Home » Guidance » 20+ Cats That Caught The Internet’s Attention For Their Unusual (And Even Strange) Behavior

20+ Cats That Caught The Internet’s Attention For Their Unusual (And Even Strange) Behavior

Although cats, like people, have different temperaments, they have a lot in common when it comes to behavior. The love for boxes and bubble wrap, the insatiable curiosity when hearing a “ksiksiksi” and the insistence on eating house plants are certainly characteristics that every cat owner has to deal with on a daily basis. However, some felines end up developing such peculiar behaviors that their owners begin to question whether they are really animals and not extraterrestrials. And the pussies in this post are proof of that.

we, from awesome.club, we love cats and their shenanigans. Therefore, we selected 22 unusual reports from internet users whose pets They have weird behavior. Check out!

1. “My cat only drinks tap water. And just the water that falls over your head into the sink drain.”

2. “My cat steals potatoes and walks around the house showing off”

3. This kitten raises its paw to get the owner’s attention

4. “My cat likes to lie on the sink and wet her belly. And when I’m in the bathroom, she sits on the toilet bowl to keep me company.”

5. “My cat always tries to steal everything I’m eating, so I’ve started to close the kitchen door so he doesn’t come in. And this is how he looks now, watching me eat.”

6. “While other people’s cat brings dead mice as trophies for their owners, mine brings the branches it finds in the garden”

7. “I have no idea how he got there, but he kept crying until I came to rescue him”

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8. This cat drinks water in a very strange way: she lies on the bowl to wet her belly and then licks the water off her fur

9. “This is the face Ghost makes when he wants to be cuddled”

10. “She likes to enter my closet from the back. Sometimes I even freak out when I open a drawer.”

11. “My cat certainly doesn’t know how the laws of physics work”

12. This kitty loves to sit like this in front of the stream of hot air coming out of the notebook

13. “My cat pretends to be chewing when he wants to tell me he’s hungry”

14. “While some drink tea with their pinky raised, my cat drinks water like this”

15. “My cat loves to think it’s part of the decor”

16. This kitty loves to sniff the dog’s paws

“He says he smells good”

17. “My cat arranges my 9-year-old son’s socks in a row”

18. Today’s cats are no longer the same…

19. “My cat is lying on her back on the kitchen cabinet and staring at the ceiling”

20. “Every morning she waits for someone to put ice in her water bowl”

21. My cat just doesn’t know how to be a cat

Does your cat have any peculiar behavior? Share a photo of him with us in the comments section.

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