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80 good afternoon phrases to make it unforgettable and exciting

Life offers us challenges in the morning and opportunities for solutions in the afternoon. Have a great day!

May only good feelings visit us this afternoon!

Good evening! I wish you to meet many special people along your journey.

Good evening! Don’t listen to negative people. Join those who see life with good eyes, ally with those who really love you.

The good times last a blink of an eye. Blink, but don’t miss your surroundings. A good afternoon to you!

Good evening! May the lights that invaded the morning sky last through the afternoon. Have a bright day!

No matter how many stones are in the way, you can collect them all to reinforce your stronghold. Good evening!

Good evening! A peaceful heart is worth more than being right on any subject.

The biggest wishes of my afternoon is that yours is full of light, joy and smiles.

Our afternoon is not just the middle between morning and night, but the time to complete the arduous task of the day and get on with life.

Enjoy this sunny afternoon with lots of love and good feelings.

No matter where you are, just know that focus and a positive mind can take you anywhere you want. Good evening!

Learning history is easy. Now, creating your own story is truly difficult. Create your own and guide others to do the same! Good afternoon.

The afternoon is the time for punctual reflection on the decisions made in the morning that will echo at night.

Be consistent in your attitudes and get ready for a beautiful afternoon!

Good evening! Some life lessons need to be repeated until they are understood.

“If we grow with the hard blows of life, we can also grow with the soft touches of the soul”. Good evening!

Cora Coralina

Good evening! One step at a time, even if your heart ran a marathon in the morning.

You know that afternoon full of surprises? So, that’s what I came to wish you! May it be light, peaceful, joyful and relaxed, may there be no lack of courage and peace in hearts!

Good evening! Anyone who has never fallen has no idea of ​​the effort it takes to stay upright.

Enjoy every moment of your life without fear, because there’s no secret to being happy! Good afternoon.

I hope that on this beautiful afternoon you find reasons to have a good laugh!

“Don’t say victory is lost, if life is lived in battles”. Good evening!

Raul Seixas

A life without risking is not a life. A life without facing is not a life. A life without struggling is not a life. Risk, face, battle and conquer everything you dream of! Have a beautiful afternoon.

Good evening! The world and time run too fast, but love fits in every second of this time.

May the winds of this afternoon blow in your direction, taking only good thoughts and lots of positive energy!

Release a constant smile during the afternoon and infect your remaining day!

The morning can be rough, the night can be stormy, but it is in the afternoon that the focus needs to be directed so that the next day is amazing!

With that smile that lights up everything around you, it’s impossible not to have a wonderful afternoon!

“Happiness is the certainty that our life is not passing uselessly”. May your life be full of meaning that afternoon!

Erico Verissimo

May pleasant surprises make your heart your favorite address! Good afternoon.

In the fine line that ties the heart and reason, happiness is balanced. Good evening!

A blessed afternoon is what I wish you! May she be enlightened by the presence of Jesus Christ in her heart.

Everything flows, everything changes, nothing remains. Enjoy every moment that comes. Good evening!

Good evening! Know that my thoughts are all for you.

Good evening! The ideal of life is not to be perfect, but to try to be better every day.

Happiness is knowing how to appreciate the little things in life. Have a bright afternoon!

The sunset is proof that no matter what, every day can end beautifully. Have a good afternoon!

Have a sweet afternoon with endless possibilities!

Forget the harm they did to you, but not the lesson you learned! Good afternoon.

Good evening! Time borrows its pages, and we, little by little, make our choices and they determine our history.

What was planned in the morning begins to be accomplished in the afternoon. May it be a good afternoon full of achievements!

Good evening! Don’t expect your achievements to happen the next day, it’s this afternoon that your life can change.

To make the afternoon better, remember: “You are important to other people as much as to yourself. You have a vital role to play in the unfolding destiny of the world.”

Jordan B. Peterson

May your company not lack to sweeten my afternoon, my life. Good evening!

They said that for this afternoon to become better I needed to think of something that inspires me and only you came to my mind! Good evening!

A little good afternoon wish can change everything! Nothing better than discovering what people think we do.

Caroline Oliveira

“Life begins every day” and the afternoon would be no different. Have a nice rest of the day!

Erico Verissimo

Morning motivation can be cultivated in the afternoon to reap a day of good vibes!

There is nothing more productive than reminding the other how much you are loved. Love makes everything more meaningful. Good evening!

When facing difficulties that afternoon, remember: “the essential thing is that you fight. Life is fight. Life without fight is a dead sea at the center of the universal organism.”

Machado de Assis

From faith to faith, we build a life of accomplishments. God ahead and us learning what life is made of. A blessed good afternoon!

A warm “good afternoon” may be what was needed to unfreeze the heart to dreams. Believe that everything can be better!

May the afternoon breeze sweep away all bad thoughts. We only have now to be happy. Good evening!

The day is halfway through, but it doesn’t have to be halfway through. Live as the last chance to make it happen! Good evening!

There’s coffee for so many tasks! May it be a full day, a result of the degree of importance you have for everyone. Good evening!

Caroline Oliveira

If it’s hard, it’s because it’s getting close! Do not give up. May happiness be the final destination that afternoon!

May you not lack courage to take your day in your hands and make it happen. Your tomorrow depends on it. Good evening!

“All our discontent over what we lack stems from our lack of gratitude for what we have.” May gratitude invade your afternoon!

Daniel Defoe

Crazy is to stop dreaming when you have a whole life to reinvent yourself. May your afternoon be good!

Life is about opening yourself to opportunities. May your afternoon surprise you and show you that life is worth living!

“No one can do everything, but everyone can do something.” Good productive afternoon!

Max Lucado

It is by doing the possible that the impossible is achieved. For the afternoon to be good, don’t look away from what really matters!

No matter the cloud, the sun will always shine again and the afternoon can be a fresh start of what was not done in the morning.

If “a man is nothing other than what he makes of himself”, let it be a perfect afternoon for you to remake yourself! Good rest of the journey!

Jean-Paul Sartre

You have to give up comfort to dig your own happiness into the future. Have an afternoon of action combined with faith that anything can happen!

May patience this afternoon show you that, step by step, we overcome our limits!

If “nothing great is created suddenly”, cultivate dreams that you carry in your heart this afternoon and you will still see their realization!


Allow your pain to be doors to great transformations this afternoon! Believe it!

There is nothing to be achieved by standing still, except a waste of time. Make it and you’ll have changes you crave in the afternoon!

May you not lack courage this afternoon, for “Courage is the first of human qualities because it guarantees all others”!

Winston Churchill

Live fully this afternoon “because life is only given to those who gave themselves, to those who loved, to those who cried, to those who suffered”.

Vinicius de Moraes

Plant attitudes this afternoon and reap achievements tomorrow. Good rest of the day!

“If in an instant you are born and in an instant you die, an instant is enough for a lifetime.” Good evening!

Clarice Lispector

“Follow your destiny, water your plants, love your roses. The rest is the shade of other people’s trees”. Good evening!

Fernando Pessoa

Every victory began with an act of faith, risking in order to conquer. Good evening!

“A winner cannot be in the audience. He has to be in control of his life!” Have a good afternoon!

If it were to remain the same, life would not challenge us every day. Good evening!

“All we have to decide is what to do with the time we’re given.” Live in the now, decide to be happy this afternoon!

JRR Tolkien

If life is short and tomorrow doesn’t belong to us, we only have this afternoon to live and make you smile! Good evening!

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