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13 Meanings of the Candle Flame Tall and Yellow, Tremendous and Low

Do you want to know what is the meaning of the candle flame high and yellow, shaking a lot or low? Then all you have to do is keep reading this article! We have all the meanings and interpretations you need to know.

Candle flames have different meanings depending on the behavior it presents.

Because its light is a symbol of representation of the divine, it ends up symbolizing its presence and manifestation.

It is exactly for this reason that the candle is used in divinatory practices and lit to firm prayers.

That way, when the candle light starts to behave in unusual ways, we should pay attention, as it could be a sign about something.

In this article we will talk about the 13 meanings of the candle flame and what signs it can bring you.

So if you saw the candle flame behaving strangely and wondered why, read the article to find out more!

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The Meaning of the Candle Flame: 13 Different!

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The Meaning of the Candle Flame: 13 Different!

The candle flames They can come in different shapes, sizes and even different colors.

It may seem like a small and insignificant detail, but these differences can symbolize something energetic or specific messages.

These variations can represent a confirmation for a question asked in prayer, negative energies in the environment and also evaluate the effectiveness of what was asked.

In truth, candle flame reading is a widely used divination art and these differences may indicate some answers and advice for your situation.

So if you want to know what these variations mean and how you can read candle flames to understand your situation, see all 13 meanings below.

1) Meaning of tall yellow candle flame

The first meaning of flames that are high and remain yellow, can be varied and confirm questions.

the yellowish color may indicate that times of joy and prosperity may be in sightespecially if it is related to the reason for prayer.

Also, if the candle flame stays that way after a specific question, it can signify a loud and clear yes or a positive message for that question.

Not only can it symbolize a yes, but it can also be taken into account when analyzing the effectiveness of a spell or even a prayer.

If the candle flame stays that way after a spell, it means that your request has been heard and will be fulfilled.

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2) Candle flame high and flickering

Another behavior of the candle flame is to remain high, but to be waving or even shaking frequently.

This inconsistency in the candle’s flame may have specific meanings and may indicate that your conviction is somewhat shaken in relation to what is being asked.

So if, after receiving a prayer, spell or spell, the candle starts to shake despite being high, it could be a sign.

Since this behavior of the flame may indicate that the sign is positive, but your conviction needs to be stronger regarding this.

With regard to the effectiveness of a spell or spell, when the candle has a high and trembling flame, it indicates that your request will be fulfilled, but there may be some instabilities in the process.

3) Tall and strong candle flame

When the candle flame is held high and strong, it has the same meaning as the yellow flame candle, but its flame can vary in color and meaning.

Normally flames that remain very high and strong mean that the power of prayer or spell is equally strong.

Not only that, but also that what was asked was done with strong feelings and your request was heard by your angels.

That way, if you ask something in your prayer or wonder if the spell worked and the flame stays that way until the candle burns out, it means a clear and firm answer that your request was heard and will be answered.

4) Weak and low flame

In the same way that a candlestick being bullish and strong means that your order and intention are equally strong, the candlestick weak and bearish can mean the opposite.

When the candle flame remains very weak and small, it may indicate that the order needs to be reinforced, as it may indicate that it does not have enough strength.

If the flame is low, but there are no oscillations, it may indicate that your order will be fulfilled, but it will take time to happen.

Therefore, realizing how the candle flame behaves is very important to understand the vibrations that these details show us.

So depending on the flame, if it oscillates or not, it may be necessary to strengthen the request or simply that it will take time.

5) Flame going out constantly

There are many factors that can influence and even harm requests and progress of situations in our lives.

That way, the candle going out can be an indication of energy influences that may be in the environment and need to be cleaned before praying.

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That’s why it may be interesting to perform an energy bath and smoke the environment before returning to perform the spell or prayer.

Other meanings for the flame going out may be that it is not a good time to ask for what has been asked, in the case of a spell, request or spell.

In addition, it can also mean a very emphatic and strong no to your request or your question.

6) Bluish flame

Did you happen to make a wish and the candle flame turned blue after being lit? This may be a sign regarding what was asked or the prayer performed.

The candle flame turning blue has many different meanings, but they are all connected in some way.

Firstly may indicate that the request made may undergo changes of a divine nature that will be better for the one who asked.

You can also indicate a message from your guardian angel to be calm and know how to wait for the time for it to come true.

In addition, the candle flame turning blue can also indicate that the situation in question requires patience and perseverance, depending much more on divine help than on your own efforts.

Therefore, the blue flame asks you to have faith in your guardian angel and that the best for the situation will happen, regardless of the outcome.

7) Flame with green tones

Shades of green are usually related to the chakra that governs the heart, the heart chakra, which is related to feelings and emotions.

If you have said a prayer or request and the flame has started to show some shades of green, this could mean a few things.

First, it can indicate strong feelings about what you asked for, indicating a connection with what you want.

Furthermore, may indicate that there is a lot of charge in this chakra and it is necessary to take care of feelings and reassess your motivations.

If it is related to health issues, the color green represents the color of healing, unconditional love and even prosperity in all aspects of life.

8) Flame high and red

High red flames have a very specific and very strong intensity, especially if it is connected with a situation involving romance or passion.

Not only that, but it also depends on the question and what is involved in the context of this prayer, as the red flame can also represent anger and intense feelings of anger.

Therefore, pay attention to the feelings and details of the issue, taking care of the feelings that lead you to ask for certain things.

Another meaning of this color can indicate a sign from the guardian angel who heard what was asked for and who is sending confirmation that it will come true.

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In this way, it may also indicate that there are divine influences acting to assist your request.

9) Flame with black smoke

Candle flames releasing smoke may indicate some kind of energy purification, both from the environment and from energies that may be influencing the situation.

In this way, it may indicate that there are energies contrary to the fulfillment of requests, which is why it may require a lot of faith in the strength of your angels and guardians.

Furthermore, it can be positive perform energy cleanings and even baths against envy and the evil eye to help the situation progress.

Since the candle flame with black smoke can indicate that there are problems in carrying out what was asked for, this sign can ask for a lot of confidence on your part in the entity to which the request was addressed.

10) Flame with sparks

Just like black soot, the candle flame that sparks after being lit can indicate energies resistant to the request or even difficulties.

Not only that, but they can indicate resilience that you are having difficulty working through or personal difficulties you are experiencing at the moment.

If you are having difficulties changing a situation or even moving away from something that is being negative for you and the flame sparks, it may indicate that these difficulties come from personal resistance.

In cases of requests or sympathies, the sparks in the candle flame represent energies contrary to what was asked that act to prevent the realization.

11) Flame that shines brightly

The brightness of a candle flame can indicate many different things, so it is another important feature to look out for.

First, when the candle flame shines brightly, it can indicate a positive sign for what you have asked or asked for.

In the same way, the candle flame symbolizes the presence of the divine, being a sign of great protection and great divine presence.

Furthermore, the realization of something may be very close at hand and all it takes is patience.

Good energies may also be working in favor of the situation, bringing results that are much better than expected.

12) Flame that cries a lot

When a candle flame cries, it means that it spills many drops of wax along the length of the candle.

This cry can say a lot about the person who prayed and asked for that candle, as well as their state.

Therefore, if the candle has many drops along its length, be aware of this sign.

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