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Learn how and where to apply perfume to last longer

Using a good perfume has its science. By applying your favorite fragrance anyway, you not only waste your precious – and often expensive – scent, but you also get the opposite effect to what you want, scaring off the people around you.

The wording of awesome.club studied in detail the main tricks in the application of fragrances and is happy to share them with you.

General rules

1. Different perfume groups do not mix

When using different types of cosmetics with different scents, for example perfumes, deodorants and body creams, choose products from the same range or at least with similar scents. No other scent should compete with your perfume. Ideally, your deodorants and creams should be fragrance-free. Otherwise, it’s best to avoid them altogether.

2. Each perfume has its time

It is worth remembering that you will not smell your fragrance throughout the day, but the people around you, so it is very important to know what time of day to use your perfume. Therefore, during the day and in summer, it is recommended to give preference to light and fruity aromas.🇧🇷 But during the night outs and with the arrival of the cold weather, you can use saturated perfumes, which leave a mark, such as woody and leathery notes.

3. On the skin or on the clothes?

It’s the main rule: any perfume is applied exclusively to clean skin! Don’t forget this, especially if you change your perfume during the day.

Strictly speaking, experts do not recommend applying perfume to clothing. Leather, wool, linen and cotton are the best scent “reminders” and your coat can preserve the scent for up to a year. Fragrance change lovers should think about this. Also, perfume can leave stains on a light or light fabric and can ruin your favorite outfit.

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4. Don’t rub off the perfume

One of the most common mistakes is rubbing perfumes during application, since in such a way the molecules that make up the fragrance are destroyed. To maintain the integrity of the aroma, it is recommended to apply it with a spray, giving light touches with your fingers or even with a cotton swab, if they are solid perfumes.

application points

In these places, blood vessels are close to the surface of the skin, your pulse and body temperature help to release the fragrance better.
Important: remember that there are many sebaceous glands behind the ears, so applying perfume to that area will change their scent.

It is known that hair perfectly preserves the aroma because of its structure. However, it is worth remembering a few tricks: perfumes with alcohol dry out the hair, so it is better not to apply them directly, but to the brush, before combing.
Important: Solid or oily perfumes are not the best option for scenting hair, as they are poorly distributed in the locks and can give the hair a careless appearance.

The back of the neck

This area is perhaps the most “powerful”, as the smell lasts longer and you will feel it more intensely when you are in crowded places.
Important: this area only works best during the cold season, as the heat can make the fragrance too heavy.

Experts consider this zone to be even more suitable for scent than the neck or wrist. Pay attention, because in this place, the skin is very sensitive and there is a risk of allergic reactions to the perfume components.

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It is best to store the perfume in a cool, dark place. It is categorically not recommended to apply perfume to jewelry, as they can oxidize it, which will ruin the look of the accessories. The aroma is best preserved on oily skin. Therefore, before applying, moisturize your skin with a lotion or cream with a neutral odor. Bright, saturated color of the liquid, low price, sediment, smell of alcohol: these are all signs of a low-quality perfume. To flavor your favorite shampoo or cream, essential oils are the most suitable: just add a few drops of the liquid inside the bottle.

Иллюстратор Yekaterina Ragozina exclusive to Incrível.club

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