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Charlie Brown Jr quotes: remember great hits!

Just hearing your voice makes me feel better.

Charlie Brown Jr

Flowers are beautiful anywhere in the world, many people have form but no content.

Charlie Brown Jr

Let’s live our dreams, we have so little time.

Charlie Brown Jr

Do the difficulty my motivation.

Charlie Brown Jr

So let me kiss you until you feel like taking off your clothes.

Charlie Brown Jr

We come to understand life better when we find true love.

Charlie Brown Jr

I see on TV what they say about young people is not serious, young people in Brazil are never taken seriously.

Charlie Brown Jr

Love is like that, it is the peace of God that never ends.

Charlie Brown Jr

I’m going to do everything I can, I’m going to steal this woman for myself.

Charlie Brown Jr

If the one I love has love for me, I know we’re still far from the end.

Charlie Brown Jr

Good frames do not save bad paintings.

Charlie Brown Jr

Only what is good lasts long enough to become unforgettable.

Charlie Brown Jr

Fear blinds our dreams.

Charlie Brown Jr

What matters is feeling good, what matters is doing good.

Charlie Brown Jr

Today I’m happy because I dreamed of you.

Charlie Brown Jr

Life taught me to never give up, win or lose, but try to evolve.

Charlie Brown Jr

What matters is our joy.

Charlie Brown Jr

Today no one is going to ruin my day, I’m just going to spend energy to kiss your mouth.

Charlie Brown Jr

Who is real knows who is false.

Charlie Brown Jr

The desire to see you is already greater than anything and there are no distances in my new world.

Charlie Brown Jr

As if the silence said it all, a good feeling that takes me to another world.

Charlie Brown Jr

What matters is feeling good; what matters is doing good. I want to see my people all evolve too.

Charlie Brown Jr

I don’t look for perfection in anyone, because I don’t want them to look for me.

Charlie Brown Jr

Beware of fate, it plays with people.

Charlie Brown Jr

Men can talk but angels can fly.

Charlie Brown Jr

Take care of those who run by your side and who wants you well. This is the purest thing.

Charlie Brown Jr

Let it live, let it be, let it be.

Charlie Brown Jr

One day I’ll come back to do just your will, but if I can’t make you the happiest person I’ll get as close to it as possible.

Charlie Brown Jr

Do not belittle the duty that conscience imposes on you.

Charlie Brown Jr

Time is sometimes alien to our will, but only what is good lasts long enough to become unforgettable.

Charlie Brown Jr

What will be the defect of speech if your mouth shuts me up.

Charlie Brown Jr

I never had much to do with her, the book she loves I haven’t read, the movie she loves I haven’t seen.

Charlie Brown Jr

Everything I have I conquered in the race.

Charlie Brown Jr

Not everything suits you, it’s a risk you take, the good thing is not to deceive anyone.

Charlie Brown Jr

I’m happy and I run around the world, I’m running but I’m also a vagabond.

Charlie Brown Jr

My lifestyle frees my mind. Completely mad but a conscious madman…

Charlie Brown Jr

I didn’t come to explain myself, I came to confuse.

Charlie Brown Jr

Life taught me to fight for what’s mine.

Charlie Brown Jr

I have faith in God to solve any problem.

Charlie Brown Jr

They want you to feel bad so they feel good…

Charlie Brown Jr

So that’s it, I’ll do it in a way she won’t forget.

Charlie Brown Jr

Anyway, your smile will be my sunshine.

Charlie Brown Jr

What world is this that no one understands a dream? What is this world that no one knows how to love anymore?

Charlie Brown Jr

And we wonder why is life like this? It’s hard for you and it’s hard for me.

Charlie Brown Jr

Let me show you the best that I can be.

Charlie Brown Jr

I’ve seen up close what a nigga is capable of for money. I met the wolf himself in sheep’s clothing.

Charlie Brown Jr

In peace, in morals, in the humble, I seek only wisdom, learning every day, I look up to you, I run with you, I live together with you, I do everything for you.

Charlie Brown Jr

So many misguided people misuse the word, they talk, they talk all the time but they have nothing to say.

Charlie Brown Jr

She’s not the kind of woman who gives in the first but gets better in the second and heaven is in the third.

Charlie Brown Jr

My not always so lucid mind is fertile and it gave me the voice. My not always so clear mind made her walk away but she will come back.

Charlie Brown Jr

Your smile is worth more than a diamond.

Charlie Brown Jr

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