As they say around the internet, “if together they can cause, imagine together”! The all-star team we’ve assembled today perfectly matches this famous meme. This time, we’re going to talk about some of the most successful partnerships in Brazilian television drama, remembering the romantic couples that overflowed chemistry on the scene.
They are soap opera couples that worked so well that the actors returned to play together, and again as a love duo in other TV productions. Follow with us here at🇧🇷
1. Adriana Esteves and Marcos Pasquim
As a loving couple, Adriana Esteves and Marcos Pasquim met on the scene for the first time in 2003, when they starred together in the soap opera Kubanacan. The rapport between the actors worked so well that they returned to play a romantic couple in two other plots. The partnership was repeated in A Lua Me Disse, from 2005, and Morde & Assopra, from 2011.
2. Juliana Paiva and Rodrigo Simas
Juliana Paiva and Rodrigo Simas are a duo that exudes chemistry on stage! Proof of this is that the actors have already been cast as a passionate couple on three occasions. It all started in the 2012 season of Malhação, when they emerged to success in the skin of young Fatinha and Bruno. Afterwards, they returned to live a romance in fiction in Além do Horizonte (2013) and Salve-se Quem Puder (2021).
3. Giovanna Antonelli and Alexandre Nero
In Salve Jorge (2012), the couple played by Giovanna Antonelli and Alexandre Nero was one of the highlights of the plot. Delegate Helô and lawyer Stênio were a match that made the actors reappear on the small screen as scene partners. In the soap opera A Regra do Jogo (2015), they again showed that they have a lot of chemistry, giving life to the pair of villains Atena and Romero.
4. Vitória Strada and Bruno Ferrari
The couple Maria Vitória and Vicente, characters from Vitória Strada and Bruno Ferrari in Tempo de Amar, won over the crowd. This is because, at the beginning of the novel, the girl was in love with another boy. The exchange of romantic partners, however, seems to have worked! So much so that, years later, the actors once again drew sighs from fans like the lovebirds Kyra and Rafael, from Salve-se Quem Puder.
5. Christiane Torloni and Edson Celulari
Veterans Christiane Torloni and Edson Celulari also met a few times as a romantic couple in Globo’s plots. Their characters appeared on the small screen living in an affective relationship on four occasions. They appeared in the telenovelas América (2005), Beleza Pura (2008), Alto Astral (2014) and O Tempo Não Para (2018).
6. Sabrina Petraglia and Marcos Pitombo
When we see Sabrina Petraglia and Marcos Pitombo acting together, we have the impression that they were made for each other. The chemistry between the actors is so great that, in Haja Coração, they stole the show as the lovers Shirlei and Felipe. The screenwriter of the plot, Daniel Ortiz, embarked on the duo’s success and decided to unite them again in another soap opera of his own, Salve-se Quem Puder.
7. Danielle Winits and Marcos Pasquim
Danielle Winits and Marcos Pasquim worked together in three famous Globo productions, all written by author Carlos Lombardi. The acting duo was successful as a romantic couple in Uga Uga, in the early 2000s, and repeated the double in the soap opera Kubanacan (2003) and in the special series Guerra e Paz (2007).
8. Juliana Silveira and Roger Gobeth
If you followed Floribella during her childhood, you probably remember the cute couple played by Juliana Silveira and Roger Gobeth. Flor and Frederico were the protagonists of the story and won the affection of the children who followed the plot. Years later, the public was able to see them on stage again as a love duo, in the soap opera Balacobaco, shown by Record.
9. Débora Nascimento and José Loreto
In Avenida Brasil, Débora Nascimento and José Loreto were the talk of the couple Tessália and Darkson. Audiences so enjoyed the interaction between the actors on stage that it didn’t take long for them to reappear as a romantic duo on the small screen. In the telenovela Flor do Caribe, their characters also fell in love with each other.
10. Sophie Charlotte and Marco Pigossi
In the soap opera Fina Estampa, Sophie Charlotte and Marco Pigossi formed a loving couple for the first time. The actors were able to show that they had the rapport to make their characters work and they appeared together again as romantic partners in another Globo production. Repeating the union, they lived the protagonists of Sangue Bom.
Which of these romantic couples struck you the most? Do you remember other acting duos that used to work together? Tell us in the comments!