Home » Guidance » 19 Pictures That Clearly Show the Friendship Zone at Level 99

19 Pictures That Clearly Show the Friendship Zone at Level 99

The expression “friend zone” entered our lives as quickly as, for example, “selfie” or “delivery”. However, it can be pronounced with sarcasm or sympathy. And it’s worth saying that there are people who, unfortunately, know this new term firsthand, as they experience this situation every day.

O awesome.club found 19 boys on the network who, at least once in their lives, heard the phrase “you are like a brother to me” or “you are my best friend” from the girl of their dreams, and the expectation was to hear something completely different. .

1. “Looks like I just discovered a new level in the friend zone: the child zone”

2. He still doesn’t understand…

3. Maybe this is good… or not

4. He was one step away from victory

5. Nice try, but better try again

6. “My girlfriend just put me in the friend zone. Is there any advice on how to get out of it when you are already dating?”

7. The friend zone theorist

8. Friendship zone “incomprehensible” level

“Friends forever”.

9. He’s spent so much time in the friend zone that he seems to be enjoying it…

10. So where can I find it?

11. Another soldier down

12. The mission failed. Let’s go

13. Not even Hollywood could have imagined such a script

14. And are there reasons to have fun?

The inscription on the shirt in the photo on the right: “Help me, I’m in the friend zone”.

15. Well… Does that phrase “well done” fit here?

16. Bed that delimits the friend zone

17. Let’s have a minute of silence in memory of this guy

18. That kind of “out of the box” thinking that takes us by surprise

19. Looks like someone is tired of the same chat

The inscription on the shirt: “I’m sorry, girls, but I’m already ‘like a brother’ to someone else.”

Have you ever been in the friend zone? And, more importantly, did you manage to get out of it? If so, tell the readers of the awesome.club how did you do!

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