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To love is to have someone you can count on


Love is care, affection and friendship. It is complicity in life, in dreams, in joys and in failures. In pain and antics.

Love it’s dying of laughter at a boring joke, because there’s nothing better than making the other feel special for having ripped smiles and laughs from you.

Love it is joy, even in the midst of chaos. It’s like dying of sleep, but holding on tight because the other simply needs to talk. Love It’s not just holding hands, it’s lap too.

Love it’s the perfect fit. It is direction and refuge. It’s having a safe harbor.

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Love it’s making the other cafuné to sleep and filling it with kisses for him to wake up.

Love it’s seeing that crumpled face and messy hair and still admiring what is for you the most beautiful image in the world. Love is having someone to count on. It’s having someone with whom you can share your fears, secrets, annoyances and idiocies.

Love it is walking together, neither in front nor behind, but side by side. Love makes sleep pass, smile open and eyes shine.

Love It’s knowing how to be calm when the other is storm. It’s knowing that sometimes the other is going to have a bad day and all you can do is listen to them.

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Love and wait. It’s exercising patience and knowing that, in the end, everything will work out.

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Love is to know the favorite color and the favorite dish. It’s taking care of the cold, the hurt.

Love it is what is renewed with each new song discovered. It is every moment, including those in which it is necessary to put aside the intensities to be light, together.

Love it’s the certainty that if there are fights, it’s in an attempt to make the other understand that each of you really wants to see the other happy. Love it is not accepting everything, but seeking to understand.

Love is to be the solution, never the problem.

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Love it is us being looked in the eyes, by someone who allows us to be just what we are managing to be at that moment. It’s someone who welcomes us the way we are, or the way we are.

Love it is leaving the other at ease to be exactly what he is. Love it’s not demanding, not asking to change, not criticizing gratuitously. Love it is not the expectation, but the reality, the truth, naked and raw.

Love it is to welcome those who have qualities and defects, without making it a burden.

Love it is to discover perfection in the imperfect.

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Love it is the person who is by your side, making you forget about the flaws that you may have, and not reminding you of all of them all the time. Because those who really love don’t point to the past, but always point to the future. Pointing to what the other did or didn’t do, many point. But sometimes it takes someone who doesn’t need to look at what the other has done or not, and only look at what can still be done.

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Love it’s what fills in gaps that we didn’t even know existed. It is knowing how to say something to the other, without him feeling diminished or humiliated.

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Love it is to be free from obligations, because everything we do for each other, it will be for the pure pleasure of doing it. Love It’s knowing that time doesn’t always pass in the same way. An hour together sometimes seems to equate to a few minutes. A few minutes away sometimes feels like long hours.

Love it’s having the favorite person in the whole world. It’s counting the seconds to meet again. It’s having someone to come back to.

Love is knowing where we want to go. where we want to go. And there remain.

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Aline Melhado

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