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75 inspirational quotes for reflection that will liven up your routine

Living is learning that getting up can be difficult, but life is always more beautiful seen from above.

We are stronger than we remember and more capable than we want to believe.

Paint life with your favorite colors and you will always be happy with what you see.

Learning to accept yourself as you are is the exercise that brings the most positive results.

A single lie can put everything you said to the test. Always choose the truth.

If you can dream something, you can do it!

Walt Disney

Your life is complete when you understand that you only need love for yourself.

The best of life is not material, but what lives in our heart.

We even got far alone, but it’s too boring not to have someone by our side to celebrate our achievements.

Not giving up, walking at your own pace and having the will to win is what will make you conquer what you want.

When people come into our lives, we have to make an effort to welcome them so that they can stay.

When we feel the wind on our face, we feel alive because that is the power of nature.

To accomplish tomorrow, you need to take the first step today, even if it’s small.

Learn to swim in the storm and you will be able to cross all kinds of waters.

Don’t remember what happened. Make decisions and learn that waivers are also necessary.

The best opportunities can be disguised as the greatest difficulties.

Don’t run out of time, learn to use it as your ally every day.

If you don’t like what you see, change your glasses, change your perspective, and you’ll see something better.

A smile is your weapon against difficulties. The bigger it is, the more powerful you become.

Without love, the days are empty. Is this what you want for yourself?

Changes only bring us closer to the place we always dreamed of being.

Even what is difficult becomes easier when we face him smiling.

May the pursuit of happiness not prevent you from being happy in the here and now.

The future may be beautiful, but nothing is more amazing than the present.

After the rain, the sun shines again. Nothing that is bad lasts forever.

If happiness is something you feel in the present, I’m in no hurry for tomorrow.

Umberto Moura

You never know what results will come from your action. But if you do nothing, there will be no results.

Mahatma Gandhi

Walking a little is always better than standing still.

We are architects of our own destiny.

Albert Einstein

Be the change you want to see in the world!

Mahatma Gandhi

May the tears fall and take away the pain so that the smile shines again.

Only what is good lasts long enough to become unforgettable.

Charlie Brown Jr.

The greatest freedom is to be free from our own mind.


What we sow is what will be reaped. You can’t expect a miracle without sowing seeds.

Among the difficulties, hide the opportunities.

Albert Einstein

I like the impossible because there is less competition.

Walt Disney

In everything, we learn a new lesson, whether in how to act or how not to do it.

We earn a lot more when we throw flowers instead of stones.

Mafé Probst

There is no exaggeration in the world more beautiful than gratitude.

Jean de la Bruyere

The important thing is to have fun, even if it’s at work, because that’s what makes life light.

What is done with love is done well.

van Gogh

The weak never forgive: forgiveness is one of the characteristics of the strong.

Mahatma Gandhi

In everyday battles, it is not the strongest who wins, but the one who resists, therefore, the smartest.

God is so merciful to us. Let us also learn to show mercy to others, especially those who suffer.

Pope Francis

There are walls that only patience breaks down and there are bridges that only affection builds.

Cora Coralina

Fatigue demands rest. Stop, breathe and come back even stronger for the next challenge.

Don’t be today. Don’t sigh for yesterday… Don’t want to be tomorrow. Make yourself limitless in time.

Cecília Meireles

Our biggest problems are not in the obstacles on the way, but in choosing the wrong direction.

Augusto Cury

Life is a gift that the more slowly we unwrap it, the more we enjoy its effects.

One of the greatest mysteries of the universe is that we don’t know if we are too small or too big.

Carl Sagan

How to explain that crossing your arms is a problem and that life only lasts a minute?

Oscar Niemeyer

Sometimes your biggest enemy is yourself who can’t believe how amazing you are.

Love the life you live. Live the life you love.

Bob Marley

If it doesn’t work, we try again and again and again. And if it doesn’t work out, we’re together wrong.

Clarice Falcão

When walking is difficult, remember that your imagination can get you off the ground.

The truth is so precious that it needs so many lies not to be revealed.

Pedro Bial

The essential is invisible to the eyes.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

In each season you will learn something new and become strong to bloom even more beautiful.

The path of happiness still exists, it’s a narrow path through the sad jungle.

Racionais MC’s

The good thing about life is to live well, to be well, to want well.

Your George

The important thing is to have someone by your side to hug you when it goes wrong or celebrate when you win.

Don’t worry about understanding, living surpasses any understanding.

Clarice Lispector

I learned to make the days lighter… I started to believe that being happy is to uncomplicate life on the inside.

Chico Xavier

Retreating is not giving up. It’s just understanding that you need a fresh start for your goal to happen.

The happy life consists of tranquility of mind.


Suddenly life turns you inside out and you discover that the inside out is the right side of you.

Caio Fernando Abreu

You don’t have to stay in the same place forever if he doesn’t make you happier.

How beautiful it would be if each of you could, at the end of the day, say: today I made a gesture of love for others!

Pope Francis

Do not eat life with fork and knife. Smear yourself!

Mario Quintana

The secret of life is not having everything you want, but loving everything you have!

Loving yourself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.

Oscar Wilde

For every laugh, there must be a tear.

Walt Disney

When there is passion, life becomes more lively, fun and determined.

Knowing yourself is the greatest knowing.

Galileo Galilei

They say gratitude is never too much, but it can be too little if you don’t practice it.

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