Home » Dreams & Meanings » What is energy vampirism? The types, how to protect yourself and more!

What is energy vampirism? The types, how to protect yourself and more!

Energy vampirism is a subject that is talked about a lot when studying spirituality, as it is extremely important to have information about it to learn how to protect yourself. Vampires are not like those described in fantasy and do not feed on blood, but on people’s energy and vital fluids.

It is normal, at the beginning of studies, to think that only dark spirits are energy vampires, but this thought is wrong. Anyone who is incarnated on this planet is susceptible to being one of these vampires, consciously or unconsciously, and this is more common than you think.

These beings, or people, suck vitality, joy and dreams from other individuals through addictions, complaining, sex, imitation or envy. This is a very important subject, and you can learn more about energy vampires, what types they are and how to protect yourself from them by reading this article!

To learn how to protect yourself energetically from vampires, you need to understand what energy vampirism is and its symbolism. See some information below!

Energy vampirism is nothing more than a person or a spirit feeding, consciously or unconsciously, on the energy and vital fluids of other individuals through negative feelings, thoughts and attitudes, such as fights, envy and addictions. This type of person cannot be happy in life because he is always vibrating at low frequencies.

She feels bothered by all the bad things that happen to herself and doesn’t believe she deserves happiness. So, she ends up spreading her negativity to those around her. Anyone who allows, even if unconsciously, to have their aura sucked, becomes a victim of the energy vampire.

Your energy is sucked by the vampire, who, consciously or unconsciously, tries to feel good and fill the void he has inside. As a result, the victim begins to vibrate at lower frequencies, becoming more negative towards life, or feels fatigue, exhaustion and even becomes ill.

In addition, other common cases of vampirism are that these people cannot absorb enough vital energy on their own and then end up sucking it from others. This absorption of energy or an individual’s aura occurs when he enters the same attunement as the vampire and, unconsciously, authorizes the absorption of his vitality.

An easy way to find out if you are being sucked in by an energy vampire is to notice if, after being in contact with someone, you feel drained and without energy. But don’t forget that you can also be an energy vampire. Therefore, self-knowledge is extremely important to end this situation.

The idea of ​​these beings or incarnates being represented as vampires is that, as these creatures suck the blood of other people to feed themselves, the energy vampire sucks the energetic, emotional and vital fluids of their victims to stay alive.

The way energy, psychic or emotional vampires absorb energies is through the fifth chakra, also known as the throat chakra, throat chakra or Vishuddha. It is through this chakra that metaphysical communication and connection of the physical person with the spiritual takes place. That is, there is the union of being with the universe.

It is through this connection that energy vampires try to connect with their victims in order to be able to absorb their energies. Therefore, it is not by chance that there is a similarity between fictional vampires who drink blood by the neck and energy vampires, only that the latter suck the vital fluids, leaving their victims weak, tired, without spirit, sick and depressed.

You have to pay a lot of attention to the people around you and with whom you interact, especially those closest to you, whether in the family or in a romantic relationship. Those that are closest are the most dangerous when they become energy vampires.

To avoid an incarnate energy vampire, you need to find out who is sucking your energy and how you are managing to do it. Then, find a way to disconnect the energetic connection with that person, either by moving away, not paying attention to the negative things they say, imposing limits, praying, among other ways.

When it comes to spiritual vampires, the ways to avoid them can be similar, but the focus is on self-knowledge, emotional maturity, discipline and protection of the aura. Not connecting with addictions, news or negative feelings, having more positive thoughts, praying and using amulets and cleaning baths help keep these beings away from you.

There are several types of energy vampires, and each one acts in one or more ways to be able to suck people’s energies and fill the void within themselves. See, in the following topics, the details about each one to identify them and protect yourself!

The flatterer is the famous “ass-handler”, that type of person who keeps giving false praise to someone in particular, softening the victim’s ego. The flattering vampire hopes that his flattery will bring him some material, emotional, or even energetic benefit.

For example, it’s that employee who keeps praising his boss, always speaks highly of his boss and does everything to receive some merit, position, increase or trust. If he can’t get rid of that vampire, he should ignore all the admiration and nice words he says so as not to open up a space in his aura for his energy to be sucked out.

It is difficult for a victimist vampire to assume the consequences and responsibilities of his actions. He will always blame others and believe that everyone hates him. He monopolizes attention, plays the poor thing, tries to show people how weak he is and plays games of manipulation, a common attitude present in emotional dependence.

This behavior comes from his low self-esteem, as he is a person who has not received love, affection and attention. In order not to have your energy sucked and feed the vampire, ignore, do not engage and decrease interaction with the person when you see them blaming someone or manipulating to get attention.

The intimidating vampire is the one who always speaks in an imperative way to intimidate and dominate people, attacking and inhibiting other people’s opinions and preventing others from being able to expose what they think. This type of attitude can make an individual afraid to say what he feels and what he wants.

A tip for dealing with this type of vampire is to maintain a firm and calm posture, without showing fear or restlessness when talking or debating. Remember that no one has the right to control another’s life, and the bully thinks he can get what he wants through fear and threat.

The narcissist is the vampire who acts, unconsciously or consciously, always putting himself first. He is a type of person who manipulates others with charm and, when there is an emotional involvement, acts maliciously behind their backs, causing insecurity and low self-esteem.

It is similar to an abusive relationship, in which the partner emotionally involves you, leaves you dependent and then humiliation, endings and beginnings begin. To get rid of this vampire, limit contact, do not satisfy all his desires and show that your interests are only beneficial to yourself.

The “nice” vampire is the least brazen, as he acts silently and hardly anyone realizes that he is being manipulated or being sucked by him. Their way of acting is emotional, providing everything the other needs to be recognized and valued.

That is, he may always be available for someone, but his help is not genuinely kind, as he wants to fill a void and receive attention. When he doesn’t get what he wants, he charges and blames the person for not giving him what he wanted. So, be careful who passes for a “nice person”.

The lack of love during childhood and adolescence and the difficulty in dealing with real life problems make the person end up becoming a melodramatic vampire. Thus, his reality revolves around dramatic and fictional situations. The person always appears with new problems and dramas, mainly related to family or love.

They may also look for crises, illnesses or conflicts to gain people’s attention or to feel important, as they want to fill a void they have. Therefore, pay attention to how the vampire acts trying to involve you in their problems, do not take the pain of others as your own and avoid getting involved in their chaotic situations.

The seductive vampire may look like the sycophant, but this one tries to make the other feel powerful through sexuality. The partner may think that he is very good in bed, but he is being deceived so that he can have his energy sucked through sex, because sexual energy is more intense and powerful.

Because of this, you have to be very careful when having sex with someone, especially casual ones, in which the partner disappears after getting what he wanted. So, choose people who are sure of themselves, who don’t need to praise or diminish their sexuality and who treat you with respect and affection.

In the list of energy vampires, the hypochondriac can be like the dramatic one, as he has a new illness every day or says that his stomach ache is a cancer, and is always increasing small discomforts, as if it were a huge suffering. This drama is a way to get people’s attention, arousing concern.

When realizing that the individual is trying to draw attention to himself, making drama with an illness or even a simple cold, don’t give too much string to what he says. Help care for the person at home or take them to the doctor if necessary.

Identifying a helpless vampire can be tricky, as there are people who really need help, and it’s hard to know when you’re telling the truth. This vampire asks for help with any problem or task, even if he knows how to solve his questions.

However, you don’t have to stop helping people because you think you might be dealing with an energy vampire. Help, but do it with the awareness that others need to learn to solve their own problems. Don’t stop taking care of yourself and don’t embrace third party problems as if they were your own.

The judgmental vampire is one who has very low self-esteem and cannot see other people getting along. So he starts treating others like…

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