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30 sentences about social inequality that show your problems

The concentration of income means that few have a lot and many live killing themselves to have the least.

The biggest problem with social inequality is pretending it doesn’t exist and saying that people don’t rise because they don’t want to.

There are no equal opportunities for people who live in different realities.

Social inequality has historical roots and begins at the same moment that modern society begins.

Competition is always unfair when growing conditions are not the same.

For those who have money to spare, inequality seems to be a distant reality.

Social inequality benefits those who use this system to grow.

As long as there are people benefiting from social inequality, there will not be a great front to fight it.

As long as there is social inequality, even if small, our society will not have reached its maximum level of evolution.

The system we live in survives thanks to inequalities, and not from your interest in ending it.

Inequality is a monster that always destroys the weaker side.

People don’t grow because they don’t want to, they don’t grow because the system doesn’t allow it.

When you need to work and study, you don’t have the same growth conditions as someone who just needs to study.

True progress is not about enriching those who are already rich, but offering quality of life to those who have little.

More than half of the world doesn’t even have the opportunity to dream because they need to focus on surviving.

Working to survive is different from working to follow a dream and few people have this opportunity.

It is wrong to live in a society where some live on luxuries and others sell lunch to buy dinner.

We are not born equal, some are born with every opportunity in front of them; others never got to see them.

To combat discrimination, we need to get to the root of the problem, which is social inequality.

A society without inequalities seems utopian, but it must be our daily struggle.

Progress constantly rotates on two gears. It makes one thing walk by always crushing someone.

Victor Hugo

What is very difficult is for you to overcome the secular injustice that tears Brazil into two different countries: the country of the privileged and the country of the dispossessed.

Ariano Suassuna

Private property introduces inequality between men, the difference between the rich and the poor, the powerful and the weak, the master and the slave, up to the predominance of the strongest. Man is corrupted by power and crushed by violence.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

The devaluation of the human world increases in direct proportion to the appreciation of the world of things.

Karl Marx

The history of all hitherto existing societies is the history of class struggles.

Karl Marx

It is necessary to raise the people to the height of the culture and not to lower the culture to the level of the people.

Simone de Beauvoir

Inclusion happens when you learn from differences and not from equality.

Paulo Freire

Nature made man happy and good, but society depraves him and makes him miserable.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

There is no competition where there is inequality of conditions. There is cowardice.

Eduardo Marinho

Where there is great property, there is great inequality. For the very rich, there are at least five hundred poor people, and the wealth of the few presumes the indigence of the many.

Adam Smith

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