Home » Inspiration » 55 phrases for those who love to dance – Chapéus – Blog

55 phrases for those who love to dance – Chapéus – Blog

Listen to the music and let your body follow the melody. How about getting inspired by phrases for those who love to dance? We selected 55 options, which can be used both for personal reading and for enhancing publications on social media alongside neat photos.

What phrase describes the dance in your life?

How about doing a reflective exercise? Close your eyes and remember moments when you released your body to the rhythm of a song. What memories and emotions came to the surface? Try to turn them into words. It’s also worth getting inspired by our list of phrases for those who love to dance:

1 – When my body dances, my mind swings between the beautiful and the wonderful.

2 – For me, dancing is like life. You don’t choose it, it just happens. ❤️

(Photo: Pixabay)

3 – Dance is born from the soul, not from the feet.

4 – I chose to live a life on my toes. 🩰

5 – The soul of a dancer is made of poetry.

6 – Dancing is moving a gift through a passion.

7 – “You have to dance as if no one is watching you, love as if you have never suffered, sing as if no one is listening and live as if heaven were on earth.” (William W. Purkey)

8 – What some call dance, I call life.

9 – For me, spending a long time without dancing is like running out of air.

10 – The best conversations are those expressed with the body when we dance.

Is anyone who dances happy?

11 – Dance is the hidden language of the soul.

12 – Whoever dances his evils scares away. 💃

13 – Be happy every day: dance!

14 – Joy makes music dance. Sadness makes the lyrics understandable.

(Photo: Pixabay)

15 – Dancing is the translation of happiness.

16 – With dancing, all bad moods go away!

17 – Dancing is the basis of happiness. 🩰

18 – Happiness and dancing are synonymous.

19 – Dancing is one of the best ways to eliminate sadness from your life.

20 – Do you want to be happy? Dance!

Tumblr dance phrases

21 – You will never be too old to dance. You’ll be old when you stop dancing!

22 – Dancing is a great way to demonstrate the wonders that mind and body united to music are capable of performing.

23 – “Dance well, dance badly, dance without stopping, dance well, dance until you don’t know how to dance.” (The Frenetics)

24 – Dancing strengthens the body and spirit. 💃

25 – “The music that plays inside us is the only one that makes our senses vibrate and sets our soul dancing.” (Edna Frigato)

26 – And it’s on my worst days that I do my best dancing.

27 – And if you are alone, take solitude and dance!

28 – Dance celebrates the celebration of being alive.

29 – Because whoever loves dancing will never be lonely, empty and totally sad.

30 – It is with the body that one dances, but it is with the soul that one feels the music. ❤️

(Photo: Pixabay)

31 – Status: in a serious relationship with dance.

32 – Many times, life is like a dance, you just need to catch the rhythm.

33 – “Music and dance are two arts that have a close bond.” (Moliere)

34 – Dancing is a life well lived!

35 – “Dance is the hidden language of the soul.” (Martha Graham)

36 – Dancing is always a great idea to counter life’s biggest challenges. 🩰

37 – “She dances to the music inside.” (Fabricio Carpinejar)

38 – “Dancing is drawing with your body the poem that lives in your soul!” (Edna Frigato)

39 – Dancing is writing a poem that is written with the body and read with the soul.

40 – “It is not the rhythm or the steps that make the dance, but the passion that goes into the soul of the dancer.” (Augusto Branco)

41 – Dancing is a great idea to eliminate all negative energy!

Dance phrases for Instagram

42 – “Dance, dance… Otherwise we are lost.” (Pina Bausch) 💃

43 – My heart doesn’t beat, it sambas!

44 – Having faith is dancing on the edge of the abyss.

45 – “Whoever doesn’t listen to the melody thinks whoever dances is crazy…” (Oswaldo Montenegro)

46 – It doesn’t matter if the storm is going to arrive, I invite you to dance in the rain.

47 – Dancing is dreaming with your feet.

48 – “Dance is the perpendicular expression of a horizontal desire.” (George Bernard Shaw)

49 – “No one cares about your ability to dance well. Get up and dance. Great dancers are excellent thanks to their passion.” (Martha Graham) ❤️

50 – “Realize that in your life you choose some things, but others are decided by life, by God, you will be led. And the beauty is that we accept this dance, the dance with God.” (Satyanatha)

51 – Dance does not only depend on technique, but also on the passion of those who perform it.

52 – “When you dance, your purpose is not to get to a certain place. It’s about enjoying every step of the way.” (Wayne Dyer)

53 – Dance does not have a double meaning, it only has one meaning, the meaning of good.

54 – “I consider any day I didn’t dance was wasted.” (Friedrich Nietzsche)

55 – “Dance expresses what cannot be said in words but which also cannot in any way remain silent.” (Victor Hugo) ❤️

Read more: phrases by Paulo Coelho It is phrases by Cora Coralina.

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