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42 man quotes that will help you understand the male universe

The men of few words are the best.

William Shakespeare

Man also likes to wake up and see a good morning message, to know that it’s important to someone, man also has a heart!

Don’t waste any more time arguing about what a good man should be like.

Marco Aurelio

Showing your feelings doesn’t make you less of a man!

Geovana Lawson

A real man is not the one who takes many, but the one who gives up many for one.

Happy is the man who knows how to respect women, as he shows, at the very least, that he learned to respect the one who was the first woman in his life: his mother.

The worth of man is determined, in the first place, by the degree and the sense in which he has freed himself from his ego.

Albert Einstein

A real man doesn’t deceive a woman. Only idiots do that.

Augusto Branco

What man really seeks is not the perfection that is in the future, but the fullness that is always in the present.

Man can have everything, but if he has no word he has nothing.

A man who works with his hands is a workman; a man who works with his hands and his brain is a craftsman; but a man who works with his hands and his brain and his heart is an artist.

Louis Nizer

Men don’t have much respect for others, because they have little even for themselves.

Leon Trotsky

A man is nothing other than what he makes of himself.

Jean-Paul Sartre

The true good man is not the one who follows the pattern, but the one who identifies his privileges and fights for everyone to have equal rights.

Be the kind of man that the child you were in the past would be proud of.

The strong man turns difficulties into steps that lead him to success.

Rafael Barros

Man when he loves one refuses all.

Men are like wines: age sours the bad and sharpens the good.


The greatest values ​​a man can have are his principles and truths.

Penicillin cures men, but it is wine that makes them happy.

Alexander Fleming

Don’t wait for extraordinary opportunities. Take common occasions and make them big. Weak men wait for opportunity; strong men create them.

Orison Swett Marden

A man must burn himself in his own flames in order to rise from the ashes.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Man is always ready to deny everything he does not understand.

Blaise Pascal

A real man is content with what he has and knows how to respect the beautiful woman he has.


The man without honor already suffers in life.

A wise man to me is one who has won over human stupidity.

Man doesn’t say what he thinks, he says what he feels.

Real men don’t put women down, because they know that every human being has the same value!

Geovana Lawson

The holier a man becomes, the more he weeps for the impurity that remains in him.

CS Lewis

Men with gospel-filled souls will not see women as things to manipulate or control, but as treasures to honor and protect.

John Piper

Man is nothing but what education makes him.

Immanuel Kant

A man is a consequence of the environment in which he lives!

Geovana Lawson

The successful man is the common man with a focused mind.

The great man knows how to recognize and value everyone around him.

Crazy is not the man who has lost his reason. Crazy is the man who has lost everything but his reason.

GK Chesterton

A good man knows the importance of not taking advantage of the sexist culture existing in society!

Geovana Lawson

Whenever God wants to make a man big, He breaks him to pieces first.

Charles H. Spurgeon

Life is so short that no man can afford to miss a day.

Charles H. Spurgeon

Men make mistakes, great men confess that they make mistakes.


The true measure of a man is not how he behaves in moments of comfort and convenience, but how he holds up in times of controversy and challenge.

Martin Luther King

Every man is the architect of his own destiny.


A man who thinks he is better than a woman should not be called a real man!

Geovana Lawson

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