There is beauty and intelligence in all people, they are just different in each of them.
There are so many smart people out there discrediting themselves just because an envious person made them feel inferior.
Smart people look for the best solutions and don’t surrender to mediocre alternatives.
Intelligence is not a gift that people are born with. It is a construction that happens throughout life.
Money makes men rich, knowledge makes men wise, and humility makes men great.
Mahatma Gandhi
100 smart and inspiring phrases that will make you reflect
Intelligence enchants more than beauty because it lasts much longer and reverberates in all areas of life.
Exercising your intelligence without ever putting others down can be greater wisdom.
We need to learn to balance emotion and intelligence to be happier.
Intelligent people are not always rational, although they process feelings that way. They also give vent to their emotions.
Intelligence has different ways of manifesting itself and that’s what makes it so beautiful.
40 clever phrases to win over the person you can’t get out of your head
With intelligence, people overcome the harshness of life more elegantly.
An intelligent person knows that he is able to face his problems head-on by exploring the best in each situation.
Appreciate smart people because they fought hard to achieve this rank.
When intelligence goes to people’s heads, it becomes a curse.
Seemingly intelligent people who keep knowledge to themselves are not only selfish, but show that they have not understood that the value of what has been learned only really makes sense when shared.
The best kind of intelligence is shared.
We must not leave emotional intelligence aside to take care of rational intelligence alone.
There is a huge difference between intelligence and arrogance, don’t confuse the two.
Intelligence conquers because there is nothing more beautiful than a person with content.
Smart people are those who, just by having them around, make seemingly trivial things more interesting.
40 clever phrases about life for you to reflect on yours
Smart people were born to live with smart people!
An intelligent person is confident and knows that he can do anything if he wants to.
The intelligent human being is more powerful than any fictional superhero.
I would spend hours listening to you talk about what you like because it makes you sound like the smartest person in the world.
It’s so beautiful to see smart people using their knowledge for what they’re passionate about.
Smart people are even more beautiful because they carry an inner and grandiose beauty.
Keep learning and you will become smarter every day.
The most fun way for intelligence to manifest is in creativity.
Learning fast is not being smart. Being smart is knowing how to apply what you learn.
Smart people never lose interest because they will always have something curious to tell us.
The smarter we are, the more we can make the world we’ve always dreamed of.
You are so smart that it makes me admire you, root for you and wish you happiness.
Everyone has the potential to be smart, they just need an incentive to invest in their abilities.
Live your intelligence without fear of people judging you for your knowledge.
Intelligence is plural and manifests itself in many ways. It’s much better to have smart people in different areas.
Intelligence is also in experiences, exchanges and conversations.
Smart people create their opportunities with creativity and knowledge.
Think beyond the traditional and you will be admired for being smart.
How beautiful it is to see intelligent people talking openly about what they dominate.
Being smart and not sharing your knowledge is like having a treasure and never enjoying it.
An intelligent and humble person is the one we all dream of being or having around.
You are smart yes. It doesn’t matter what the arrogant people around you made you think.
You inspire me to study harder because your intelligence is beautiful to behold.
An intelligent person sees in the most unusual answers, the best solutions.
Smart people don’t get ripped off because they catch the blow before it happens.
Humility makes smart people more beautiful and interesting.
There is nothing in our intelligence that has not passed through the senses.
Happy is he who transfers what he knows and learns what he teaches.
Cora Coralina
May your intelligence not diminish the other’s and may there be respect in the world.
Happy people remember the past with gratitude, rejoice in the present, and face the future without fear.
Try to move the world, the first step will be to move yourself.
I love talking to smart people because I always learn something new and that I move forward.
Wise is he who knows the limits of his own ignorance.
Failure is just an opportunity to start over smarter.
Henry Ford
There are no obstacles that cannot be overcome with intelligence and wisdom.
Knowledge is learned from masters and books.
Cora Coralina
Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.
I like smart people with the patience to teach those who haven’t had the chance to learn yet.
Silence is the prayer of the wise.
Augusto Cury
Smart people make life look beautiful because they do everything more elegantly.