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What is Ere? Meet this Umbanda and Candomblé entity

Erê is an enlightened and enchanted being who works as an intermediary for the Orisha, expressing his will. However, to know what Erê really is, it is necessary to understand that there are differences between his performance in Umbanda and in Candomblé.

In Umbanda, it is believed that Erês are spirits of evolved children who did not come to incarnate and who are very close to the Orixás, transmitting their wisdom. In Candomblé, they are seen as intermediary entities that connect the Orixá to his or her son or daughter, in initiation rituals.

Whatever tradition you follow, it is important to know that lightness, joy, truth, purity and emotions translate the essence of what Erê is.

Interested in learning more about these light and energy guides? Here, we explain what Erê is in Umbanda and Candomblé. In addition, you learn how to make an offering to your Erê.

Take the opportunity to learn all about Orunmilá, the Orisha Counselor.

What is Ere?

Photo: Pinterest

Jokes and fun is the meaning of the word Erê in Yoruba and it translates very well the spirit of a child. However, do not think that the Erês are not taken seriously when they appear in the terreiro.

Despite the party and the contagious joy, these enchanted beings appear to balance the energy of the place and convey the message of the ruling Orixá. So, in a very pure way, they can speak the truth bluntly and ask inappropriate questions, typical of an innocent child.

In this way, Erê assumes behaviors and names that represent the Orixá to connect with people. In other words, they symbolize the bridge that unites the Orisha’s unconscious and human consciousness.

Anyway, if you seek to learn what Erê is, know that this guide is the bearer of renewal, transformation, hope and pure love. Its importance is undeniable, therefore, its presence in the terreiro is always celebrated with much festivity.

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Features of Eres:

  • They like to dance and play;
  • They may cry and throw a tantrum;
  • They eat sweets and treats;
  • They bring positive energy to the terreiro;
  • They speak the truth without taboo;
  • They ask important questions, but seen as “inconvenient”;
  • They can assist in passes and rituals;
  • And they convey the message of the Orisha.

The list above is a general description of what Erê is, however, it is important to highlight that there is a difference in the performance of this guide between Umbanda and Candomblé currents. Thus, Erê follows the line of Oxumaré in Umbanda and, in Candomblé, he works as a messenger of the Orixá at the head of the person who invokes him.

But the differences between what Erê is in the two traditions do not stop there. Check out below how religions see this enchanted being.

What is Erê in Umbanda?

The Erês are part of the line of Oxumaré, the rainbow snake that represents fortune and wealth. In this way, the Orisha symbolizes the balance of the Earth’s movement and the path to full happiness.

Therefore, both Erê and Oxumaré work towards renewal to achieve a goal. That’s why, in Umbanda, the children’s guide can participate in rituals, blessings and passes for people who seek the wisdom of the Orisha.

The celebration of the Erês takes place on the day of Saint Cosimo and Damião, the twin saints of the Catholic Church. The two were doctors who used to serve the needy population for free and, when the patients were children, they delivered sweets.

Because of these gestures, the day of Saint Cosme and Damião is celebrated with the offering of sweets and goodies to the Erês, in the Umbanda terreiros.

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To learn more about Cosme and Damião, watch the video below that Mãe Ieda, an specialist, will explain to you:

Names of Erê in Umbanda:

  • Johnny;
  • Hominy;
  • Caboclo Mirim;
  • Zezinho Mariner;
  • nest;
  • Mariazinha;
  • Damiana;
  • Pond;
  • little star;
  • Crispin;
  • Arrow, among others.

The names of the Erês carry the elements of the ruling Orixá, as, for example, Zezinho Marinheiro is ruled by Iemanjá and Lagoinha, by Nanã Buruquê.

What is Erê in Candomblé?

Photo: Pinterest

Compared to Umbanda, Erê in Candomblé is a well-behaved and more “restrained” child. This is because they act as intermediaries between the Orisha and their children, in initiation rituals, transmitting the sacred message.

Because of its importance, it is common to confuse Erê with Ibeji. In fact, Ibeji is an orixá-child represented by two twin deities, so there is syncretism with São Cosme and Damião.

However, the Erês are evolved entities that descend on the Candomblé terreiro to help with the spiritual cleaning of the house and transmit the wisdom of the Orixás. In this way, the presence of Erê is highly respected and admired in the ceremonies.

As the Erê follows the line of the Orixá in the head of the person who invoked him, he receives the name related to the religious entity.

Names of Erês in Candomblé:

  • Conchinha and Maré: Iemanjá;
  • Rain and Rainbow: Oxumaré;
  • Swallow and Arrow: Ochosi;
  • Foguinho and Pinga Fogo: Exu;
  • Gamelinha and Thunderstorm: Xangô;
  • White Pigeon and Caramujinho: Oxalá;
  • Warrior and Sword: Ogun;
  • Raio, Ventania and Tachinho: Iansã;
  • Love and Mirror: Oxum.

Adopting the characteristics of the Candomblecists pantheon, these are just some of the names of Erês, according to his Orixá.

Worship of Ere

If, at this moment, you are wondering “how to know the name of my Erê?”, we guarantee that you are not the only one curious. In fact, it is not possible to find the answer to your question simply, as Erê’s name is very important to his followers.

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There are those who defend the game of whelks to identify Erê. However, many religious believe that it is necessary to incorporate the entity to ask the name of Erê in Umbanda or Candomblé.

How to make offerings to Erê

Even if you don’t know the name of your Erê, you can please the child entity with an offering to Erê, guided by the person in charge of the terreiro.

Offerings to Ere:

  • Bullets;
  • bonbons;
  • popcorn;
  • Cocadas;
  • lollipops;
  • Soft drinks;
  • rattles;
  • Whistles, among other children’s toys.

Step by step:

  1. Prepare two plates with your favorite sweets in an odd number, that is, put 3, 5, 7 or 9 (the amount you prefer);
  2. With two cans of soda, deposit your offering in a children’s playground or in a flower garden;
  3. Then light a pink and a blue candle and place them next to each plate of candy;
  4. Finally, make your request to the Erês and, when it is answered, make another offering to thank them.

Here, you learned what Erê is and what it represents within Umbanda and Candomblé houses. So, you just need to find out the name of your Erê and the Orixá that governs you.

To do this, book an online consultation about the game of buzios with one of the many fathers and mothers of saints available at .

But if you want to kill your curiosity, right now, you can take the quiz “Which Orixá represents you?”. Don’t forget to share your result in the comments below.

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