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What is Vidence? Clairvoyance, mediumship, intuition and more!

In the physical world, every human being under normal conditions has five senses: sight, taste, smell, hearing and touch. Clairvoyance can be considered a sixth sense, but it is not developed by all people. It is a gift of seeing what is only perceived on the spiritual plane.

With the opening of what we can call the third eye, it is possible to see spirits, the aura of other people, among other things that are not perceptible on the physical plane. But not all clairvoyance is the same, because people are different from each other and each one can have a type of sensitivity.

To better understand this subject and discover the different forms of clairvoyance, as well as what distinguishes it from clairvoyance, keep following this article. Until the next topic!

Some people confuse the concept of clairvoyance, clairvoyance and mediumship, as if they were all one thing. But not quite. They are different phenomena, each with a specific meaning. Want to know more? So stay with us!

Clairvoyance is the ability an individual develops to see people, energies and places that are on the spiritual plane. Those who have this gift have the possibility of observing aspects that help to understand the existence of another dimension, but it does not necessarily give them the ability to predict future events.

Depending on the degree of clairvoyance and sensitivity that a person has, the perception of the spiritual world can also manifest itself through other sensations, such as, for example, the taste or smell of things that cannot be seen. In addition, there is the possibility of perceiving someone’s state of mind by viewing their aura.

Clairvoyance can be understood as a deeper level of clairvoyance. In addition to allowing you to see everything more clearly and have a broader notion of reality, it gives the clairvoyant the ability to see events in the material world, whether facts occurred in the past, in the present or in the future.

People with clairvoyance have the possibility to expand the soul outside the physical body and, in this way, become aware of information or events beyond their vision of the material world. However, from the point of view of Spiritism, the resources derived from clairvoyance must be used, by those who have this gift, responsibly and without fanfare.

Mediumship is an inherent quality of a person who has the ability to communicate with spirits. The individual with this gift is called a medium, a word of Latin origin that means “medium”. That is, the medium is a means by which the spiritual world communicates with our material world.

It is also important to point out that all people have mediumship, however much they may not realize it. However, what happens is that most of us do not have this quality developed to the point of acting as an intermediary between the physical and spiritual planes.

As much as they have to do with the relationship between the spiritual plane and the material plane, clairvoyance, clairvoyance and mediumship have their differences. Clairvoyance is related to the ability a person develops to see spirits, places or energetic aura without necessarily predicting events.

Clairvoyance, on the other hand, is a gift that allows the individual to have a broader idea of ​​reality, to see the spiritual world more clearly, as well as to see past, present or future events on the physical plane.

And mediumship is the gift of communicating with spirits, giving a person the possibility to act as a means of communication between the spiritual world and the material world.

There are several signs that can indicate that a person has clairvoyance. A strong intuition, dreams that come true, accurate predictions, among others. Want to know more signs? Then go to the next topics and check it out!

Having a very strong intuition about something is a good sign of clairvoyance. It is that inner voice that speaks directly to our conscience and makes us certain about a certain thing or event.

Such a strong intuition is also responsible for warning or warning about the results of a decision to be taken, helping to make the best choice. After all, this intense feeling helps to anticipate something that is yet to happen.

In general, people who have a strong intuition are able to decide the best direction to take regarding their actions, thus avoiding unwanted situations.

Some people have an innate ability to offer advice very precisely to friends or family, in a way that they manage to touch on essential points and of very particular meaning for the person being advised. This is also a relevant sign that can indicate scrying.

People with this aptitude may, involuntarily, be channeling messages from special spirits who use this means to help someone. The words come too clearly to the mind for them to be directed to the counselee.

In this way, through these advices, it is possible to provide a good to that individual, obtaining positive results for his life.

If you are in the habit of talking to or being interrogated by entities or people who have already passed away, then, most likely, you are a seer. Although most of us don’t realize it, we live in our physical world surrounded by beings, at different evolutionary levels, who inhabit the spiritual plane, and therefore they are not perceived by ordinary eyes. Therefore, the ability to exercise this communication is a strong indication of clairvoyance.

Many people even have the ability to communicate with spirits that have already disincarnated, but do not make use of this gift. In certain situations they prefer to ignore incoming messages.

Visualizing spirits or other disembodied entities in the environment you are in means that it is possible to see with the eyes of the soul, that the so-called third eye is open to observe the spiritual dimension. Even, depending on the level of understanding and clarity of what is seen, it can be a sign not only of clairvoyance but also of clairvoyance.

In this visualization of beings from the other plane, it is possible to come across both loved ones who were once part of your life in the material world and less evolved entities that are not so pleasant. This has a lot to do with the vibe we emanate. That is, if we vibrate good energies, the tendency is to tune in with positive spirits, and vice versa.

Among the signs of clairvoyance is also the ability to have internal or external visions. The internal vision is that which appears in dreams when one is asleep or through images that arise in the mind even when one is awake.

External visions, on the other hand, are perceptible by the physical eyes as if the individual were seeing anything or normal day-to-day events. This type of vision is a strong indication of clairvoyance, as it allows you to clearly and closely visualize some event that occurred some time ago or that will happen on other occasions in the future.

The visualization of colors, numbers and symbols can often be a way that the universe finds to communicate with us. They can arise through sporadic images in the mind, which actually work as warnings or precious tips coming from the astral plane. If you identify with this type of situation, then perhaps you have the gift of clairvoyance.

People who are used to visualizing colors, numbers and symbols do not always understand their respective meanings. In this case, it is up to her to go in search of clarification on the interpretation of these images to decipher what exactly they want to communicate to her and how they can help her.

If you have an aptitude for predicting future events, most likely you, in addition to being a seer, are a clairvoyant. This is a gift that is often involuntarily presented to the person, who can see or simply feel more intensely that something is about to happen.

It is not unusual for someone with this ability to predict the future without even having any idea how they do it. She just knows it’s going to happen and that’s it. But it is always good to remember that this gift must be used responsibly, so that it does not cause negative impacts on the lives of the people involved in the predictions or generate unwanted situations.

World forecasts are those related to events of global impact that call the attention of the whole society, such as, for example, major tragedies, accidents with significant repercussions, environmental disasters, among others. This type of prediction is not so common, but, occasionally, people with clairvoyance can capture energies or activities on the planet that refer to some of these facts of world relevance.

It is also possible for people with this gift to make predictions of events of great impact at the local level. That is, they can sense events of greater or lesser proportions before they happen, and can help with the necessary precautions.

Some people have dreams about certain things, people or situations that actually act as premonitions. These are occasions that, at first, seem to be just a figment of imagination, but that later end up happening in real life. This is also a good sign of scrying.

People who have a more developed intuition may have precognitive dreams more often than others. That’s because this intuition can also manifest itself through dreams.

It is not always easy to interpret what the dream wants to reveal to you. But a good way to try to understand it is to adopt the practice of writing down the details of what was dreamed as a kind of diary. The more you do this, the better your understanding.

Being a seer is having the gift of clairvoyance, that is, having the ability to see spirits and things that are part of the spiritual world. But there are other important details to understand about the topic. Keep following this article and stay in the know!

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