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30 sweet phrases to spread sweetness wherever you go

May our sweetness be contagious!

The best things in life are sweets.

The good feelings that exist are like sweets, they sweeten life!

Fernanda R. Silva

May the day, life and soul be sweet.

Studio 812

Life is sweeter for those who carry love in their hearts.

May life be sweeter than brigadeiro.

All love is sweet, given or received.

My doctor told me to cut out the sweets. Now I just eat chopped chocolate!

May your life be as sweet as the sweets I make.

Always seek to look at the sweet side of life!

Fernanda R. Silva

I had a sweet side, but I ate it.

Let nothing stop you from spreading sweets around.

When in doubt, be sweet.

Oh, I wish I were a poet to sing in your praise beautiful songs, beautiful poems, sweet phrases of love.

Tom Jobim

Of all the ingredients in life, gratitude is the sweetest.

May the bitterness of others not stop you from being sweet to people.

Education has bitter roots, but its fruits are sweet.


May your life be as sweet as honey, as enchanted as a child’s dreams and smiles.

The soul feeds on sweet, delicate, beautiful and sincere things.

Edna Frigato

Buying candy is like buying small doses of happiness!

Fernanda R. Silva

Happiness is just a matter of chocolate.

Neither human nor exact, I’m for sweets.


To love is to give brigadeiro to those you love.

Some people are so sweet it even looks like their favorite flavor of ice cream.

Cora’s prose

Happiness lives in a piece of cake. And I ate.

Life is short! Don’t leave for tomorrow the candy you can eat today!

Fernanda R. Silva

Thank you, a word I invented to remember that being grateful always makes life sweeter!

Sometimes the best thing we can do is offer a candy to anyone who dares to make our day bitter.

The best brigadeiro is the one that comes with the best stories and the loudest laughs.

Daniel Duarte

Always seek to have sweet and kind people by your side, they are able to make life much lighter!

Fernanda R. Silva

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