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Your partner moves away from you, know the attitudes that exclude you from love

Mind and love do not always coincide. For this reason, sometimes, despite believing that you love your partner, she walks away from her and you don’t know why. Given this, it is important that you assume responsibility. Well, in part it may be due to some attitudes that tire her and of which you are not aware. … you are with the wrong person. … Many of the attitudes that can take us away from our partner happen unintentionally, they are simply there as usual. Until someone arrives who sees them, who feels them and gets uncomfortable.

There are negative things about your partner that you can ignore as part of their way of being. But there are other things that if not solved can harm the relationship. Just as she has the negative things about her, so do you. And she tells you with her discomfort. That discomfort is a warning, but you have to be careful to use it to your advantage and improve yourself.

Let’s see how there are attitudes that tire and words that drive away in a loving relationship. Your happiness is your responsibility and only then do you contribute to the happiness of the relationship.

It is very important that you accept that love as such is only an expectation, an ideal

We all have some ideas of what love should be and they are all wrong. Because each one thinks in his own way. But whatever, what we all hope is that it makes us happy. But no, not always. For many love hurts. And when they pass this stage, some no longer want to fall in love again. … When a person truly loves you, they do these 7 things. … Your partner is not obligated to make you happy. But we are obsessed with making him behave to our liking to make us happy. A relationship is never perfect.

There are attitudes that drive away even the most in love woman. Because love is a feeling. That is to say, If your partner walks away from you, it is because they feel uncomfortable.. You would do the same. And this does not happen overnight, but little by little. On each occasion, that discomfort is a warning. Sometimes she tells you, other times she is silent. But if you are attentive…

The wounds that are not seen are the deepest. William Shakespeare

Your partner moves away from you because of your toxic jealousy that is repeated over and over again

How do you know if your partner is bored with you? Remember that your partner is a very sensitive emotional being, just like you. If you treat her with little enthusiasm, do not caress her or say nice things to her, it is not good. When she makes mistakes, you don’t miss the opportunity to recriminate her, it’s not good either. … What does a man do as signs that he loves his partner?. … Your partner is not perfect, like you, and they walk away when they don’t feel loved. You would do the same. Your partner is not your property. Mild jealousy expressing that you love her is fine. But the jealousy that expresses that you control her is toxic.

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Jealousy dominates you not because of what your partner does, but because of what you imagine with your fears. You don’t need your partner to behave to your liking, you need to be more sure of yourself. Improve your self-esteem and stop driving away the love of your life. Love is not a purchase, it is a conquest day by day achieving your own improvement. A healthy couple relationship is fueled by positive attitudes.

What attitudes are opposed to love? Deceit hurts deep in the heart

Another thing that can take you away from your partner is infidelity. Keep in mind that each person has different sensitivity and tolerance to different levels of sincerity. While your partner walks away from you because of a little lie, in another case they may be more tolerant. … A man in love in bed. …Keep in mind that an optimal level of sincerity builds healthy relationships. That sincerity is about small details that when present give security and confidence.

Little details like a look, a little kiss, a call, a present, etc., make a difference. The lack of these details distances us from love, since they are attitudes that can destroy a couple. Infidelity is expressed in many very subtle ways. You may not do anything wrong, but if your thinking and attitude are not there, you walk away from love. Love is complex and that is why it needs your full attention.

One of the behaviors that can ruin your relationship is aggression.

There are attitudes that hurt and drive a woman away, even when she is very much in love. Emotional, verbal and physical aggression drive love away, destroy a relationship. That’s why, If you see that your partner is moving away from you, reflect on your behavior. Remember that the main ally of a healthy relationship is dialogue. … Your partner no longer loves you, accept it. … Small arguments, aggressions or violence of any kind drive love away. Love flourishes with respect. That is, there is no excuse for aggression. If something comes up that makes you uncomfortable, with which you disagree, express yourself appropriately.

What attitudes will I not allow in my relationship? At the slightest sign of aggression, express your discomfort with love. Agree with your partner that respect, in every way, is always the best weapon of love. Because you are with the person you say you love, a person full of emotions. And you are with yourself, a person worthy of being loved.

If your partner moves away from you, it may be because you are showing signs of insincerity.

Lying, resorting to falsehoods is a very common practice. Sometimes you can’t avoid lying to avoid a greater evil. But when the lie is the only truth at some point your lack of coherence will be noticed. Falsehood, insincerity is one of the attitudes that destroy your relationship without realizing it. … Phrases that a man in love says. … The lie usually pays dearly, it keeps you from love in silence. If you truly love there is no point in cheating. Your partner moves away from you because of your constant lies even though you think they don’t realize it.

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The constant lies cause a silent estrangement. She doesn’t say anything directly, but she shows you how uncomfortable she is until she can’t. Being sincere makes your partner fall in love with you. Lies cover who you are. Whoever lies is difficult to be happy, because he lies to himself. The lie covers up your true being and distances you from the potential of love.

Another of the attitudes of a man that tires a woman is when he is not equitable

What to do when you get bored of your partner? Just as it can happen to you, it can happen to your partner and that’s why they walk away. Not being equitable, when only she or you are responsible for the relationship, drives love away. Being reciprocal builds healthy couples. If there are communication problems, if you don’t accept your mistakes, if you don’t apologize, etc., you move away from love. If your partner shows signs of getting bored, it is an alarm signal.

Lack of reciprocity is one of the lousy attitudes that keep love away from your life. The problem is not with her, it is with yourself. Maybe you don’t love yourself enough to give yourself comments full of optimism. Take charge of your happiness and thus you will not show resentment to your partner. If she’s the one who always encourages the relationship, she’s going to get tired at some point.

When your partner does not feel admired, they can walk away even when they are in love.

Another of the negative attitudes in a relationship is to assume that she belongs to you. That security can make you ignore giving signs of admiration. You don’t kiss her like before, you don’t tell her how beautiful she is. You forget to flatter her and have details with her. Get used to having it without any emotional retribution. She feels that you are no longer as in love as you are and her self-esteem is affected. It’s like you’re no longer interested in her. Given the little attention you give her, she begins to withdraw emotionally, which is the worst.

Monotony is one reason why a woman in love gets tired of her boyfriend

If there are times when your partner walks away from you, it may be because of a lackluster life. Routine tires, routine is the enemy of a good relationship. A life that is too monotonous, without emotional sparks, drives away love, drive away the woman you say you love. We all have things we like to do. We all like to experience new doses of emotion. There is always a new movie to see, a walk, some adventure together. The most harmful monotony is in the bedroom. Don’t let the spark of love run out.

When your partner walks away from you, it may be because your dates are boring.

Another of the attitudes that drive away a woman is the lack of optimism, novelties, creativity, dynamism, etc. boredom drives away love. There are things that bore a woman and many times a man doesn’t realize it. If your partner walks away from you, it is because you bore them.. A woman gets bored with a man who doesn’t keep her promises, who doesn’t excel. A man who does not try to get to know the woman he loves more deeply is boring. If he continually cheats and goes on as usual, he tires.

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If love moves away from you, it may be because you don’t know how to respect your free time

There are attitudes that disappoint in a relationship. For example when you don’t respect your partner’s space and time. If you don’t let her go out with her friends, spend time with her family, your partner will move away from you. It may be that at first he does not expressly tell you that he needs his free time, but it is something that you should know. That you complain to him because you don’t see her one afternoon, harms your relationship. Ask him for explanations, where he is, with whom, he drowns your partner. The lack of freedom is one of the attitudes that exhaust patience and damage love.

An attitude that drives away even the most in love woman is the disinterest of a man

If your partner moves away from you, it may be due to a lack of good demonstrations of how much you are interested. A woman needs to know how important she is in your life, she wants to feel valued. Selflessness drives away love. If your partner doesn’t feel that they care about you, they can walk away. When a woman feels the indifference of her partner, she prefers to get away from her. An emotionally dependent woman may not walk away, but she will suffer. She complains, my boyfriend and I don’t talk like before. If you don’t want her to walk away from her, she look into her eyes, smile at her, hug her, hold her hand.

A woman can get tired of her partner’s financial problems and walk away

How do financial problems affect your relationship? Money is not everything, but going out, eating, seeing a show and having a good time gives happiness. A man who does not know how to save money and does not manage his economy well is a danger. If your partner supports you but you do nothing to improve yourself, they walk away out of self-love. A woman wants a man who progresses along with her. Women instinctively want a stable and happy home. Love and financial problems are related.

Lack of emotional and physical intimacy distances love and your partner from your life

The strongest bond in a healthy couple is emotional intimacy, much more so than physical intimacy. Having a strong intimate connection, a complicity of hearts attracts love. If you don’t commit to this intimacy, your partner walks away from you. Well, lack of intimacy means that in your life, your time and in your priorities there is no place for it. The way you say goodbye to her, what happens when you meet again, shapes the relationship. The details you have with her, the way you treat her in bed. How romantic you get… attracts love.

Imposing your beliefs is another of the attitudes that drive away love

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