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6 Rituals People Should Adopt to Get Restful Sleep

Life has been so hectic lately that there isn’t always time to take care of body and mind. For some people, it’s so difficult to face the rush of everyday life that they often end up giving up fundamental things for health, such as a good night’s sleep. Unfortunately, it is not always easy to close your eyes at the end of the day and sleep well, and the explanation for this may lie in some of the habits we adopt that affect the quality of our sleep and, as a consequence, our health.

O awesome.club you know that a good rest is essential to maintain a balanced life, and that’s why we decided to share some tricks that can help you sleep like a baby.

1. Change positions, after all they all have positives and negatives

Some say the best sleeping position is on your back. It is true that it is good for the spine and the back of the neck, but it is also positive for snoring and apnea. Sleeping on your stomach has some disadvantages, including the need to turn your head to the side, which can end up causing pain in the upper body.

If you sleep on your side, you can lessen the pressure on your spine, but your hip will be affected. In the fetal position, the muscles relax naturally and reflux decreases. However, this position can make breathing difficult. That is, the best thing to have a good night’s sleep is to change positions.

2. The principle of wakefulness and sleep: sleeping and waking up almost always at the same time

It is important for you to know that sleep is governed by a circadian rhythm, that is, a 24-hour biological rhythm that varies from person to person. In this sense, to have a good night’s sleep and wake up on the right foot, it is essential to adopt a constant rhythm in terms of bedtime and, above all, waking up.

Waking up very late often ends up delaying bedtime the next night, and this ends up having an impact on sleep hours, especially if this situation starts to repeat itself. That is, it is important to try to adopt a regular rhythm, so that the body begins to feel a natural tiredness that indicates that it is time to go to bed.

3. The bed is only for sleeping

Apart from relationships with a couple, it is important to consider the bed as a place reserved only for sleep. Any other activity incompatible with sleep should be eliminated. That is, we shouldn’t watch series and movies for hours, eat or read in bed.

But the most important thing is to go to bed only when we want to sleep. If sleep does not come, it is better to get out of it. Staying in bed and not sleeping can cause anxiety and make it even harder to fall asleep. First of all, our bed is a place of relaxation where there should be no room for any kind of negative thoughts.

4. Playing sports is important, but not in the late afternoon or evening

Sometimes, the workday ends up being so long that we leave the physical activities for the end of the day or even for the night, which is a mistake. Exercising at the end of the day raises our temperature and activates us physically and psychologically, and these two factors do not combine at all with a good night’s sleep.

What you can do is walk around at night without trying too hard. In addition, it is important to avoid taking a hot shower before bed, as well as any other intense intellectual activity.

5. A light dinner helps you sleep better

To sleep better, it’s important to eat light food and almost always at the same time. It is very important to avoid eating heavy food before going to bed.

But be careful: it’s not about not eating anything, because that will make you wake up with an uncontrollable urge to attack the fridge. In addition, it is necessary to eliminate energy drinks such as coffee or other foods that contain caffeine. Nothing better than a good infusion before bed.

6. Create a comfortable environment before bedtime

When comfort conditions are good, it is easier to fall asleep. Low light, quiet music and a comfortable bed are three aspects that usually help us sleep much better. Other factors that we should control are noise, which should always be avoided, and the temperature of our room, which should not be too hot or too cold. It is advisable not to exceed 18-19 °C and to ensure that the space is ventilated for at least 10 minutes every day.

On the other hand, any type of blue light screen should be turned off before going to sleep. It is preferable to adopt relaxing rituals according to your preferences, in this way the transition to the world of dreams will be much more fluid and pleasant.

Do you have trouble sleeping? Do you know any other tricks that help you relax when it’s time to go to bed? Be sure to share your experience with us in the comments.

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