Sometimes tiredness wins over love.
There are times in our lives when love truly conquers all: tiredness, sleep deprivation, whatever.
There is an immense tiredness to explain the meaning of love.
Love doesn’t end, it gets tired.
We don’t love the same way every day. There are days when love becomes anger, sadness, fatigue, heartache. There are days when love seems like anything but love.
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In the midst of so much love, there is an enormous tiredness.
I’m tired of loving the wrong person. Being alone is better than being with a person who hurts you.
Love is tired too. We get tired of each other, we get tired of life, we get tired of ourselves, we get tired of almost everything.
I’m tired of loving someone knowing that that person will never love me.
The most painful way to kill a love is through exhaustion. Nobody deserves to live in the desert of lack of reciprocity. At the first sign of disinterest, let go.