Home » Guidance » “I Saw ‘The Devil Wears Prada’ About 75 Times”, The Story Of How John Krasinski Fell In Love With Emily Blunt

“I Saw ‘The Devil Wears Prada’ About 75 Times”, The Story Of How John Krasinski Fell In Love With Emily Blunt

Many people like good romance stories that end with a happy ending. This is the case of well-known actors Emily Blunt and John Krasinski who, unexpectedly, ended up living a love story that has lasted 12 years. However, it all started when he was a fan of hers.

At the awesome.club we are going to tell you a love story, whose peculiarity was also the good sense of humor.

Emily Blunt and John Krasinski make one of Hollywood’s most touching couples. However, this fantastic couple never planned to have such a long-lasting relationship. In fact, it didn’t even seem like there was a way for them to end up together. Krasinski himself declared, more than once, that he did not believe that their story would prosper, because he never imagined that, for Emily Blunt, he would be the ideal man. Krasinski even thought about ruining the first date.

Despite that, she realized right away that he was the love of her life. Even to the surprise of the actor himself, who also admitted to being a huge fan of The Devil Wears Prada.

“I saw the movie about 75 times. I’m lucky that she stayed with me and didn’t realize that she married someone who was actually stalking her.”

It was in 2008 that the friendly couple met by chance, in a restaurant in Los Angeles. As both stated, it was thanks to a mutual friend. However, it wasn’t just the helping hand of a friendly cupid, more than that, it was Krasinski’s humor that won her over, making her laugh immediately.

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“It’s a rather sad and unfunny story. I was at a restaurant and so was he. Me, with a mutual friend, Gray, who said, ‘Oh my God, it’s my friend John…’ That was all. He was sitting with our colleague Justin Theroux, so he left him and walked over to us. He just stood there and made me laugh.”

Of the two lovers, Krasinski admitted to being the luckier, as he never dreamed of ending up with someone like Blunt in his life. He even confessed that he tried to ruin the first date, so he wouldn’t have to endure disappointment later. However, to his surprise and against all odds, the meeting was a success.

As far as she is concerned, Emily Blunt has said several times that meeting Krasinski was something that completely changed her life, given that in addition to being together for 12 years, they also became parents twice and collaborated on some projects. In fact, this is also one of the reasons for their fame, as together they are an explosive and talented couple.

“Having John’s support is everything, because we are each other’s confidants,” said the actress. And she added, “That shared understanding really was a vital anchor for me.”

An example of their love, affection, admiration and respect for each other happened when, in 2019, Emily Blunt won the award for Best Supporting Actress at the SAG Awards, for A Quiet Place, and at the award ceremony she took the opportunity to dedicate a few words heartbreaking love for her husband and love of her life. Acts like these make us continue to believe in love.

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“I will be sharing the award with my husband John Krasinski because the experience of doing this work with him is etched in my heart. You are a great director. I am very lucky to be by your side and we made this film together”, said the actress in her speech.

A Quiet Place is precisely one of the projects on which the two famous artists worked together. A work they dedicated to their two beautiful daughters. That’s why both stand out as one of the most recognized couples of stardom. Stories like these show us that coincidences (or miracles) exist, as does love.

Currently, they continue collaborating to create more projects. Reason why they could be crowned as the perfect Hollywood couple, leaving behind Ben Afleck and Jennifer Lopez, or even Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. The new generation of talented couples has arrived, it seems that their love will last a long time and will continue to bear fruit.

What do you believe is, nowadays, the magic formula for a captivating and lasting relationship? Let us know in the comments!

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