What to do when bruises appear on the skin for no apparent reason? What is the nature of this phenomenon? Is it worth worrying about them?
O awesome.club compiled medical opinions that explain what can happen in the body in the face of the frequent presence of bruises. Pay attention and, if necessary, look for a specialist. The doctor who deals with this specialty is called a hematologist.
1. Take medication
Taking medications that affect the blood can cause bruising, whether heavy or soft. In most cases, the cause is the consumption of antidepressants, anti-inflammatory painkillers, medicines with iron in the composition and those against asthma.
The best-known drugs that make the blood thinner and can lead to bruising are aspirin, Cavinton, and the like.
If you notice a direct relationship between medication consumption and skin changes, it’s good to consult a doctor. You may need to temporarily stop treatment to exclude the risk of internal bleeding.
2. Blood diseases
One of the possible causes of the sudden appearance of bruises may be linked to blood and blood vessel diseases. Varicose veins, von Willebrand disease, thrombocytopenia or severe leukemia also affect blood circulation.
Don’t hesitate to see a doctor if you have other alarming symptoms: pain and swelling in your legs, bleeding gums, small red dots on your body, or nosebleeds.
3. Lack of nutrients
Vitamins, vitamins! We tend to get our children to receive these substances in sufficient amounts, but we end up forgetting about ourselves. With the appearance of sudden bruises, the body warns that important elements are missing.
Vitamin B12 plays a role in blood formation, while vitamin K is responsible for clotting, and vitamin C plays a key role in the formation of new tissue. Without it, blood vessels are very weak.
Another important vitamin is P. Without it, collagen is not produced and the vessel walls become thin, which means that the skin condition worsens, whether with or without bruising. And this is not the picture of a happy future.
A very important element for the body is iron, as long as it is in balanced levels. Its excess, as well as its deficiency, affects the capillaries.
But you don’t have to rush to start taking vitamin supplements. First, analyze your diet and get tested for a possible lack of vitamins.
Vitamin P can be found in green tea, apples, pumpkin and garlic. Already foods rich in vitamin K are bananas, eggs, nuts and blue fish. Beef liver, fish and cheese are great sources of vitamin B12.
4. Exercising with weights or overdoing it when carrying something too heavy
Lifting a lot of weight can be a secondary cause of bruising. This means that the blood capillaries were already fragile, and that the physical overload just “completed the circle.” However, excessive weight can cause capillaries to rupture, even if they are healthy.
Purple spots can even appear in children: heavy school backpacks are part of the reality we live in.
Bruises resulting from muscle overload are not considered dangerous, but they indicate that you tried to handle a weight above your strength and possibilities.
5. Hormonal disorders
Abrupt hormonal changes are among the most frequent causes of bruising. They appear when the level of estrogen (or estrogen) in the body is insufficient.
This situation can appear at menopause, after taking hormonal medications or with pregnancy. A lack of estrogen significantly weakens blood vessels and capillary walls can be affected with the slightest effort.
6. Age-related changes
A sad but natural reason is age-related bodily changes: the so-called natural wear and tear of capillaries. The vascular system is weakened because tissue elasticity decreases as you age.
It is worth noting that these “age” bruises appear mainly on the legs. In addition, they can appear after small bumps, something in which young skin would not make a difference.
7. Diabetes
Sugar and blood are the first associations made when this disease is mentioned. Diabetes has a negative impact on the blood circulatory system, facilitating the appearance of bruising. In this case, the process does not necessarily accompany the disease that has already developed, but it may be one of the first symptoms of a problem that is to come.
Other symptoms: atypical thirst, poor healing, chronic fatigue, periodic blurred vision or white patches of vitiligo on the skin.