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10 Weird Traits That Are Indicators of High Intelligence

Scientifically Proven Fact: People who swear more may actually be smarter than those who don’t. The same can be said for cat lovers: feline owners have demonstrated enviable levels of intellectual development. But there are many more “weird” signs that can indicate high levels of intelligence.

O awesome.club studied the results of the latest research and discovered a few more traits that are exhibited by smarter people. Compare your habits with the items on our list — you may be smarter than you think. Check out!

walk very fast

There is a direct link between the level of your intellect and the speed of your step: walking faster positively affects the cognitive abilities of the brain. People who walk faster have, on average, an IQ of 16 points higher than people who walk slowly.

For those who like to walk fast, there is another good news: those who walk fast from a young age tend to age more slowly. This refers to the internal and external signs of aging. The faster you walk, the longer the basic functions of the brain, as well as the organism as a whole, will be preserved.

I don’t like to take a hot shower

No one is banning hot, relaxing baths, but a preference for cool, invigorating water seems to be more beneficial for the mind. Bathing in cold water regularly strengthens memory, performance and overall brain functions, improves mood, and boosts energy levels for the rest of the day (water needs to be really cold). The same goes for people who like to swim in seas and pools (without heating): you can be sure that their mind must be healthy and sharp.

have bipolar disorder

Only 2.5% of the world population suffer from this disease. Although the illness clearly has a negative impact on brain performance, people with bipolar tend to have higher IQ levels. Vincent Van Gogh and Ernest Hemingway, for example, suffered from bipolar disorder, but the illness did not stop them from becoming great artists. Bipolarity has a particularly strong effect on children who practice music, drawing and foreign languages: bipolar children usually do better in these areas.

Being sensitive to the emotions of others

Intellect is not just determined by a high IQ: emotional intelligence (EI) is also of great importance. It is exactly a developed IE that allows a person to deal with stress more easily, understand people better and feel the “vibe” of each one even without words. However, a high EI also has a downside: you can almost physically feel others’ emotions and pain as if they were your own.

On the other hand, those who are willing to talk to new people and learn from their experiences will have greater knowledge of life, which can be very useful for the future.

Doing useless things instead of more important tasks

“Pay the Feb bills

and march and april

and May and June as well.”

Smart people not only put off “boring” everyday tasks to do more important things, but they also refuse to do necessary things that need to be done “for yesterday”. It sounds strange, but “correct” procrastination is one of the most defining traits of very intelligent people. When distracted from some important activity, the brain keeps working to solve that activity in the background and, at the same time, looks for new ideas to be implemented.

Therefore, resting the mind by not doing everyday activities is not intended for rest itself, but a space to promote creativity. Leisure is indeed creative. People with high intellects are willing to stop a project halfway through to look at work in a new light and possibly find new and unexpected avenues of fulfilment: that’s how Apple’s founders managed to achieve the success they have today.

Getting irritated by noises such as chewing gum

A recent study showed that some people can more easily notice “annoying” noises and are more sensitive to them. The noises can be different, such as very loud breathing, finger snapping, chewing gum with your mouth open, pen clicking, sucking soup from a spoon, etc. The reason these noises are so annoying for some people is because of a brain abnormality called misophonia, which negatively affects the perception of certain sounds. At the same time, however, people who suffer from misophonia typically have higher EI coefficients, as well as more developed creative abilities.

I don’t like writing text messages

It has been found that using text messages and emails as a way of communicating can lower your IQ by at least 10 points: the effect text messages have on the brain can be stronger than even some drugs. Those who can’t live without text messages have a harder time focusing on a specific task, as their brain is in a constant state of “waiting for an answer” instead of focusing on any other activity for a long time.

In addition, excessive texting has another bad consequence: you write worse and your vocabulary is reduced, as each electronic device offers the option of autocorrect, which will correct mistakes for you without much mental effort.

Can’t live without chocolate

We have heard that real chocolate, made from cocoa nibs, is very beneficial for the cardiovascular system. But natural chocolate was also found to have a positive effect on the speed of information processing, memory improvement and increased attention.

Consuming quality chocolate frequently can slow down mental wear and tear, thus reducing the risk of dementia in the future. We are not encouraging greater consumption of sugar and sweets, as this can negatively influence mental capacity. However, moderate consumption of natural chocolate can help make you smarter and work more efficiently.

think no one likes you

Other people’s opinion of you is directly linked to their level of intellect: people are more likely to talk to people who are “of the same level”. In other words, we try to find people who have the same intellectual level as us. In order for there to be greater affinity between two people, it is said that the difference in IQ between them should not exceed 15 points.

The average IQ level is around 100 points — the average coefficient observed in 68% of people in the world. Try taking the IQ test: if your score is above 115, the frequent misunderstanding or discomfort you feel when interacting with people could be because of this.

Can’t stop thinking about complicated questions

And not just about the meaning of life: any deep existential thought, like the size of the universe, for example, is an indicator of high intelligence. Very intelligent people just can’t stop contemplating certain universal and metaphysical questions and feel the need to get answers to some more substantial questions.

Unlike people with average IQ levels, the smart ones are much more concerned about any reason, including their own fate and the fate of the Planet, while other people are more concerned about the earthly and more palpable problems of everyday life. .

Did you find any correlation between your habits and the signs shown above? What kind of intelligence do you think the IQ test really assesses? If you’ve already taken the test yourself, comment your result below!

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