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103 Twitter phrases to express yourself in 140 characters

Every new day is a new chance for you to change your life.

My beauty is so interior, that soon she moves to a place.

Perfect people don’t lie, they don’t fight, they don’t make mistakes and, above all, they don’t exist!

Nostalgia is our soul telling us where it wants to go back.

Ruben Alves

Generally, those who know little talk a lot and those who know a lot talk little.


The mind that opens to a new idea will never return to its original size.

Albert Einstein

Happiness is the only thing we can give without possessing.


It’s easier to beat a bad habit today than tomorrow!


I would rather be a failure at something I love than a success at something I hate!!

George Burns

With organization and time, you find the secret of doing everything and doing it well!


Looks also speak. Listen to them.

A smile overcomes any fight between a couple!!

Happiness is about being whole, not halfway.

Life is movement. Do not stop. Never.

You make me happy even when life makes me sad…

Don’t let despair take over you. Everything passes!

Dream is everything that can become.

Life is a journey. Enjoy the way.

Be aware of the movements of life.

If you’re going to speak ill of me, call me! I know terrible things about me.

Love is the cure for all ills!

As long as I call and fight and tease, make sure I still care… Start worrying when I shut up.

Face your demons. Only then can you overcome them.

It’s good to have hope, but it’s bad to depend on it!

Tears are materials with which the sky weaves its brightest rainbow.

Any kind of prejudice is a sign of weakness.

If I love you, I’m going to fight, because it’s better to fight and lose, than to lose and never have fought.

Have you ever stopped to think that when you start excluding negative people from your life, you end up finding people who are really worth it?

Confidence in yourself is the first secret of success.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

I’m even afraid to approach people, because with me it’s always the same sequence: meeting, sympathizing, liking and losing.

Make the most of every chance that life offers you. Even coming without you asking, maybe this chance is unique.

There are questions that we don’t ask for fear of the answers…

Appreciate the simple things.

George Carlin

I don’t like to talk, I prefer my friends to notice.

Relationships end too soon because people fail to put in the same effort to keep you as they did to win you.

A tight hug rebuilds us.

Special are the people who make you smile in the worst moments.


Not everything is as we want…

I like crazy people, those who aren’t afraid to be who they really are, those who enjoy life.

I think I’m afraid of being happy, because every time I manage to be happy, something bad happens.

Charlie Brown Jr.

With each disappointment you learn to trust less, to surrender less.

So strong, so big, so perfect, so fair, so God…

Our love is like the wind, you can’t see it but I can feel it.

Life requires a lot of patience, unfortunately it’s something I don’t have…

Never allow the behavior of others to take away your peace.

If I’m standing, it’s because someone supports me, that someone is called God…

Stop complaining about life and do something to change it…

I learned to smile, even with eyes full of tears…

There are days when everything tires me, stresses me out and irritates me…

To dream is to lose the ground to gain the sky.


Never walk away from those who do you good…

I already said “never again” and did it all over again….

Maybe I said the right things the wrong way…

Under any circumstances, be yourself!

It’s gone wrong so many times, that when it starts to go right, we don’t even know what to do.

Smile without a camera, chat without a cell phone, help without an audience, love without conditions.

Hugs are angels sewing our souls together with cloud threads.


Ah, but you know me, honey, I exaggerate even the commas.

Fernanda Faria

And when everyone turns their back on you, God will give you both hands.

She knew how to clean up everyone’s mess except her own mess.


I’m on twitter to really complain, if it was to celebrate I would be in a bar out there.

Life is a constant farewell from what we are now to what we will be later on.


Twitter is the art of being alone and poorly accompanied at the same time.

In the past, discussions ended in slaps, today they end in unfollow on twitter.

To be followed first you must learn to follow.

People who keep giving a message on twitter without objectively mentioning the names. Yes, that’s who I’m talking to.

Since I talk to myself in real life, I decided to create a twitter, at least here I talk to everyone alone.

Life taught me to never give up, win or lose, but try to evolve.

Charlie Brown Jr.

Not even the infinite is able to distance two hearts united by the spirit of love.

Friendship is like guitar strings, they break and they can be mended, but they will never sound the same again.

It’s so easy to draw a heart, but it’s so hard to understand love!

I say I don’t care but I can’t live without you.

Los Hermanos

My love, you are so in me during the day that I invariably dream of you at night.

Ah love is… A crazy emotion, a feeling that has no reason.

For those who have no dreams, even heaven is a prison.


You don’t need to remember me; just never forget.

Beautiful is to be happy and believe that luck is the one who brings it!

Ana Nunes

Complain less, believe more in the possibilities and what you are capable of.

Ana Nunes

Good thoughts attract magnificent events.

Ana Nunes

I also learned that as much as you want someone very much, no one is worth it so much that you stop wanting yourself.

Tati Bernardi

It’s so much hypocrisy, so many empty people, so much useless subject, that I’m too lazy to meet people….

Tati Bernardi

Women only end up with men who don’t start.

Tati Bernardi

Everyone has two sides, what really matters is which side prevails. May it be good.

Luara Lent

Coldness is not super power, pride is not quality.

Luara Lent

Sometimes we fall apart, but only for a second. For the rest of our lives we remain ready.

Luara Lent

If we can dream, we can also make our dreams come true.

Walt Disney

Don’t throw me indirections. Throw me money.

Joy prevents a thousand evils and prolongs life.

William Shakespeare

Your smile can change someone’s day.

I’ve always been poor, but this month I’m to be congratulated!

Happiness is the best thing that exists.

If you want something, just try hard and believe you can.

Miley Cyrus

Try to be happy instead of trying to be perfect.

I have on me all the dreams of the world.

Fernando Pessoa

Having friends is going out without money and coming back drunk.

Losing is part of it, giving up is something for people with little will.

Some have money. Some have beauty. I’m sleepy.

God is the strength in the midst of adverse situations.

To understand English I need three things: that they speak slowly, loudly and in Portuguese.

That’s how hot it is… happy people on the beach… you’re all sweaty in the bedroom.

Anyone who thinks they know me doesn’t know what I’m capable of.

Have an ounce of conscience: save water!

May willpower always be greater than difficulties!

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