What will be the meaning of dreaming about your ex husband, according to spiritism? I decided to write this article to reveal 13 possible meanings and messages of this dream for your life!
Dreams can receive many different interpretations. Depending on the religious current, the same dream can have different visions.
For this reason, it is very important to know the different messages that may be behind each dream, according to the religion that analyzes it. Spiritism, for example, is closely related to the power of dreams.
In this religion, dreams are seen as something very powerful and that can, in fact, say a lot about your spiritual life or even about other incarnations of your soul. In the end, your soul has passed through other lives before reaching the body you currently have.
In this way, spiritism sees the dream of an ex husband, for example, as a symbol of changes in your path. If you’ve had your ex-spouse’s image in your mind while you were sleeping, there’s a good chance that your life is entering a time of transition.
These phases may look bad, but they are actually opportunities for rebuilding. Consequently, the dream in question has considerable weight for spiritism.
Furthermore, depending on the details that make up this dream, the symbology may be different. See more about the power of dreaming about your ex husband below, analyzing the vision of spiritists about this dream.
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13 Meanings of dreaming about ex husband according to spiritism
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13 Meanings of dreaming about ex husband according to spiritism
According to spiritualism, the dream about ex husband relates to the changes in your life. The person who has this kind of mental image is entering a transition phase, with a chance to rebuild his life.
Thus, it is a dream that marks a cycle of your life that is about to begin. It’s not about something negative for your path, it’s just about the chance you’ll have to start over.
In any case, it is important to bear in mind that the dream may undergo minor changes and thus indicate other things. Soon, learn a little more about the dream with an ex husband and its impact on spiritism.
1) Reconstruction
Broadly speaking, the dream of an ex-husband means reconstruction for spiritism. When there are no details in evidence, only the ex-husband, the meaning is that you will enter a new cycle in your life soon.
In this moment of transition, there will be a chance to rebuild your existence. This is an interesting opportunity to continue improving your daily life, to continue progressing towards a more positive life.
The dream of an ex husband, therefore, is something that demonstrates an alert and not something negative. In fact, depending on her actions, spiritism believes that the dream can even inaugurate a cycle of many conquests for you and for those you love most.
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2) Spiritual emptiness
Dream about ex husband with another woman shows spiritual emptiness. In this case, the dream indicates that you are still suffering spiritually and that you have not been able to find the best relationship with your soul. According to spiritism, there is a big hole in your soul that has to be filled with good energy.
For this, the best thing to do is to get even closer to your spiritual side. You have to investigate this part of your life, you have to go a step further to be an even stronger and more powerful person in every way.
The spirit is what moves your life, so you need to have quality energies around your soul to be able to move forward. The dream in question does not indicate good things in that sense.
3) Bad energies
Dream about talking to ex husband it is something that refers to bad energies. For spiritualism, this kind of mental image makes it clear that there are obvious problems in your life.
The energies that are close to you are bad and that prevents you from being happy. By not being able to ward off these negative vibrations, your soul is defenseless in the face of evil.
Therefore, problems multiply in your way and it becomes complicated to overcome all the challenges.
This is a type of dream that clearly indicates a series of problems involving negative energies and attacks on your spirit. Therefore, it is necessary to create an extra layer of protection and pave the way for your happiness as possible.
4) Souvenirs
Dreaming of hugging your ex husband relates to memories. Thus, for spiritism, it shows that there is a strong feeling of longing on your part for the past.
Not your ex-husband necessarily, but certainly the person you were. There is a desire to go back to being that person, who had very positive points and knew how to lead a quality life.
Memories are strongly linked to your desire to return to the past and to have the chance to live a little longer everything that was part of your journey. These memories are powerful, but you have to accept that the future is up to you.
So put a little more attention on changes that can be made for your future. The past actually it has already happened and can no longer be changed – nor is there a chance that you will return to that situation.
5) Past life full of love
Spiritualism firmly believes in reincarnation. Thus, believes that the dream of her ex husband kissing her means a past life full of love.
Your soul has already gone through other lives, this one is far from being the first and it won’t be the last either. In this way, the dream in question indicates that your past life was full of love.
You had many relationships and fell in love several times. Not all ended in a positive way, but the fact is that these relationships left marks in the heart.
Against this backdrop, you have a spirit that likes to live love with great intensity. It is a feature of your soul.
Knowing more about the past life can be interesting. Spiritism believes that this is a way to discover more about your way of being and your personality in general.
6) Lack of focus
The dream calling the ex husband, according to spiritism, shows a lack of focus. Put distractions aside and focus on what matters.
You’re focusing too much on things that don’t matter. Because of this, it is unable to move towards a more prosperous future.
Spiritism preaches that mind, body and spirit are directly connected. Faced with this, you need to think about one goal at a time so that your spirit becomes capable of going out in search of that goal.
After all, soul force is a very powerful thing when it comes to achieving the goals you have in mind. Uniting all that is at your disposal in favor of something you want, it will be easier to get what you want.
7) Worry
Excessive concern may be behind the dream of an ex husband running after you. You are worrying too much about everything around you. On account of this, he is not capable of freeing his soul and mind to progress.
Excessive worries can generate a series of problems. Overthinking everything that could go wrong is a very fast track to suffering in many ways.
Therefore, try to free your soul and your mind from worries. Look for relaxation options and don’t make your problems even bigger than they already are. By following this line, it will be easier to evolve.
8) Spiritual evolution
The dream of forgiving your ex husband is related to spiritual evolution. This means that you are progressing from a spiritual point of view, improving little by little. Today you are already a better person than you were in the past.
In the face of this, this constant evolution of your soul makes it simpler to deal with the bad energies that arise in your life. Your spirit becomes more powerful, making it easier to fight the evil that may come your way.
With spiritual evolution, it becomes easier to defend your body and your soul from works against you or from any energy that wants to end your happiness. Keep your spirits up.
9) Be more direct
You have to be a little more direct in your approach. Be clearer about what you want. At least, that’s what spiritism sees when dreaming of an ex husband going around in circles. You need to take your actions with more conviction.
Don’t allow people around you to have doubts about what you want most. In that sense, being direct in your approach to the world is something that can free up space for great evolution on your part.
Make your life happier and more prosperous by being clear about what you want from the world and how you hope to get there. With all that, you can become stronger.
10) Get out of your comfort zone
Leave your comfort zone. It is this message that is behind the dream of a sad ex-husband. You need to leave the quiet place you are in to evolve in life. Whether spiritually or even in the physical world, leaving the comfort zone is something necessary to grow and improve.
The dream in question, for spiritism, has the power to indicate that you should act more. Take chances and always seek your growth. It may not be simple at first, but it will be worth it.
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11) Be a sincere person
The dream of an ex-husband screaming, for spiritism, shows that it is necessary to be sincere. Be honest with others and with yourself. Never run away from the truth.
The truth, spiritually or otherwise, is what can carry you forward. Therefore, believe in the truth and never build your life based on lies.
12) Strengthen your spirit
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