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8 Attitudes that end up marking children for life

Parents responsible for raising a child do everything possible for their child to grow up happy and successful. But that doesn’t always happen. Children observe and reflect on the events in which they participate. This creates in them an image of the world that remains as a brand until the end of their lives.

Incrível.club believes and is in favor of making the world full of happy children and adults, which is why today we want to show you some negative moments that can undoubtedly affect a child’s life.

1. Absence of signs of affection with her

For a young child, their parents are very important people. They are practically their world in this life. But what happens when a child doesn’t feel his parents’ love?

Her self-esteem suffers because she ends up not feeling love for herself. This can cause a lot of problems in later life. Others try to build their lives by doing everything upside down, giving all their love and attention to their children. However, with these attempts, they become overprotective parents and, as a consequence, their children will not be happy either.

2. Excessive care

How to respect the boundary between a friendly relationship between parents and children and the desire to take care of everything in their lives? Adults often forget that their children have grown up and often continue to do things for them that they could perfectly and autonomously do themselves.

Subsequently, these people become adult “children” who have problems building relationships. In addition, they believe that the whole world revolves around them. Relationships with other people do not work out, as they do not learn to make decisions and are self-centered. They may not take into account the feelings of others, particularly their partners and family members, which inevitably leads to conflict.

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3. Make decisions for your child

By making constant decisions in a child’s life, even in small things like choosing toys, parents deprive them of their self-sufficiency. Every adult has to understand that a child should have the right to make their own choices – of course, according to their age.

The inability to make a decision results in a person having to wait for someone else to do it for them. However, sooner or later this person will have to do it independently and that means they will face an insurmountable problem. It will be difficult to find your place in life as you don’t know what it takes to do so.

4. Constant fights in the family

If adult relationships in the family don’t work, children may think they are to blame. They don’t understand what’s really going on and that’s why they may think they are the reason for the problems.

These people will always want to run away from any conflict or, on the contrary, they will retaliate with other people. In the future, a girl may unconsciously want to show that she is stronger than a man and will try to put him down to “revenge” her own mother. Often, young people repeat the father’s line of conduct towards his wife. Understanding that all this is unpleasant and unfair, due to a feeling of guilt, the person may even become addicted to alcohol in adulthood.

5. Demanding something impossible from a child

A child unconditionally trusts adults, especially parents, so he tries to satisfy all their demands. If she doesn’t achieve something, she starts to consider herself out of the ordinary, and thinks she’s a loser who isn’t worthy of being loved.

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It is impossible to live in peace with such an adult person, as the so-called “good student syndrome” makes him constantly seek success. If she doesn’t get a good result, she is considered a loser. It is very difficult to get along with such a person, as this not only prevents him from living happily, but also his family.

6. Trying to make her a “perfect” child

Directing a child’s desires is often not considered a bad thing. Parents, when they want to take care of their chores, can tell her to watch TV or play on the tablet, not to disturb her. It’s one thing when this is an isolated case. Another, when it happens frequently, since the parents’ task is to prepare the child for life, in which it is important to know how to make decisions based on their own needs and virtues.

It is unlikely that in such children the desire and ability to become an independent person will arise. On the other hand, the lack of attention to herself and her own desires condemns her to being an adult with health problems and prone to various addictions.

7. Lack of parental attention

The lack of parental love and attention during childhood leaves a mark on the future life of a boy or a girl. And here we talk about families in which a child sees his parents every day, but doesn’t feel that they are really involved in his life. The protection and courage that a child feels comes according to their attention, as well as the possibility of identifying with people and how they will develop in their environment. What happens when there is no attention?

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A child can behave towards his future children the same way his parents behaved towards him. Girls often have a hard time building relationships with people of the opposite sex. All this because women more often have a father-like relationship with men. Those who have this profile want to build a happy family, but the experience they had in their childhood makes them feel fear and distrust in the relationship with a man.

8. Devaluation of a child’s feelings

There are times when children are saddened by things that adults think are silly. And instead of a consolation, they hear evaluations like “bad”, “good”, “you are a boy/girl, behave like such” or certain types of orders: “don’t cry”, “don’t be mad”, “ it’s no big deal”. In this way, feelings are devalued.

The fact that a person understands their emotions and can control them is directly related to how complete their personality is. This is also important for having the ability to make informed decisions. In adulthood, these people may not be able to show their feelings and emotions, they unconsciously cancel their anger until an emotional outburst occurs.

Do you agree that the way children are treated in childhood has great effects on adulthood? Perhaps you have some illustrative examples? Share with us!

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