Every decade, fashion changes and new styles emerge. This is especially important for young people who want to look cool and impress their friends most of the time. However, time passes and many of us look back on the past with a certain amount of shame. After all, what we used to wear is no longer a trend today. So, it’s time for those who lived through the 2000s to do a retrospective and have a lot of laughs with styles that, today, seem a bit peculiar.
O awesome.club he also likes to relive the good times and made a selection with images that took us straight back to the 2000s. Just take a look!
“My mom tried to warn me that giant purple balls on my face weren’t cute… Graduation 2009”
“Everything about this look screams the 2000s (yes, those are high heels)”
“The Matrix-inspired look I wore to school in 2008 (an old classic)”
“In 2001, I was 18 and very rebellious”
“I got kicked out for three months freshman year in 2003. To be clear, I went 100% goth”
“My mom made this shirt especially for my 10th birthday (2009). Needless to say, I’m not married to Bieber.”
“2007, I was learning Photoshop and I thought it was sooo cool”
“Here I am with my Elijah Wood mural, circa 2004”
“I am the one in the white tuxedo and plastic sunglasses, before prom 2002”
“2009, my senior year photo. It wasn’t good enough without the tiara.”
“Aged 14, 2008. I thought I was so retro and cool”
“It was 2008 and I wanted to be a… vampire”
“2007… Damn”
“My first anime event, circa 2004. I don’t even know what I’m supposed to be cosplaying”
“My best friend and me. Around 2008, freshman year of high school”
“I was 14 and I wanted to be like Avril Lavigne so badly it hurt. Do you think I used enough patterns?”
“In 2009, aged 16, I finally worked up the courage to wear my plaid shirt, hat and bracelet together”
“I rediscovered my MySpace photo shoot in 2004”
From these photos, we can say that the 2000s were a bit peculiar, right? Do you have any funny records from that time? Send your photo or leave your comment!
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