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You have to let go of what hurts you even if it hurts to let it go.

The pain of letting something or someone dear to you be left behind in time and memory is not an act of surrender, but of resilience.

Time has made me understand that letting go is not giving up, that it is not an act of weakness, but of strength and growth because although it hurts me to let you go, I understand that there are things that cannot be.

Throughout our life path we have left many things behind, we have gotten rid of settings, situations, customs and even people. Today you are everything you left in yesterday to create a more authentic presentalthough this has involved a lot of suffering.

Letting go, in reality, is part of the wheel of life, where each step we take forward helps us take off our shoes from what cannot be, from what hurts, from what fits into the gears of our happiness. .

Assuming that living often means cutting ties and leaving our hands empty of what once filled us with joy and hope is something painful. Nevertheless, The sooner we accept it, the more prepared we will be to overcome these moments.these crossroads where looking back is “sticking” to what cannot be.

Living on specific nostalgia enriches and inspires, but surviving perpetually from the memory and what you let go, far from allowing you to grow, it runs aground and erodes you like those rocks hit again and again by the pain of the waves.

Free yourself, move forward and assume what you have experienced like someone who preserves a precious treasure: It enriches you inside and helps you take the most appropriate path, the one where balance opens, what really should be for you.

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Letting go of certain things so that better things can reach us

Sometimes, what we let go was something that we trusted at the time and that, in many cases, made us happy. The joys, love and hope of yesteryear explain the pain of now, and the difficulty of having to let go of that person or that situation.

Even what was good before can suddenly stop doing you good.to bring you suffering, and even those who say they love you, can let you go a little more day by day, like someone who plucks the petals of a flower until leaving it naked with its thorns.

In reality, it is not easy to accept what we are told so many times. that life is about letting go, allowing yourself to flow without avoiding resistance. How to get it? People need security on a daily basis. and we also need that whoever loves us today, loves us in the same way tomorrow.

Find your own path

The act of letting go involves a gesture of courage and self-knowledge. It is necessary to know how to perceive where our limits are and what it is that we really want for ourselves.

We are aware that no one has guaranteed happiness in the palm of their hand, however, we have the right to intertwine, at one pointour fingers in another hand that fills us with emotions, and that in some way, must offer us well-being.

If that companion that we held by the hand ends up guiding us down the path of unhappiness, it is necessary to let go to find our own path. And we will do it even if love exists, because Despite the affection and passion, not all relationships are wise, Not all loves understand the language of respect.

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Good self-esteem, and a strong attitude that defends our own dignity, will always be what will guide us away from these situations so as not to be mobilized, subjected to suffering. Because maturing is also letting go of those who don’t want to stay.

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Learning to let go will bring you happiness

Whoever clings to the past enslaves his thoughts, his mind, his heart and his soul.. Yesterday cannot be deleted or edited let alone forget. Nor can we change people, nor force them to love us as we would like… There are aspects of our lives that, in order to overcome them, we must first accept them.

To love is also to learn to let go, because it is almost always love that causes us the greatest suffering. Only when we accept what cannot be do we allow ourselves to be free to find new happiness.

Letting go is letting go, because no one comes into this world knowing everything, nor bringing with him the manual of perfect decisions, those that are free of error. Living is trying, touching, starting, taking risks and also making mistakes, hence we must take into account the following aspects:

Don’t get angry, don’t fill your heart with anger or your mind with resentment.. Letting go is an art that must be done peacefully and without anger, only then will we allow ourselves to be free, discovering that day by day the pain is much less. To let go the first thing we must do is learn to accept: accept that every experience It was worth it because it is a life lived, because Whoever denies and forgets does not assume, does not heal and does not learn. It is necessary to accept what happened and understand that letting go is also growing.

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To finish, one day everything will make sense, the pain of now, the chaos and uncertainty of letting go of what previously defined you, tomorrow will be that door that will bring you much better things, because remember… everything happens for a reason.

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Images courtesy Jenn-ladywhite, Pascal Campion

All cited sources were reviewed in depth by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, validity and validity. The bibliography in this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

Bailey, J. A. (2003). The foundation of self-esteem. Journal of the National Medical Association, 95(5), 388.Pandya, SK (2011). Understanding brain, mind and soul: Contributions from neurology and neurosurgery. Mens sana monographs, 9(1), 129.

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