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50 profound life quotes to learn from experience

Life is unique and non-transferable. Don’t wait for others to live it for you.

The more a person tries to control his life, the more he loses control of what is happening.

Life is too short to do everything the same and not accept when changes happen.

The worst day in life is not when something bad happens, but when we miss a good opportunity.

You don’t need to have everything to live well, you just need to be alive and believe that you can learn from everything.

Don’t wait for the perfect day to start being happy, because it may not come. Be happy with the life you already have. We only have today!

Do everything you want to do now. We don’t know what tomorrow will be and it may never arrive.

Those who live life only in the shallows, miss the opportunity to get to know each other better and discover amazing places.

Think before you act, but don’t go overboard so you don’t waste the right time to make choices.

Every person has a time in life, don’t rush just because others have already reached places you haven’t been.

It is necessary to know all the ways to be able to say with conviction that one of them is not for you.

Change whenever life gives you the opportunity and play with all the different versions of you.

The experience is built with everything you experience. Whether good or bad times. Don’t belittle any of them.

Life is like an ocean, but many people treat it like a puddle.

Don’t be afraid to fight for what’s yours. Life is not always peaceful and at least this fight is worth it.

We cannot replace people in our life. Even when they are no longer part of our days, the memories they marked remain.

Never beg for affection. You are too valuable not to take it lightly from those who care about you.

I hope life teaches you that not everything needs to be said with words.

Unfortunately, people who don’t deserve it also grow in life. If you learn to focus on yours, it will no longer affect you.

Everything that happens to you is the exact size of what you can bear.

The biggest mistake people make is to believe that they can live without the help of others.

Don’t use your time to hold a grudge, use it to release forgiveness, learn and live in peace.

The direction we walk is more important than the speed we walk.

Those who have faith in life, always believe that it can get better and that something good is waiting for you.

Everything you do has a consequence and there’s no use running away, one hour, she finds you and makes you pay.

Who lives without compassion, lives missing a piece of the heart.

Having empathy is essential so that one day, people feel the same for us and respect our pain.

Living is a process that takes time. Rushing it will only make you miss the things that really matter.

Of the things that wisdom provides to make life entirely happy, the greatest of all is friendship.


Above all, in life, we need someone to make us do what we are capable of. This is the role of friendship.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Those who choose not to change, choose not to live.

Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or the present are destined to miss the future.

John F. Kennedy

Life is like riding a bicycle. To have balance, you have to keep moving…

Albert Einstein

Be grateful for the life you have because it could be different and maybe you would be less happy about it.

Want to know the meaning of life? Forward.


The small acts of each day make or break character.

Oscar Wilde

Appearances are deceiving and you have to be attentive to realize who you really are.

Imagine a new story for your life and believe in it.

Paulo Coelho

Life isn’t about having good cards in your hand, it’s about playing the ones you have well.

Josh Billings

When your essence is true, the world can try to take everything you have, but it won’t.

Never be afraid of people’s opinions. This is the greatest slavery in the world.


Life is too short to be small.

Benjamin Disraeli

The problem with acting on impulse is not measuring what you will have to pay when you finish what you started.

A man cannot do right in one area of ​​life while he is busy doing wrong in another. Life is an indivisible whole.

Mahatma Gandhi

Don’t wait for a crisis to find out what’s important in your life.


Stop fighting with yourself. This war is not worth it and only makes you waste your life.

Do you have enemies? Good. It means you fought for something, sometime in your life.

Winston Churchill

Life is not measured by the number of times we breathe, but by the moments that take our breath away.

George Carlin

When everything seems to be against you, remember that the plane takes off against the wind, not with its help.

Henry Ford

The first great lesson to be happy is: stop living with those who don’t care about you.

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