouted at her: “Do you also poop on the floor of your house and not clean it?” The woman turned red with embarrassment. I’m proud of my little one! © Palata № 6 / Vk

The other day, I caught my 6-year-old daughter stealing handfuls of green beans from the table. She completely ignored a bag full of candy sitting next to the fridge. I’m proud of her, even though her behavior seems a little off! © NailPolishIsWet / Reddit

My son was 8 years old when he went camping in the mountains with his class from school. There, they found slugs. My son loves all kinds of shellfish. When he came home, he said to me, “Mom, one of them was so beautiful, crawling over my arm. I wanted so badly to put it in a pot and bring it home… But if a giant caught me, put me in a pot, called me an unknown name and threw horrible food at me, I would feel bad. So I thought of that slug again and left it in its own house.” Honestly, my eyes filled with tears. It was then that I realized that I may not be the perfect mother, but I’m definitely on the right track. © Constance Pomuran / Facebook

My daughters are my pride. My eldest daughter is a wonderful mother to my three best grandchildren in the world, she has two jobs and still manages to run the house. I respect her for her courage and strength. My youngest daughter never scored below 10. She finished high school a year early, entered nursing school, graduated with honors, and now works in an ICU. I am very proud of their achievements. © Jessica Stringer / Quora

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Today, my 9-year-old son saw that a lady left her purse on top of the ATM and left the bank. He shouted to me, “Mom, that lady forgot her purse, I’m going to get her”. After ten seconds, accompanied by my son, the woman ran back into the building. She explained that she had lost two close people in the last month, which was why she was so distracted. She tried to remunerate her benefactor, but he said, “I’m passing the baton of good to you.” His words made me extremely happy. The little one took my hand and calmly concluded: “Mom, come on, our work here is done!” © LadyCh / Pikabu

A girl with autism started studying in my daughter Hana’s class. The teacher asked the children if someone could stay with her during breaks, show the girl around town, keep an eye on her, etc. Nobody raised their hand, but my daughter did. I am proud of my little one because she cares about others. © Carly McPherson / Quora

In my son’s kindergarten, there was a day when parents replaced teachers and one after another spent time with the children. I stayed with the gang until breakfast time. We played active games, exercised and had some fun. At some point we changed rooms and ended up in one with carpet. All the children took off their shoes, except one girl with cerebral palsy. So my 5-year-old son got down on one knee, helped the girl off her sandals, and continued playing as if nothing had happened. Nor did I think to help her at the time, and he offered himself. I’m proud of him. I hope he grows up to be a kind and helpful person. © LordDrako / Pikabu

My oldest son was about 8 years old when he was playing on the playground and an older boy, about 12 years old, started throwing rocks at him. One of my 4-year-old twin daughters, a small, skinny girl, walked up to the bully and yelled, “STOP THROWING STONES AT MY BROTHER!” Then she stood there staring at the boy until he got embarrassed and walked away. © OpusThePenguin / Reddit

Just before Christmas, I said to my 4-year-old daughter, “Let’s write a letter to Santa Claus. Which gift do you want?” The little girl replied: “I want my parents to live a long and healthy life. I don’t need toys, because I already have plenty.” My husband and I were thrilled. She said the same to kindergarten Santa Claus and it made all the adults think… I have three children and I am very proud of them! © Irina Dremlyugina / Facebook

I have a 5 year old son, a very small and skinny boy. Once, on the subway during rush hour, I was standing and my son was sitting. An elderly lady came in and no one gave her a seat, as if they hadn’t noticed the woman. My son already started to get up, but I pulled him back to sit down, otherwise he would be crushed by the crowd. The little one looked at me seriously, gave up his seat and said in a low voice: “Don’t embarrass me, I’m a man”. I was stunned by my 5 year old son’s words. I didn’t think he was so serious and capable of making decisions that, above all, were right. I am proud of my little man and hope that he grows up to be a good person! © Palata № 6 / Vk

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A new girl started attending my son’s kindergarten. She uses the same leg correction device as Forrest Gump. Recently, their teacher started complaining about my son, saying he beat other kids. When I asked the little one why he was behaving like this, he replied: “But why do others bother and hurt my friend?” The children pushed her, and the teacher only reacted when she heard screams. I praised my boy for his honesty and generosity. © Kiraussr / Pikabu

My youngest daughter married a very nice divorced man. He has two small children from his first marriage, with whom she sees on weekends and vacations. My daughter happily takes on the “mom role” during this time and gets along very well with the kids. She sees them as an addition, not a burden. It makes me very proud. © David Austin / Quora

“Vera, Nikita, Eva, Alena, Maxim, Pepino”

A few years ago, when my son was about 6 years old, his dad and I were playing wrestling, but the little one thought we were really fighting. He approached his father, pushed him with all his might and shouted: “Don’t you dare hit my mother, don’t you dare!” I have my own bodyguard. © cherryberrygirl / Reddit

My daughter plays the flute. At her first recital, she was playing beautifully. She later missed a note, but continued playing as if nothing had happened. Only she, her teacher and I knew she was wrong. I was so proud of her because a lot of kids would have stopped and run off the stage with tears in their eyes. © Sally Hopping Riley / Quora

Seniors love my son. As a child, when getting on a crowded bus, he would ask aloud: “But where can I sit?” However, our conversations about good manners paid off. Now he often gives up his seat even on half-empty buses, greets everyone, always asks the elderly about their health, strikes up a conversation by talking about his grades at school and helps carry their bags. In addition, he also helps me a lot. I’m proud of my little one. He is neither a celebrity nor an athlete, but a kind boy. It means a lot. © Katerina Bondareva / Facebook

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I was at the bus stop with my 5 year old son, who was crying very loudly. As often happens, an old lady approached us and said: “Ai-ai-ai, if you don’t calm down, I’ll hand you over to the old man in the bag”. I patiently replied, “Thank you for your concern, but we are against this method of education and will resolve the situation ourselves.” Then I told my son that I love him very much and would not give him away. The lady began to lecture me, and my son replied calmly: “I am the one who will hand you over to the old man with the bag if you don’t stop bothering my mother!” I’m proud of my son. © Podsluschano / Vk

Our son graduated from school this year. He got good grades on his final exams, which our family and his teachers were pleasantly surprised by. He just said he had worked on his weaknesses. Recently, it became clear how the miracle happened. Some time ago my son asked:
“Dad, can I give you mine?” laptop as a gift to my friend Aline? She started studying with us a year and a half ago and is an orphan. I think you remember.
– I think so. But why would you want to give her this gift?
“She’s the one who helped me score so high on the final exams at school. I studied with Aline almost every weekend at her house.
“But you won’t need the laptop🇧🇷
“I’ll hand out flyers over the holidays and save money for a new one. Aline’s family doesn’t have much condition, and it’s hard for her to save enough for a laptop🇧🇷
After our conversation, I let my son give his laptop for the girl. And you know, tomorrow I myself will buy him a new device. I’m very proud of him! © kapitan066 / Pikabu

Today, I was talking to my 8 year old son. He told me that he fell in love with a classmate named Christina. When I said that I like his colleague Tamara more, he came closer, hugged me, kissed me and replied: “Mom, I love you very much, but I am able to take care of my own personal life!” What was my reaction? I was proud of him. A real man is growing up! © Palata № 6 / Vk

And what was the reason for pride that your son already gave you? Leave your story in the comments!

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