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Don’t tell me you don’t have time, tell me your priorities are different


If anyone wants it, they’ll make time. If you don’t have time, it’s because you don’t want to or because you have other priorities. Don’t let them lie to you and don’t deceive yourself either. In fact, anyone will always have a space reserved for a person they want to see, who they want to talk to or who they care about: that’s exactly how affection and love work.

As we mature, it is normal that life makes the task of finding spaces for others or even for those activities that we love so much a little more complicated. Mainly because we are taken over by other activities that rob us of a lot of free time we have. However, it is not true that it does not exist: they say that “to want is to be able”, and in the case of personal relationships, this is a very important truth.

Attention should never be begged for. Life is an accumulation of priorities and second choices. When we mentally classify our relationships into priorities or options, what we are actually doing is orienting ourselves according to the value we place on certain people. So, stay alert as much as you can and, if you feel that you are not being valued as you deserve, don’t ask: begging for attention is something that certainly no one deserves to have to do.


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If you are in this situation, where you feel that you give 100% of yourself for something that should be reciprocal and it is not, maybe it is time to see that behind the lack of time there are made up excuses and little interest. It is often painful and disappointing, but it is healthier in the long run to resolve this imbalance than to continue to maintain it: at the end of the day, the coming together of two people is something where giving is rewarding but receiving is also necessary.

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In addition, if someone that you include in your priorities without even doubting, has started to leave you aside, it could be that something has happened but it could also be that person’s lack of interest: remember that liking someone has no calendar .

I learned that those who don’t look don’t miss you, and those who don’t miss you don’t like you. I learned that life decides who enters your life, but you decide who stays. I learned that the truth only hurts once and the lie hurts forever. So value those who value you, and don’t treat as a priority who treats you as an option.

If someone wants to have you in their life, that same person will find a place for you without you having to fight for it.

You also have freedom of choice. Choose well who you want in your life and, when you do, it is probably best to also think about who chose you to be part of their own life: value those who show they want to be by your side.


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