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40 phrases for an evangelical friend so that friendship walks with faith

Friend, watching your faith increases mine!

When one doubts God, let the other be there to reaffirm Him.

I look back and I’m proud of our friendship and our faith.

In church I found you and beyond this life I will take you. I love you, friend!

It was never luck, it was always God’s plans for our life.

Friend, there is nothing in this world or in the world of Heaven that I wouldn’t do for you!

A friendship lived under the Divine Gaze has no end date, it happens today even in eternity. So is ours.

Caroline Stemniak

Before you, I never thought I’d find a friendship like this. Thank God for her!

Some people are God’s promises in our lives. You are mine, friend!

My relationship with God only improves the more friends we become.

Friend, stay steadfast in the way of the Lord, I can see the wonderful life He plans for you.

You thrive and I watch, thanking God for the opportunity to see you grow and have someone around who reflects His presence!

The peace of God I feel in you.

Caroline Stemniak

Always remember God’s plans for your life, they never let us down.

One of the few certainties we can have is God, never forget that.

Your presence in my life makes me feel extremely lucky, blessed. After all, in difficult times, in you I find God.

Caroline Stemniak

We are one intercession from Heaven! I intercede for you!

Caroline Stemniak

When you ask for a friend, but you get an angel, that’s a gift from God.

Caroline Stemniak

The only being I trust more than you is God.

God’s lights illuminate the path He wants us to follow. You know that better than anyone, friend.

Ah friend, how beautiful it is to see you believe with all your heart!

The more I get to know you, the more I read the gospel through your words.

With each passing day, I learn more from you to believe in God.

My sister in Christ, I would like to wish you the peace that the world cannot give and the best feelings possible. In other words, God.

There are few friendships like ours, few are those that bring us closer to God.

Faith in God will always lead us to the paths of good, there is no doubt about that, friend.

When we have a friendship as valuable and true as ours, we gain a true blessing from heaven.

You, friend, remind me of the sincerity and lightness of God’s peace.

I am faithful to God and I am faithful to his friendship in the same way. After all, they are the two things that bring me the most joy and warm my heart.

I have no doubts when I say, the affection I feel for you is not of this world.

Caroline Stemniak

Being your friend is an honor, you bring me closer to God!

According to God, we are all brothers and I have no doubt about that, especially in relation to you.

God made our paths cross, because we help each other and complete each other. This friendship is a blessing.

The friendship that builds, makes us grow. I love you friend!

God puts very special people in our lives, because he knows that we need to walk with them in faith.

Having you in my life to share my joys and lessen my afflictions is the most intense and most important work of God.

I see in you, friend, the presence of God in my life.

I am sure that God put you in my path, because such a strong friendship can only be explained by Him.

I admire your faith and mirror mine in it, my friend.

Whenever I spend time with you, I also spend time with God.

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